Your favorite body parts?


After wincing over a few of my RT photos, and seeing a couple of other people not happy with theirs, I decided to start thinking about the things that I do like about my body rather than those I don't. So let's hear it, people: What is your favorite body part?

I like the way my shoulders are shaping up. When my arms are down at my sides, they look just fine, but when I flex my muscles, I love the way they suddenly look so toned. I am also happy about my upper abs. I never thought I'd be able to see definition there.

Tell us what body part you're most proud of! Or more than one part! No whining or complaining allowed!
I'm very proud of my legs. They're toned, and strong looking, and nicely shaped. My butt is pretty nice too, if I do say so myself - LOL! It's lifted and round from years and years of lower body work.

I am working my legs very hard these days, and it is definitely paying off!! I like my legs, shoulders are looking pretty nice, and I love chest work (but can't really see those muscles, but my rack is pretty nice, I think;)).

In addition, I think I have pretty hair and eyes.

Great thread!!
My wrist bones (the knobby part), my collar bone, and the hollow at the base of my throat. Goofy, yes, but when I was way overweight I never knew they existed!!! And my boo-tay!!!

I'm going to have to give a vote to my belly!
I am growing a REAL PERSON in there! What a miracle!
It can be so easy to look in the mirror and see the areas that are gaining the maternal fat stores for nursing, but Blast it! I'm making a baby!
I get to have company with me wherever I go. AND I don't have to lug it in a car seat or change its diapers...yet! What a bonus!
And at RT I got my belly rubbed by everybody more than Aladdin's lamp!

Thanks Jodi! And you look fab, btw!
Thanks Kate! I like your belly too! I was always so amazed at how firm my belly was while pregnant. It really is amazing to be growing a little person in there!
Ok, let me try again...I have nice calves, one of them is smaller and less defined then the other due to my hip arthritis and limp I had for years, but they look awesome in heels.

I do like my lips and eyes, I have naturally long lashes top and bottom, and I have nice full lips with a nice shape to them. I also have good bone structure nice cheekbones, got them from mom.

I only like my arms when my bodyfat is lower, then they are really defined, but when my bodyfat isn't as low, I feel like they just look big. Crap, I wasn't supposed to do that was I ?
I am proud of my shoulders and my biceps/triceps. Fierce! Also my legs & glutes are much more toned and my abs are getting well defined.
Wow! That felt great. I should do that more often. :)
I actually like a lot of my parts. One nice change though ~ I used to hate my small chest. Back in high school, when everyone else was developing nicely, I stayed an A cup and hated it. Even when I was pregnant, my breasts didn't do much. I made a rather negative comment towards my gynecologist, who told me, "You'll be happy when you're older." Yeah, sure.

He was right. I'm close to 40, and my breasts finally look the way they probably should have back when I was 17. In addition, I had a small breast cancer scare back in April, which really shook me up. I was instantly grateful for my Barely Bs.

I'll never have healthy cleavage, but I'm well proportioned and perky. :D It's about time, darnit!
I like the way my abs are starting to look more defined no 6 pack but you can see some lines :p I like my shoulders and back too.
i like my shoulders/arms and starting to love my upper back. i think although being a VERY pear shape, i have great calves. if i had any interest in wearing heels i bet they would look great with a pair of pumps ;)

He was right. I'm close to 40, and my breasts finally look the way they probably should have back when I was 17. In addition, I had a small breast cancer scare back in April, which really shook me up. I was instantly grateful for my Barely Bs.

I'll never have healthy cleavage, but I'm well proportioned and perky. :D It's about time, darnit!

believe me the grass isn't greener LOL. shoulder pain, extra money spent on special sizes(in lynchburg they don't think women with D cups wear a 34-36 :confused: ), the CONSTANT degrading cat calls(once about knocked my FIL's friend out of his chair b/c he was doing it in front of my daughter). OMG never mind TRYING to find a functional bathing suit top in my size. so tired of having to buy separate pieces. why could i just keep the family's big hips i am okay with that LOL. the smaller sizes seem to be the ones on clearance anyway LOL.

ITA - Great thread. One of my goals is to be more postitive about my body; which is definitely a work in progress. I like my back and my arms are starting to look nice. My butt is more lifted than it used to be! :D
My hamstring muscles have been round and shapely since I was a toddler, whether I exercise or not. I can't take credit for it, because I was born with 'em, but I do find myself admiring them in the mirror! :eek: Can I say that?

Nan, I totally relate to your comment about your collarbone. I couldn't see mine when I was younger, and I envied women with pronounced clavicles. Now I have one too! :) I understand how you feel.
What a great thread!

It's funny because I have never had a good body image, even in college when I was probably my thinnest (although not my healthiest). I have always HATED my legs and my behind with a vengence. Until two years ago, the only thing that I could truthfully say I liked about my body was my small waist.

That has all changed after finding fitness and clean eating. It is a miracle how much more positive I feel about myself and how much more kind I feel toward my body. I can honestly say that there's not a part of my body I'm not proud of, simply because of how strong it has become and what I have learned it is capable of. I'm not saying I'm a perfect 10. Far from it. But what I've learned is that that's not the point. I truly enjoy being in my body now. Only took 40 years to get here!

The biggest miracle of all happened last Friday. I was standing in the ladies room at work and there's a full length mirror. I was adjusting my shirt and as I turned to walk out of the restroom, I caught a glance of my rear in the mirror and thought, completely out of the blue, "I have a nice butt." Never, ever, EVER in my life would I have thought that I would ever think that. But here I am, and it feels great!
Im really liking the shape and hardcore definition my shoulders ar taking (well, from the front at least).. I still have a lot of catching up to do with the rears hee..
Im working so hard on bringing up my back too and Im liking that from most angles :D
Im working even HARDER on getting some lower body strength and my thighs are coming along great (especially the outter sweep).. I can't wait to ge toff this bulk and start leaning out to see what Ive REALLY accomplished!

I get the whole "Barely B's" thing.. I barely fill my A's :::blush:::
Im not ashamed either, I wear pushup bras so I look proportionate (but when in a swimsuit of course the jig is up and everyone knows the LIES lol!!)
I look at it this way.. they may not very big, however if they can't hang now, they can't hang then :)

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