You're the first to know...I'm engaged!


Hi everyone,

I just got back from a wonderful trip to Disneyland where my boyfriend proposed to me! It was on the balcony of the Disney Gallery (above Pirates of the Caribbean) in New Orleans Square -- very romantic. We are huge Disneyland fans and try to go every year, so this was extra special.

I wanted share the news in-person with my parents before I told my friends, but I didn't think it was cheating to tell you here!

I was so excited to get my Body Blast DVDs the day before we left for Disney, but now I'm especially thankful because now I have a whole new reason to get in shape! (Thank you Cathe!! :) )
FELICITACIONES - CONGRATULATIONS!!!! on your engagement!! Such happy news - so much to do - plans, plans and more plans - LOL.

Just remember (from a mom who's been through this with 3 daughters!), don't get stressed out - breathe slowly - and if your uncle's next door neighbor's second cousin comes to your wedding wearing a pastel suit with a ruffled shirt - don't worry - just smile and enjoy!!!

Take care,

That is awesome!! I am too...we got engaged on Sep. 30th!! Have you thought about a date yet? Ours is Oct. 16, 2004.

I also want to tell you that I've been hooked on ever since. You will find such great ideas and also they have local message boards! You can go to your city's forum and find great advice from other knotties.

Congratulations and best wishes!! :)
Oh that sounds so wonderful!
So what time of year are you both planning to say your "I Do's"

Congratulations... :)
>That is awesome!! I am too...we got engaged on Sep. 30th!!
>Have you thought about a date yet? Ours is Oct. 16, 2004.
>I also want to tell you that I've been hooked on
> ever since.

Thanks, everyone, for the good wishes!

Danielle, congratulations to you, too! And thanks for the info on I will certainly take a look at that site. No, we haven't thought about a date yet, or any details for that matter, except how and when to tell family and friends.

I will be seeing my family at Christmas, but I sort of wanted to wait until our family trip in early January, just my parents, brothers and our significant others. Christmas is always kind of hectic with all the extended families, and also a cousin of mine made his wedding announcement at Christmas last year, so I didn't want to feel like I was following in his footsteps, so to speak.

I worry a little about the weirdness of not telling everyone until January, but I just thought it'd be special to announce it in a more intimate setting.

I know I've got a lot of planning and decisions ahead of me. If I think about it too much I'm liable to have a panic attack! :7
>Oh that sounds so wonderful!
>So what time of year are you both planning to say your "I
>Congratulations... :)

Thanks! I have no idea about the BIG DATE, yet. Unfortunately, money will be a big consideration since I recently moved to a new area this year and am still looking for a job. My parents will help, I'm sure, but I'm a very practical person and do not want to break anyone's bank.

In fact, I may seriously start a new thread at some point to inquire about Cathe-ites' weddings and elopements, just to get some ideas!
That is great! Thanks for sharing with us. We won't say a peep![/img]
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Congratulations! It sounds like a very romantic way to get engaged!

All the best to the both of you. Now we get to follow the wedding plans - yippee!!
>That's great! What a nice place to get engaged! Where did you
>two meet?

We met in the mid-1990's at our workplace. An "office" romance can be a little tricky, though it didn't last long because he left to go to grad school. We had bit of a rocky start because of problems we had with a psychotic ex-girlfriend of his who just wouldn't let him go. (I won't even open that can of worms; just the memory of her harassment makes me angry x( )

Anyway, things have been going great in the last 4 or 5 years we've been steadily dating. We are both comfortable and happy at this point to take it to the "next level"!
Congratulations! What an exciting time!

I had a similar situation when I got engaged - a big family reunion was scheduled immediately after my hubby proposed. Like you, I thought I would wait to announce it until we had an immediate family gathering.

Unfortunately, this was a mistake. A cousin's wife spotted my ring and asked about it in front of everyone. I was surprised at how hurt my mother was that the news came out in this manner. I'd do things differently if I had known. Just wanted to share that with you in case you want to reconsider...

Yes, I keep going back and forth on my decision. Thank you for sharing your story. I'm sorry to hear that your mother was hurt. I hope she later understood the reason for your announcement delay.

For me, at least I don't have an official engagement ring yet to spill the beans. My fiance ("fiance"!) gave me a beautiful what he called "proposal" ring, knowing that I would want us to look for an engagement ring together. Actually, we then found one at the estate jewelry store in Disneyland; the owner agreed to bring it to their store up in San Francisco so that we could think on it some more, and to look at their other selections. The bummer is that money is really tight for us right now, so my ring will probably be on layaway for a good long time! I don't mind so much, though, because in the long term I will have something really special to cherish.
Brides on a Budget!

Hi snowbee!

Just wanted to let you know again that on you can make your own budget. Just put in there how much you want to spend and it will plan your budget for you. Also, if you go on the message boards there (Especially your local city's boards) you will get the best ideas ever for how much you want to spend and what other brides did to make their weddings beautiful on a budget.

Here is a link to the "Local Wedding Talk" boards. Just click on your city under your state, and you will get all of the answers to all of your questions. I cannot believe how much info I got from my city's board. I have almost everything booked already and even have my dress picked out. ;) There are a ton of brides who have beautiful weddings with small budgets. The knot is great and it even gives you a to-do check off list for all your planning.

Here is the link ---> :D

P.S. A lot of the knotties end up making "Community Bios" with their pictures and ideas. I LOVE checking out other people's bios. I finally got around to making one myself. Here is the link to my bio:

(Link to my knot community bio) :D
RE: Brides on a Budget!

Congratulations! I hope and pray this is just the beginning of a wonderful journey together for the two of you. Yippee!

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