Doing Murph on Monday!! Will be my first time. I'm actually nervous....
I totally understand what it's like to work full time, take care of four kids and have a busy schedule. For me that's part of the reason I'm enjoying crossfit so much. It's MY time. My kids may be younger, 10, 7, 7 and 7, and they aren't involved in too much, yet, but I still need time away. I do have to take them sometimes, but the child care is free and my 4 kids love going. If I had to pay 150 per month, I doubt I would go either. Luckily I only pay $75 per month for unlimited access. It's 12 miles away, which isn't too bad. I've met some really great like minded people, which is also a bonus. Even though I love Cathe workouts, I felt stagnant and ready for a change due to issues within myself. It's been one of the most positive experiences in recent times for me and to me that is a victory.
As far as injuries go, Cathe has taught me so much in regard to proper form. I know how important it is and it's always in the back of my mind. I have seen a lot of terrible form at the box, but in the end, you're responsible for learning proper technique and always using it.
And addressing the fact that it's hard on your joints...definitely not anymore so than a HiiT workout by Cathe.
I know crossfit isn't for everyone and there are many negative attitudes towards it, but I'm glad I didn't let the negativity affect me and went with my gut in making my decision to join a box.
I will never leave Cathe, tho! She is and will always be top dog in my book!
She meant 1, lol. Did it today and finished! 61 mins. Horrible time, but I finished and for that I am truly proud.
I like the concept of Crossfit, but my experience was not the best when I tried it out for one month in Jan. It was a 20 min drive to the gym & I chose to go to the 5AM slot since traffic would be lighter. There was one trainer there drinking coffee & standing around. She showed me some of the exercises I wasn't familiar with & then I was on my own. One WOD I was done in 17 minutes. I was kinda like, that's it? I figured there would be more camaraderie but I was left alone other than my first visit. I love the idea of pushing myself but definitely did not feel the connection. Hoping it was just this gym I was at.
She meant 1, lol. Did it today and finished! 61 mins. Horrible time, but I finished and for that I am truly proud.
That's awesome. Congrats!
I need to ask you Shannon, have you done front barbell squats yet? If so, how do you place your hands? (underneath or crossed). I'm going to most likely be starting Nia Shank's 15 Week Muscle Sculpting Program (a PDF file) in month or so, and it has a lot of basic Crossfit type compound moves, like the front barbell squat. Also, how do you place your feet? (slightly outwards or directly in front).
Just wanted to update anyone who is interested.
Have you ever started something and it ends up being life-changing? Crossfit, along with eating to perform (ETP) have been this for me. What started out as a change in working out due to boredom has ended up as a very personal journey for me.
I started crossfit in April because I just needed something different. I knew within the first week of real workouts that I was addicted. It was a big step for me to go somewhere to workout where other people would be watching me. I'm very much introverted. But I've come to realize that no one is "watching" you, they are there supporting you, encouraging you, making you better. There's nothing like being able to put 150lbs on your back and deep squat it 5x, or taking a 105lb barbell and pushing it over your chest. It has made me feel empowered and made me realize that not only am I strong physically, but mentally as well. After struggling for so many years with body image and feeling fat and ugly, I'm slowly coming out of that. After many years of eating 1500 calories a day, I now realize that has not only made me weak, but perpetuated my poor mental status. Through crossfit I have learned to love my body and what it can do and have realized it needs to be fed!! Yesterday I ate 2300 calories/98g fat/203g carbs and guess what, the scale was down 1.5lbs this morning. The best part is, is that the number on the scale isn't important to me anymore. When I first started to feed my body by upping calories, I did gain a few lbs because my body was fed! My cells were full. Now that my body knows I'm going to feed it every day with lots of whole foods and calories and fat and carbs, it is showing the results. I have more definition now after 3 months of crossfit than I have had in my life and I weigh about 10lbs more than I did 3 years ago.
So to those that are so against crossfit because everyone gets injured, I say you're just uneducated about the sport. The only injury I have gotten is a scraped up shin from a missed 20 inch box jump, which anyone could get from missing their step at home. I lift with proper form first and foremost and I'm not out to beat the next person. I'm doing this all for me. To finally love myself. This is what crossfit has been for me.
Still love Cathe, tho!!