<--you'll have to eat your lunch all by yourself


<---waves a good morning to all
<---wonders how it got to be Thursday already?
<---had a wonderful sleep in a babyless house last night
<---will be back later
<--- waves good morning
<--- has been MIA
<--- has had a crazy week at work
<--- is over the moon to be working today and then off for FIVE days!!!
<--- is glad Robin got a good sleep
<--- has no idea what's going on with the OAL:(
<--- hopes everyone is well
<---- waves hello to Robin and Shelley
<--- is glad to see Shelley back and pleased for her upcoming time off!:)
<--- is glad Robin got a good night's sleep
<--- is skipping a workout today as body is telling me it needs a break!
<--- must go and get some lunch (all by myself;) ) as is starving
<--- is off to see what went on yesterday and wishes all a happy Thursday
<--waves good morning
<--says yeah baby it's Thursday **does happy dance**
<--is glad Robin got some sleep
<--is thrilled Shelley has some time off next week
<--thinks Ronne is smart to respect her body
<--is sweating and hot flashing whilst drinking coffee x(
<--says someone send a fan quick!

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<---waves GM to the lovely OAL'ers
<---is anxiously waiting for the installers to arrive
<---says it is drizzly outside, but no major downpours yet
<---just got back in from scooping wiener poopies so no one steps in them
<---says it's a glamorous life here! ;)
<---hugs Shell and tells her she is glad to see her this morning
<---is glad that Robin had a wonderful sleep last night ;)
<---waves hi to Ronne!
<---always forgets she is so far ahead of us
<---used to work for a boss who lived in London
<---loved it because it was so easy to sneak out of work a few minutes early since boss was already in bed by the time it was 5 p.m. here ;)
<---is also doing the happy dance with Catherine that it is Thursday already
<---is excited to only have one more day of work before leaving for vaca!!!
<---wanders off to see what else is going on in Cathe-land
<---thinks there should be a Cathe-land version of Candyland :)
<-- waves a groggy hello from Memphis
<-- made it safely and happily
<-- is having too much fun playing with <-- favorite niece, Zoey
<-- started crying when Zoey held onto <-- sooo tight for sooo long at airport
<-- is happy to see that Shelley is happy and looking forward to a vacation
<-- hopes Robin got a good night's sleep in her babyless house
<-- managed to sleep well in a 2 baby house last night
<-- is happy to see Catherine happy dancing
<-- agrees that it's wise of Ronne to listen to her body
<-- must go unpack and maybe catch a little nap before babies are up
<-- wishes everyone a thrilling Thursday :p
<---waves good morning to all
<---is not really having such a good morning
<---found cat pee on the sofa again this morning *sigh*
<---says it's a very long story and <--- won't bore you all with it, but suffice it to say that <--- is becoming increasingly frustrated with the problem
<---wonders why <--- ever bought a NICE sofa
<---will stop wallowing in self-pity now
<---is glad Robin had a nice night of sleep
<---is uber-jealous of Shelley's uber-long weekend
<---is glad Ronne is listening to her body and taking a rest day
<---sends Catherine an industrial-strength fan ;)
<---is glad Connie is having a good time in Memphis *hums Walking In Memphis to self*
<---is sending happy pool installation vibes to Liann today
<---is off to hang out in the HH for a little bit... hopes to be out of there by this afternoon though
<--Waves good morning to everyone
<--Had a good night's sleep, woke up early AND did 4DS kickboxing and half of the leg weight work in nothin but yoga pants and a jog bra and BIG belly hanging out. It was very liberating!
<--Feels SO good now.
<--Is glad Robin also had a good night's sleep!!
<--Is happy Shelley has vacation coming up.
<--Wonders what she has planned
<--Waves to Ronne!
<--Waves to Catherine and LOL at her coffee sweats!
<--Is craving a hot cinnamon latte, and may have to give in this morning --despite the 90 degree weather!
<--Is glad Connie made it safely to Memphis and is having a good time!!
<--Wonders if she'll go to Graceland???
<--Would love to go there one day!
<--Wonders where Liann is going on vacation?
<--Has a meeting at church this morning and then kiddos and <--are meeting Dsis and her DDs and DM for a walk at the botanical gardens then lunch.
<--Hopes everyone has a great day!!
<--Was posting whilst Evily was posting
<--Pops back in to say hi!!
<--Is sorry she's not having a good morning.
<--Wonders if her cat has a UTI?
<--'s old cat used to pee outside of litter box when she had a UTI...
<---waves to Stephanie :)
<---says <---'s cat doesn't have a UTI, but does have a tendency to develop crystals in his urine
<---has not found a good way to treat it, though
<---thinks the problem is more behavioral than medical *sigh*
<---says "Like I said, it's a looooooong story"
<---gives Steph ^5s on her awesome workout with the belly ;)
<--- sympathises with Evily's cat pee problems
<--- loves the idea of Steph kickboxing away with that big belly!:7
<--- hopes the pool installation goes well for Liann today
<--- sends a big fan over to Catherine
<--- hopes Connie is having a good time with family
<--- just had a slice of home made gooseberry pie with double cream :9
<--- off to work in front of the tennis - later gators!
<---waves good morning to all
<---is happy to see Shelley back and is also glad she has five days off
<---is also glad that Robin had a peaceful sleep last night
<---had nephew sleep over last night and says there was a lot of giggling going on in the boys' room
<---thinks Ronne is wise for listening to her body and taking a rest day
<---wonders if Catherine needs the big a*# fans from Cathe's gym
<---is glad Connie made it to Memphis safely
<---is doing the anti-downpour dance for Liann
<---thinks Stephanie has a busy day ahead
<---sends Mr. Depp down to the HH for Emily
<---also thanks Emily for putting "Walking in Memphis" in <---head as has had "Whoomp There It Is" stuck there since yesterday(';-)')
<---has a very exciting day of laundry and grocery shopping planned

Beth http://www.rykat.org/forums/style_emoticons/default/arrowhead.png
<--hasn't read much of ^^^ yet, but will
<--will have BJ stuck in her head all day thanks to Robinella
<--woke up feeling dizzy and hasn't left for work yet
<--has been pigging out late at night and can't seem to stop
<--thinks it's related to the stress of trying to get so much done in so little time at work
<--has been getting a lot accomplished and is pretty sure she will be able to leave for vacation with a clear head
<--thinks maybe clear head and big tummy is a good trade-off
<--needs to sip some java and read ^^^^

ETA:<--just realized she meant the Eagles, not BJ!
<---is still waiting for installers to show up
<---wonders if anyone is surprised? ;)
<---says at least it isn't raining and the installers did just call to say they would be here in about 30 minutes
<---is sorry to hear about Emily's couch woes :(
<---knows from past experience that dealing with cat pee is no fun :(
<---tells Steph that she is travelling to Spokane, WA, and then will be driving up to a mountain lake in north Idaho on the Canadian border
<---says that DH's family has a cabin on the lake with a beach and a dock and we'll be renting a boat while we are there - DH is an awesome water skiier, <--- not so much! ;)
<---tells Beth when she is done with her laundry she can come over and do <---'s ;)
<---is sorry to hear that Nancy is feeling dizzy again :(
<---is going to grab a snack and continue the waiting vigil
<---tells Liann to go to the Peacock Room at the Davenport Hotel in Spokane and have a Rasberry Kamakazi for me
<---wondered if it was raining in Liann's neck of the woods after waking up to a lovely storm here
<---tells Emily <--has the same cat pee issues with carpets
<---is happy to see Shelley back in the OAL saddle again
<---wonders how old Connie's niece is?
<---waves to the rest of youse as she heads back to nasty old work
<---shouts THEY'RE HERE!!!

ETA - and they're HOT! Anyone up for a "pre-pool" watch party, head on over!
<--grabs keys and heads over to Liann's!
<--admits that <--had THE HOTTEST contractor a while back
<--invited all <--'s other new-mommy friends over to enjoy
<--was very popular for a while }(
<-- thinks today is Catherine's birthday
<-- isn't sure though so <-- didn't start a thread
<-- wants someone to confirm and then they start a Happy Bday Catherine thread
<-- has to be studying
<-- had to go online though because OMG there was only about 2 days of coffee left in the house and <-- just couldn't imagine starting a day without the Hawaiian coffe <-- has become accustomed to
<-- sticks <--'s nose in the air
<-- is sorry about Ev's couch
<-- is afraid to go on vacation for more than 3 days since when we got back from 10 nights in Hawaii king G was omg using omg our omg bed omg
<-- hasn't recovered
<-- may never recover from that
<-- feels really bad for him though because it means he was v e r y upset!
<-- gets a massage tonight! :) :)
<-- is debating doing an Imax now and then Reach later or the opposite
<-- wonders if you have any opinions?
<--wonders what Ame meant by the word "using" in relation to King George and her bed???
<--really hopes Ame meant he was sleeping in it?
<--is pretty sure <-- is wrong
<--is glad Liann's guys have finally arrived
<--is glad to see Miss Shelley back with us
<--was lectured by her therapist for obsessing about the the whole vacation packing thing and has been ordered to write a list and forget it
<--really thinks this therapist needs to meet <--'s mother to understand how relatively laid-back <-- really is ;)
<--wonders if you can have certain genes surgically removed? :p
<-- says yes to Nance
<-- won't go any further
<-- can just picture the therapy discussion
<-- saw the drug doc again today and he's happy
<-- should be at the library studying
<-- stopped at home to re-do the glucose monitor thingy
<-- hopes this time it sticks better!
<-- can get a little sweaty ;) and the tape unsticks
<-- is very glad <-- am not at the law office
<-- wonders how that list is going, Nance? ;)

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