Your Fashion Pet Peeves

I hope I don't offend anyone. I see a lot of this. Grown women wearing Winnie the Pooh clothing. Shirts, overalls,etc.
Ok, about piercings. There is this girl at a fast food restaurant where we go that has her lower lip pierced. NOT with a ring, but with a...I guess you'd call it a bar with a ball on each end. Pierced HORAZONTALLY not Vertically.

Now that's all fine and good, what ever floats her dingy, but the thing that gets me is.. it's crooked! One end is obvisously higher than the other. What I really want to say is "Aww honey they didn't make you pay for that did they?!?" I would have asked for a refund!


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
Thanks for reminding me Nancy! I don't like the shoes with the 4 inch solid wedge under them or stripper shoes i.e. 6 in spike heel w/ platform- I have a friend that constantly wears these. My sister also bought these odd sneaker/high heels that are black and white and look like a sneaker on top but a spike heel on the bottom??? Strange lol!

Agreed fab40! I really thought the piercing trend would fade out, but apparently that's not going to happen anytime soon. My sister has 3 large tattoos on her back, nose piercing, two belly button piercings, tongue piercing, and lord knows what else. Oh- and how about this- her ex pierced his ANKLE! From what I see, people usually go in for one thing and return for a tattoo or piercing every few months. Also, those super-large ear piercings that look like the things you see on the Discovery Channel.

I guess these people must look at me and think, "Wow, she's dull!"
My secretary wears Pooh stuff, even a watch. I kinda think it's neat. My wife wears alot of Disney stuff with characters on them. It's the same as guys who wear sports team stuff in my view.
Trevor :)
By the way....

tongue piercings.....they ain't there for looks or to allow the person to talk well people. They supposedly enhance the oral sex experience and I am betting alot to most have them for this reason.
I'm in trouble!!!!!

CRAP!!! There are about 250 copies of my high school yearbook out there with several pictures of me wearing a mini skirt with shoes, chunky socks, AND suntan panty hose. I won't even get into the bad dye job...

Where were Trinny and Susannah when I needed them??? :eek: :eek: :eek:
RE: Check out mullets galore!

Sabine.....OMG!....I went to that mullet site and started laughing uncontrollably...I have to send that to my hairdresser who is also a very good friend...thanks...:)...Carole
Though I thought this had died out year ago, I've seen lumpy-butted heavyset women wearing stretch polyester pants (the kind of yukky polyester I didn't even think was being made anymore!) with visible panty lines. Also, a lumpy legged and butted women wearing tight WHITE polyester shorts with visible panty line (and every lump and bump showing like craters on the moon).

Superlong fingernails (usually fake) are something I find quite repulsive.
A tan that is too dark, or orange looking. The dark tan thing is sooooo out.
Men wearing half-shirts. LOL!! Sorry if you dont have shoulder pads and a football uniform on, then half shirts are just girly looking on guys.
Those damn Grateful Dead looking tye-died shirts, shorts, whatever.
Long pants that tuck under the heel of the shoe because they are too long.
Running shorts...I mean true running shorts that are cut high. Sorry, they look terrible!! They show way too much to be honest.
Too much eyeliner and lipstick...and makeup in general.
Dark underwear under light pants.
And what's with these women and girls who take the waistband of their shorts and turn it over once or twice like they are cuffing it or something? Looks ridiculous and it also looks like you are trying too hard to be noticed.
The shorts that go to the knee and even lower. Prison ball, a.k.a. the NBA, has their teams wearing these. Save it for the urban alleys and decide....are we gonna wear shorts or long pants? Not in-betweeners!

Can't add any more. You all beat me to it.:) Thanks for making me laugh. Great thread.

When are those low, low rise super-flare jeans gonna die?

I HATE FASHION... PERIOD!! I think people should dress how they want. Personally I hate it when people match everything ex:red top,white skirt, red shoes...bleck! But if that's what they like that's cool. it's just not for me. I love goth clothes and hair that's all different colors. I personally try to keep black hair with red straks but the red fades quickly and it's expensive so I can't always get it done.
Be yourself...judge no-one
>I HATE FASHION... PERIOD!! I think people should dress how
>they want. Personally I hate it when people match everything
>ex:red top,white skirt, red shoes...bleck! But if that's what
>they like that's cool. it's just not for me.
> Be yourself...judge no-one


I always remember a line from an OLD GrandFunk Railroad (Hey, I'm only 29 but love old 60's and 70's rock) song called 'please don't worry'. It went something like....If somebody says u look funny cuz the way u dress 2 them ain't right, say Hey can't u see u look funny to me but I'm just trying to be polite.
It always cracked me up.


>I hope I don't offend anyone. I see a lot of this. Grown
>women wearing Winnie the Pooh clothing. Shirts, overalls,etc.

Oh!! I agree with that one! It just bugs me.

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