Your Fashion Pet Peeves

Fanny Packs

I don't normally carry a fanny pack, but if I were to subject myself to an amusement park, I definitely would wear one to carry my sunscreen and other necessities. I always wear my fanny pack to street fests, air shows, and holiday events, along with my desert camo water pack.
This is a fun thread. BTW, I always thought the male version of camel toes was a camel hump. LOL.

I share many of your peeves, but I would classify them as sources of amusement, rather than peeves, except when I'M the fashion victim. I guess, in that case, I would have to classify the fashion faux paux as fashion experimentation (but never w/ camel toes, of course). :)

Speaking of camel toes (or humps), I used to get such a kick out of watching Bubba from In the Heat of the Night w/ his super tight uniform pants. I was convinced they never actually filmed him climbing into his truck b/c his pants would've split in the process. Bubba's pants were one of my favorite things about that show--that and singing "In the Heeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaat of the Night" at the top of my lungs every time the show began.

I thought of this thread yesterday when I accidentally went out with socks and sandals! LOL! I was just picking up my son, so I slipped my Birks on over my socks that I was wearing because it was cold in the house. Then I decided to stop at Staples. How embarrassing! I took off the socks before my next stop!

Hi, my name is Jenne, and I'm a fashion "don't."
The tight curly perms that make people look like a dandelion seed head.
Older women who dye their hair red and forget that red + white = pink
I live in the South, so it's not uncommon to see men with a wife beater shirt, tight jeans, a belt buckle the size of a dinner plate, a mullet haircut, wallet on a chain etc. I'll never get used to that look as long as I live.
I don't know quite how to say this, but the comedian Gallagher used to say "dress for your body type" I couldn't agree more.
Ugh. 26.2, the guys you describe sound --yucky.......

I remember when Gallagher said that. I don't care what people wear as long as there isn't visible fat peeking out all over. Me included.
LOLOLOL, I'm wearing a pair of socks with my Birkies and a pair of denim shorts. :) Oh, and my legs might need to be shaved. ;-)

My fashion pet peeves are,

the abuse of spandex. Honestly, there are just some people who should not wear spandex out in public.

the very low hip hugging jeans and thongs. I have yet to see anyone actually look good wearing this combination.

men wearing short shorts, white t-shirt, socks and shoes.
Ok I just had to post another fashion pet peeve, I went to the pharmacy today and this woman looked so aweful! her hair in the back was butched to the scalp and the rest piled on her head with pieces sticking out all over and colored red, pink and black!
My fashion pet peeve:

Seeing butt crack! I'm sorry but I can't stand it when guys/girls (fat or skinny) wear jeans so low you see butt crack! Gross!

Another pet peeve:

People pulling up their low rise jeans and baby doll tops because the jeans and tops are sliding down. I think you're wearing the wrong clothes if you have to constantly pull them up because of slippage.

Does this bother anyone else?

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