You ever worry You're Obsessed???

Hi Janice! I think that is very likely. I am a bit obsessed with exercising and reading about it. I visit these forums every day. As I have mentioned before many times, I have schizoaffective disorder and, as a part of the spectrum, I have obsessive compulsive disorder too.

I do think that all obsessions are unhealthy as long as they are obsessions. Probably just a few of us are actually obsessed.

Hey, I must be really bad off myself, because I do not think that is sick at all. I also work my whole day around my workout but if I didn't maybe I couldn't fit it in. I also have ten children, eight of which live at home yet. I also home school but I still can workout everyday. I often find myself working out in my mind which workout I will do the next day.

Hey, I need to have it figured out so I don't waste my workout time trying to figure it out.

Also, my husband is so obsessed with watching sports he won't go anywhere or do anything when his sports are on. At least my obsession is working out and not being a couch potato.

I could also relate really well with Janice.

I will continue this obsession gee everyone obsesses about something why not have it be something good for you.

Exercise obsession sometimes goes hand-in-hand with eating disorders. With some folks, they may tend to overeat, then try to compensate by frantic exercising.

I read some of the posts about rotations and workout schedules and wonder how some folks who post in here have a life outside the workout room. It's like, "I can't go out of the house until I workout!" and then after a 3 hour workout life can procede.

If I did not work, maybe I'd be like that because I had an eating disorder when I was a teenager.

IMO, an obsession is an obsession, seemingly healthy or not. Exercising 3 hours a day is overdoing it, I'm sorry, unless you're training for te Olympics or something.
I keep thinking about that saying, "In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king."

In the land of the Couch Potato, someone who pays attention to her health and fitness stands out; kind of ironic that she usually is ridiculed as "obsessed" rather than admired and emulated.

I think this thread ties in very neatly with the "Fitness As Hobby" thread. I know I'm not an exercise addict because I do not exercise when it's contraindicated (especially in extreme heat/humidity, and/or when I've just plain tired), but yes I do think about my workouts a lot - not out of fear of gaining weight but out of enjoyment and thinking about new workouts to do.

Annette Q. Aquajock
I am with you, HB. Every obsession is unhealthy no matter what you are obsessed about. Also, I have seen in these forums rotations too elaborated, rotations with too much cardio, rotations with too much strength tapes, etc. My rotations are much more simple. Sometimes I wonder if I am undertraining or if they are overtraining, but according to what I read, what I am doing is just what I need.
Oh, I'm pretty sure I'm a bit obsessed, owning more than 300 exercise video tapes/dvds. Do I worry about it? No! There's a lot of unhealthy obsessions out there, and many of them will kill you. Working out makes me feel good and it doesn't hurt anybody. So I say, why not?!!!

I was once obsessed to the point where I was alienating my family. I am no longer that way and I sometimes feel disappointed that I'm not HARD CORE like I once was, but my priorities have changed. I'm more concerned with getting my career started and hopefully buy a home soon. I wish I could balance everything, but I'm a all or nothing type gal! I will find balance........I WILL!
I was once obsessed to the point where I was alienating my family. I am no longer that way and I sometimes feel disappointed that I'm not HARD CORE like I once was, but my priorities have changed. I'm more concerned with getting my career started and hopefully buy a home soon. I wish I could balance everything, but I'm a all or nothing type gal! I will find balance........I WILL!
LOL!! I love this thread!! Briee, what time is the meeting? Do I have time to jog over after work?!! LOL!

This thread makes me feel a lot better. When I came up with the name for my site (fitnessvideoFANATICS) I got a lot of comments from friends and relatives telling me that I was insulting the very people I was inviting there. But I didn't see it that way, and I'm glad others here don't either.

I think DebbieH is right about people feeling guilty because they don't exercise. I understand it, but it still bugs me that they try to turn the tables and make me feel bad because I do.

Oh well, my butt's firmer than their's!

Thanks Cathe!!

I love this place!

I believe I'd like to meet Monday through Saturday (can't meet Sunday, people would think were being compulsive, besides I always reluctantly rest on Sunday) at 7:00 am, no 8:00 am, no 9:00am. Okay all of the above, would hate for someone to miss out. Those who really have a problem can stay for the duration. We'll IMAX that addiction right out of you (or further cement it in, not sure which yet). Can't meet evenings as I have Lotus Karate class and would hate to give that up!!! Hope to see all you sick people there.

Tell all your friends your getting help for your problem and they will feel much better.

Now seriously isn't exercise great!!!! :-jumpy

I'm definitely a little obsessed about fitness, but I think if I'm going to be obsessed about something, this is better than most people's obsessions. This is crazy, but if I am having trouble getting to sleep at night, I turn my thoughts to my next workout or rotation, and start planning things in my mind. That takes my mind off more stressful stuff, and sends me off to sleep nicely. (The side effect is that I occasionally have dreams about doing a workout, for example, the other night, I was doing Power Hour in my sleep!)

My husband thinks i'm obsessed. whenever i get a new video he just says "another one???!" ha. but he doesnt complain!! ha. i spend lots of time onlne buying, reshearching and reviewing videos. i actaully prefer my w/o videos over any classes at a gym i've been too. atleast you know how hard you'll work on each one and fit it to how you feel and what you want to do. Jessica
I second that. Maybe I am a little over enthusiastic but i have to say that this is the only thing that I have done that I would say is an achievement - keeping fit and slim. When everything else is falling around me and I have no control over it, exercising is my way of keeping a grip on my life. With exercise, you are your own boss: nobody forces you to do it and nobody can stop you doing it, it's your choice.

Hello Madonna,

Oh that is bad..........

I recently arranged to go to an exhibition with a friend of mine and cancelled at the last minute because I wanted to do MIS that day and I would have had to miss it if I went. I thought that bad until I read yours. At least, you didn't miss the wedding though.

I totally agree. I have seen some, shall we say, 'amazing' rotations and I just can't believe that people can spend so much time working out.

I normally do 60 minutes (if it's less then I don't feel as though I have worked hard enough), 90 minutes is the maximum and 4-6 days a week depending on my social life. I find it difficult enough to go out and socialise when I do this much. Right now I am saving money (as always) so I would rather spend the extra time exercising than in the clubs drinking.

I agree, Honeybunch. Interesting what naughtoj said. I too had an eating disorder as a teenager. Ancient history, but still... I admit I'd rather think about working out than do anything else, including have sex. I have to tear myself away from this site to read my tax law periodicals that are always piling up, too, and I fight with myself all the time to get more work done when I'm home.
I totally agree with Yen, I think we are all a bunch of secret control freaks!! :)
Maybe we prefer our videos over the gym because we have SO much
more control over our own workouts. In a gym class, you can't vary the routine that much, and the routine may not be right for you. I wish I went to gym classes more though, just so I could meet people and have friends. :-(

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