So I came to a realization yesterday that I am sick and tired of counting calories. I came to this realization when I was weighing my piece of bread and then cutting off a small sliver of it just to get the nutritional value down to fit into my daily needs.
I figured that I could eat 87.5% of the slice, so I measured the slice, multiplied the number of grams in the slice by .875 and then proceeded to cut of small slivers until I reached that number!!!! Is that crazy?!?!
I have been tracking every morsel I put in my mouth for the last 2 1/2 years!
I know it has helped me lose weight and stay healthy but I don't want to live like this anymore. And I shouldn't have to!
I know there are people out there that can intuitively eat what their body needs when they need it and maintain a healthy lifestyle in the process. All while not over doing it!!! My question is how do they do it?!!
If anyone has gone from a calorie counter to being able to eat intuitively without undoing their health, please share your tips with me!!!
I have ordered Intuitive Eating from Amazon but that won't be delivered until next week.
I am just fed up with spending so much time trying to count my calories and figure out what size portions will work within my daily budget. I feel like I am missing out on life! I actually estimated that I probably spend at a minimum 6 hours a week making sure that I am setting my daily budget appropriately based on my weight and then figuring out a weekly plan that will work with that daily budget. That is almost 1 hour a day that I could be spending with my family but instead I am obsessing over whether I am getting enough or too many calories, am I getting appropriate amounts of protein, carbs, and fat, am I making sure that I am eating 5 times a day and is the calorie breakdown of those 5 meals staggered appropriately to fit my workout schedule.
This is not healthy and I am probably causing myself more harm by stressing about these things then if I could just learn to listen to my body.
Any help is greatly appreciated!!
I have been tracking every morsel I put in my mouth for the last 2 1/2 years!
I know there are people out there that can intuitively eat what their body needs when they need it and maintain a healthy lifestyle in the process. All while not over doing it!!! My question is how do they do it?!!
If anyone has gone from a calorie counter to being able to eat intuitively without undoing their health, please share your tips with me!!!
I have ordered Intuitive Eating from Amazon but that won't be delivered until next week.
I am just fed up with spending so much time trying to count my calories and figure out what size portions will work within my daily budget. I feel like I am missing out on life! I actually estimated that I probably spend at a minimum 6 hours a week making sure that I am setting my daily budget appropriately based on my weight and then figuring out a weekly plan that will work with that daily budget. That is almost 1 hour a day that I could be spending with my family but instead I am obsessing over whether I am getting enough or too many calories, am I getting appropriate amounts of protein, carbs, and fat, am I making sure that I am eating 5 times a day and is the calorie breakdown of those 5 meals staggered appropriately to fit my workout schedule.
This is not healthy and I am probably causing myself more harm by stressing about these things then if I could just learn to listen to my body.
Any help is greatly appreciated!!