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Cathe Ripped with HiiT Back,Biceps & Shoulders + Awesome Intervals Mindy Milrea . TM 40m 3.7 + Cathe STS Ab Circuits weights and plates
Wu Energy Action Circuit & wu Step Jam 12m + Tae Bo Live Adv Billy Blanks legs only 20m (I put 4lb ankle weights & went slower) + Cathe STS Yoga-inspired ABS Circuit 18m + Step 2 it Grace Lazenby TM 3.7 33m
Cathe Ripped with HiiT Lift it HiiT it Legs (entire dvd is squats & lunges) TM 4.0 30m + Abs pt 2
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I’m considering purchasing Cathe’s Ripped With HIIT Series. There seem to be a lot of ways to use it.
STS disc 14 Legs I did matwork w 4lb anklewts after 2 sets of squats, lunges & pliees + Body by Jake Abs w/o 2 +CIA1007 wu + CIA1006 pt1 Low Impact Charles Little & pt2 Brenda+CIA1005 stretch
X-Train Tabatacise 1-5 after 1st Tabata I Treadmill(bc my knees) between 3.5 and 5.0 30-sec sprints. First time in my life I had drops of perspiration dripping from my body. + Body by Jake Abba Dabbas Abs w/o 1.
Upper Body Energy Sprint K. Voight+Ab attack stabilization
T.Muse+Best Hi-Lo Journey Andre Houle+Cathe stretch only X-Train CSB...great short stretch
STS disc 13 Chest, Should, &Tri + Body Bar Hardcore Abs & Back Keli Roberts 30m + Creative Steps 2 Tim Culwell TM 38m 3.7
Wu from Cathe STS disc 14 + squats&lunges 8m + 8 min Buns Jaime Brenkus, I rewind and do inner,outer legs & calves w 4lb ankle weights while watching them again+
Lethal Abs Adv section led by Michael 10m This ab wo is just the kind I like(crunches, obliques etc.).
Lean Body ST Gay Gasper Upper Body 31m + Abs +Step Jam Club Cardio Tim Culwell TM 40m 3.7 I used light weights 4 my back.
Today I went to mom's house to dye and wash her hair.
Even with all this time off, I never seem to have enough time for everything!