I bought this b/c so many people have raved about her here & I'm really desperate for some new cardio, but I feel like I just flushed $20+ down the toilet. I don't know why Collage tags this as intermediate/advanced. It should be beginner/intermediate. I barely broke a sweat. Plus the workouts are just plain boring. And her form--OMG! All her talk about keeping good form, hers is mediocre at best! Her kicks are awful--they're almost straight-legged, & her punches have no power at all behind them. Bad form has never really bothered me in the past b/c I can just focus on my own, but I think the fact that she kept mentioning it annoyed me since hers was so poor. I wonder if she's ever even had any formal KB or martial arts training? It appears not. 
Maybe I'm hyper-critical b/c I'm so used to Cathe's & Tracey's grace, amazing form & high intensity. I'm def. giving this one away, & won't waste anymore money on KCM's DVDs.
Maybe I'm hyper-critical b/c I'm so used to Cathe's & Tracey's grace, amazing form & high intensity. I'm def. giving this one away, & won't waste anymore money on KCM's DVDs.