You're the first to know...I'm engaged!

RE: Brides on a Budget!

Thanks for the great suggestion, Danielle! I liked looking at your bio; what a great-looking couple you two make :). I think your wedding and bridesmaid dresses are gorgeous. I'm still so stunned that I'm engaged that it hadn't even occured to me that I can actually start looking through those enormous bridal magazines and stuff! I'm feeling a little overwhelmed already, but theknot looks like a great place to start. Thanks again!
RE: Brides on a Budget!

You are very welcome!!

If you're bored and want to check out some wedding dresses online...check out

Also, this book "Bridal Bargains" was featured on Oprah and it has awesome tips for saving money and getting the best deals, from your dress to your flowers to everything. It's great. This is also how I found out about theknot and bridesave.

Link to book:

I hope I'm not overwhelming you. Just take your time and when you're ready to start looking and planning, you'll have all this info.

Have Fun!!! :D
RE: Brides on a Budget!

No, you're not overwhelming me. I love researching stuff anyway, and what better thing to do research on than my own wedding!

I will definitely consider buying that "Bridal Bargains" book; I am a big Amazon customer anyway and that title sounds familiar (okay, I admit that I have read reviews on various wedding books a couple of years ago - but I have yet to buy and read them!).

I hope I will have as much fun as you seem to be having :) !
RE: Brides on a Budget!

How wonderful!!! congratulations. the wonderful thing about a special engagement is that you will always have that great memory. I still smile when I think about my husband proposing to me on Valentines day 9 years ago. It makes that day extra special for us, almost like we have 2 anniversaries, Valentines day and our actual wedding anniversary.

Remember, its YOUR and YOUR Fiancee's day and don't let anyone try and take over the planning :)

Enjoy this special time. I just gave birth to my 4th child 2 weeks ago and my engagement seems like eons ago but your post make me smile thinking about that special day.

I'm sure your wedding will be just perfect!

RE: Brides on a Budget!

Hi Marci,

Thanks for the warm wishes, and congratulations on the new addition to your family! I have a friend who had her first baby on December 9, which must've been around the same time as your child's birth. It sounds like you and your husband have a special family; it makes me happy that my post reminded you of your very special Valentine's Day!

I plan to make the effort to enjoy this time in my life, no matter how stressful it might get. I hope to be able to look back on this coming year with fond memories. Thanks again!

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