You know you are good when it comes to exercising.........


when as your kids grow in height so do your kicks heights (in an effort not to kick them).

You can keep your heart rate up while answering the door for the mailman, UPS guy or any delivery man who delivers during your workout.

You can yell at your kids and keep up with Cathe at the same time..

Anybody got anymore to add!!:)
You know you are good at exercising when you check your answering machine messages after a workout and there is one of more message that begins with "I know your probably working out, so don't pick up, but....."
You know you are good when it comes to exercising when:

1. You get an emergency call on a Saturday requesting you to come in to work and your husband (who answered the phone) says, "I'm not even going to tell her to go in until after she's finished her workout". (Don't worry, my job does not entail life or death situations, just financial, bottom line earnings situations).

2. You are planning on visiting friends/family in other states. While making the arrangements, they call you to let you know that they found a gym close to their homes that you can join while you're there.

3. A friend is telling you about her recent trip to Italy. She says that she found a great place in which to stay, but states that "you can't go there because it doesn't have a gym".

This thread is quite Letterman-like.
...when you can do a Cathe cardio workout AND dodge Play-doh balls aimed at you by your children. (They use me as target practice.)

"You know you are good when it comes to exercising....

when your children see you at the computer and you are busy away reading and writing in the forums and your children ask "Mom can you go workout now so we can use the computer?" You just gotta love them.
What is so funny about all of that We can each identify with so many of them:) :) !!

You know you are good when...."you hear your son talking on the phone with his friend and says, 'yeah, come on over, my mom might be jumping around, standing on her head or something, but you can come over'"
You know you are good with exercising........

When you have duplicate sets of dumbells for home and work!

.....and TV's

.....and DVD Players

..... and Cathe tapes

........and steps

.....the list could go on and on......

Not many people here could probably relate to that one!!:)
...when the guy at the blood donation place takes your resting pulse rate twice because he can't believe how low it is the first time, and he must have made a mistake...
Once they made me take a brisk walk around the blood bank to get my heart rate over the 50 minimum so I could donate. LOL.
...when your 4-year old is watching a cartoon with a dog exercising to a video, and she points out that the dog is NOT following the instructor right.

...when you shout to your kids "If I have to get off this treadmill..." and they listen!

That's funny!

They look at you like you should be dead when your heart rate is so healthy, don't they? As if everybody's heart rate really should be 75...
When you can go up 5 flights of stairs, 2 steps at a time, inhaling your breakfast & NOT be out of breath. As I tell my coworkers when they climb up ONE flight of stairs, take in the air, I've heard its free.. LOL!:D
this happened to me this weekend...

when your working in an office and there are tons of dunkin donuts and you don't eat one, but smell them all day long! LOL. Then you go visit mom and same thing, you still don't eat any! BOY, was I a good girl!!!

some others...

when you let your puppies play with each other over top your belly while your doing crunches (happens to me all the time..weight resist.)

when you look at what you just bought from the grocery store...protein bars, shakes, everything low carb down to the ketchup!

similar to the low resting heart rate

the nurse at the doctor's office retakes your blood pressure and then asks you is it always that low?

a co-worker asks you how you got those defined muscles in your arms, you tell her, and then a few weeks later asks to borrow some of your upper body work tapes

you review your exercise journal that you have been using and note the strength gains you have made in terms of regularly being able to up the weight to your exercises

the fact that you now need a squat rack to be able to lift the weight you now need to fatigue your lower body.

when you compare you heart rate and recovery time from when you first started doing certain cardio workouts to now you see that both have dropped
Charlotte my cat sits on my back while I'm doing pushups and planks- 14 extra pounds of resistance:)

.....when noone can believe that you really weigh what you do!

.....when you can carry more groceries than your husband ;)

...when your three year old daughter says that now how Cathe is doing it


...daugher also says, tell me when Cathe is doing the end part so that I can workout too;-)

Wendybdh, honest to goodness, I was just about to say that one: "when you tell people your weight, and they insist that can't be right!"; and

a common phrase amongst every member in the household is "....doing a Cathe."

This thread is really making me laugh. V. funny, everyone!


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