Your favorite Cathe phrases.....

The evil laugh during bicep curls, in ME, cracks me up...or it would if I wasn't hurting so bad at that point.:p

I love it in IMAX2 when, after interval 9, Cathe dances around and says, "We are *so* glad that's over!". I always dance around with her. :7
Does anyone understand WHAT Cathe is saying in "Step Heat," which sounds something like "boy boy boy boy boy boy b..."?
I like one during the Slow and Heavy Series where she says something to the effect of

"Are you still with me?", "you didn't pause your VCR and go make popcorn or anything?"

I think that one is so cute. Although, at about that time, food would really make me throw up. But the break idea is tempting!

I like them all too, but I like "bend over with a flat chest" in MIS, "use an arm substitute" in Imax2, and "let's stay single" in ME.
I-Max The Original:
"I should be able to fit a soccer ball under your feet! Okay . . . maybe a baseball. . . . Maybe a golfball? . . . by this time a marble!"


"Huh-UPPPP! HOOOOO!" in Interval #3

I-Max 2:
"Ah-DUM!" on that V-step in (I think) Interval 10 aerobic segment

Power Hour:
"It's a break - not a VACATION }( !"

My new favorite quote is from KPC when Cathe says "let's just march -- no not done.. you didn't hear that." But my other memorable quotes are:

Pyramid Upper Body during the bicep segment "I think I'm having an outer body experience."

I think from Leaner Legs or Power Circuits when Cathe's doing front lunges and asks "how many more.. and when she gets the answer she says "thank you" and it seems like she really wants to say something else --- I know I do!! ;-)
Something like

"Are you ready for this today"? "There's only one answer, and that is yes"

Cathe Bootcamp

I like all the ones noted so far! I can't remember which workout it is from but Cathe says something like:
"that feels good...well, no I lied...
She is such a sweetheart though and I love working out with her every day:D
I love the phrase she says in one of the IMAX workouts, I think its IMAX2 where she says, "I know you're tired, but jump HIGHER!" LOL!
Debbie in OH
When we lived in a basement appt,I would always do aerobics in our tiny place and my DH(was DB at the time) use to laugh when I would do IMAX and during the plie squats she says "fire in the thighs" and he still laughs at it now.I also like "whatever floats your boat".
Also in BM she says "this song makes me feel like I am on a tropical island".I always thought it would be appropriate for her to say "we are sweating like we are on one!"
Another one I thought of is in ME near the end of either the lunge or squat sequence... "Oh, but it's a FRIENDLY burn!"

Ahem. No such thing Cathe.
I like,

"I love the color of this ball, it makes me feel like I'm at the beach!"

It's from one of the Intensity series, not sure which. It cracks me up everytime!
My all time favorite is in Slow and Heavy Back during one of the breaks. I am super pumped, feeling mean and tough and Cathe says... "Don't they look good in green. I told them they would." I just have to crack up. She is busting my butt and she still has time to talk fashion!!!!

Debbie R.
My favorite in Body Blast, I think it's Push/Pull, "I hope you're getting your balls out!!" There's also another one, I can't remember which, where she says, "I'm not that cruel." I say to myself, "Oh, but you are, but it works me out so good!!"
What a great thread. I have to agree with the ones already listed, but one my fav's is now for those nasty low ends, I have to agree with her. She just somehow keeps us going through the tough parts, bless her heart.

I just did Legs and Glutes for the first time yesterday. At the end, during floor work, a song comes on and the singer is singing "It's a wonderful life" and Cathe says, "Oh, yeah, it's a wonderful life especially since we're almost done with this workout...."

Very cute!

:) :) :)
From Cario Kicks-"was that sweat I just saw flyin' by?!" I thought that one was cute.

And in the same video how shes playful with the two guys telling them to come up front so everyone can see...(can ya blame her? lol)

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