How Much Glycogen Can Your Body Store?

Glycogen is a form of carbohydrate that your body stores in your muscles and liver. During exercise, especially high-intensity exercise, muscles tap into this storage form of sugar to produce ATP, the energy currency muscles need to contract. Glycogen is constructed of long chains of glucose held together by bonds called glycosidic bonds.

Muscles and liver are the primary organs that make glycogen from glucose and store it for later use, although your kidneys and intestines do so to a lesser degree. Your liver has the unique ability to break down glycogen and release the glucose into the bloodstream when your body runs low on glucose. Your muscles, however, lack the enzyme needed to do this.

Why is glycogen important? Muscle glycogen is a major fuel source your body taps in to during exercise, especially high-intensity exercise. During low to moderate-intensity exercise, your muscles primarily use fat as fuel, but as exercise intensity increases, you can’t mobilize fat quickly enough to meet your body’s energy demands. So, muscle cells break down stored glycogen to glucose and glucose is used to make ATP, the energy currency that muscles need during exercise.

As mentioned, glycogen is a preferred fuel source during high-intensity exercise. Once you reach an exercise intensity above 70% of V02 max, your body preferentially burns carbs in the form of glycogen over fat, although it continues to burn fat as well. At most times, you’re using a mixture of carbs and fat as a fuel source and, to a much lesser degree, protein. But, without adequate muscle glycogen, performance during high-intensity exercise, especially explosive, power moves, may be compromised.

So, if you have a high-intensity workout planned, you want enough glycogen stored in your muscles to maximize your performance. How much glycogen can your body save up and store to use during exercise and how much can you boost your glycogen stores in preparation for exercise?

Glycogen Storage

Unless you’re fasting or unless you’ve just completed a long and exhausting exercise session, your muscles already contain varying amounts of glycogen. How much?  A well-nourished person that weighs 80 kilograms stores, on average, about 500 grams of glycogen, although you can boost this even more by eating a carbohydrate-rich diet. Since each gram of glucose can be converted to 4 kilocalories of usable energy, this equates to 2,000 calories of stored energy. Of this, around 400 grams, or 1,600 calories, are in your muscles and about 100 grams, or 400 calories of glycogen, are stored in your liver.

So, muscles store their own fuel in the form of glycogen and the liver provides an additional source of glycogen that can be converted to glucose. In fact, your body can store a fair amount of glycogen, enough to fuel a 20 to 30 mile run at a moderate intensity, but there is a limit to how much glycogen you can store. Glycogen holds onto water and water has weight. If you could store unlimited quantities of glycogen, you would eventually weigh too much to get around! Once glycogen stores are maximized, extra macronutrients, mainly carbohydrates and fat, are stored as fat. You have an almost unlimited ability to store fat. That’s not what you wanted to hear, right?

The Role of Diet in Glycogen Storage

How much glycogen is in your muscles and liver at any one time is closely related to your diet and how much-stored glycogen you burn off through exercise. If you eat a high carbohydrate diet and consume enough calories, you maximize your glycogen stores. Yet, fasting for as little as a day can greatly reduce your muscle and liver stores of glycogen. When this happens, your body is dependent on fat as a fuel source, as well as ketone bodies produced by the rapid breakdown of fat.

On the other hand, eating a very high carbohydrate diet for a few days will almost double your body’s baseline glycogen stores to the point that they reach maximum capacity. Studies show most people can store a maximum of 15 grams of glycogen per kilogram of body mass. So, an 80-kilogram person can hoard a maximum of around 1,200 kilograms of glycogen under optimal conditions. That’s not insignificant since 1,200 grams of glycogen is equivalent to 4,800 calories of energy.

Exercise, of course, depletes glycogen stores and how quickly you deplete it depends on the intensity of your workouts. As mentioned, you might be able to run a distance of 30 miles at a moderate intensity before you empty your glycogen stores. But, if you do a very high-intensity workout, you could drain your muscle glycogen stores in as little as an hour. Of course, this depends on how full your glycogen stores were when you started.

Some people try to deplete their glycogen stores by fasting or exercise prior to indulging in a big meal, for example, on Thanksgiving Day. When your glycogen stores drop, insulin sensitivity increases. This makes it possible, in theory, to consume more carbohydrates without gaining body fat. The carbohydrates will go toward replenishing your muscle and liver glycogen stores. That’s not necessarily a healthy approach though.

Carb Loading

Athletes manipulate their glycogen stores as well by carb loading before a big event. Since we know glycogen stores help boost performance during vigorous exercise and reduce fatigue, someone participating in a race wants as much glycogen stored in their muscles as possible. To do this, they first try to lower their muscle glycogen stores about a week before the event through exercise and by eating a low-carb diet. This boosts levels of an enzyme called glycogen synthase that synthesizes new glycogen. Then, 3 days before the event, they switch to a high-carb diet of around 60% carbs daily to maximize glycogen stores before a race. Studies show this works only for intense aerobic activities that are at least an hour in duration. There’s little benefit to using this technique for shorter races and events. So, boosting muscle glycogen offers some benefit for intense, longer duration exercise.

The Bottom Line

Now, you know why glycogen is so important for optimal exercise performance during high-intensity exercise of longer duration. You don’t have an unlimited ability to build up glycogen, but you can stockpile it by carb loading before an event.



Exercise Physiology. Nutrition, Energy, and Human Performance. Eighth edition. McArdle, Katch, and Katch. (2015)
J Physiol. 2013 Sep 15; 591(Pt 18): 4405–4413.
Effects of Carb Loading on High-Performance Athletics. Ali Mueller, Amelia Reek, Josh Schantzen.


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Refueling After a Workout: Your Muscles Are Screaming for Glycogen

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7 Responses

  • thanks for your useful tips 🙂
    In this article, there is a wrong sentence:
    (So, an 80-kilogram person can hoard a maximum of around 1,200 kilograms of glycogen under optimal conditions. That’s not insignificant since 1,200 kilograms of glycogen is equivalent to 4,800 calories of energy.)
    It should be 1200 grams, not 1200 kilograms!! Its not reasonable.

    best regards

  • As Hoda pointed out, it’s quote a mistake to confuse g with kg. In fact much of this article is complete nonsense. My gues is “Cath” hasn’t a clure what she’s writing about!

  • Great article. How ever I really doubt that somebody would run 30 miles at moderate intensity using only the glucose stored in the body.
    30 miles at moderate intensity could be someone running at 9 min per mile pace. That’s 4 hours and 30 min running nonstpot without injesting any new carbs? Very unlikely.

    Please comment.

  • Good article, really like it.

    I was under the impression that 15g of glycogen per kilogram body weight, with a 80kg man resulted in 1,200 Kcal?

  • chrisgg says:
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    Thanks for the article, The basic things are well explained. However, I would make some points that have not been considered. The important thing for a runner is the total glycogen in the leg muscles, not in all the muscles. The other muscles are not likely to be depleted of glycogen in a marathon, though of course they are used to a degree. The same is true of a cyclist. In a swimmer, then the arm and shoulder muscles would be as important as the leg muscles. I’ve seen it estimated that the leg muscles are about 50% of the total body muscle. Stored glycogen cannot be transferred out of one muscle to another muscle if needed; it can only be used where it was originally stored. You talk about the total muscle glycogen as it if it were all available for use in powering a runner. Your basic figure of 400g of glycogen in total muscle immediately becomes a more relevant ~200g in leg muscle (in a person who has not specifically carb loaded). That instantly halves the distance that a runner could last before depleting glycogen in the legs. So your 20 to 30 mile guess becomes 10 to 15 miles….not good for a marathon. The second point is that not all the energy required for distance running comes from glycogen and carbohydrates by a long way. A lot of it comes from fats and fatty acids. The slower the pace of running, the greater the proportion of fats that are likely to be used. Top elite marathon runners are doing around 5 min/mi for a little over 2 hours and will be using a high proportion of carbs but still significant amounts of fat. In contrast, the average runner going round at 10 min/mi for over 4 hours might be using roughly equal amounts of carbs and fat in terms of calories (a rough guess based on articles I have read). Then again a slower runner going round at 14 min/mi (not much more than a quick walk) is likely to be using quite a lot more fats than carbs. So, despite taking around 6 hours, they might not use any more carbs than an elite runner. As a whole, these factors suggest that an average runner (50% carbs and 50% fats) could double the distance that they would last before depleting carbs, compared with assuming they were using all carbs. Of course, if that same average runner was taking carb gels on board throughout the marathon (perhaps unnecessarily), that would inhibit the use of fats.