You ever worry You're Obsessed???

RE: Ki!

Hi Debbie
The boxes look like junk so hopefully they won't look in them.When my house was robbed they stole all my music cd's.They unload these for cash at the second hand dealers.I can't risk it.
see you
RE: Ki!

Hi Debbie
The boxes look like junk so hopefully they won't look in them.When my house was robbed they stole all my music cd's.They unload these for cash at the second hand dealers.I can't risk it.
see you
Hi Yen
If I could send you a video I would.I am excellent at flying over the step now,It was my first Cathe step tape that I mastered and it's such a bonus with the weight section.I don't have to add another tape on.If only my biker friends could see me they would have a laugh but I am in awesome shape.
Hello again,

What other exercises do you do? Do you ever go running? I used to do step, but now I have started running a lot more and it's tough!

Why don't post a picture of yourself on your profile and let us view the physique?

I think it's great to meet a man who isn't interested in appearing 'macho'.

RE: Tooo Funny, Briee!

Hi Brie!

Just wanted you to know that you caused me to "bark" just now in the office. My co-worker came running and asked me if I was crying. And I was -- with laughter! Especially the EMOTIONALLY INTENSE IMAX SESSION remark. Not to mention i'dratherbefat, i'dratherbefat, i'dratherbefat!

Anyways, you're absolutely brill!

"Hi, my name is Patricia, and I'm a exerholic."
Briee a.k.a. Sigmund:

If there is going to be AN EMOTIONALLY INTENSE IMAX SESSION, I get first dibs on the COUCH! The rest of you can lie down on the step!

Hi again
I used to run regularly but became worried about my knees so I integrated step & kickboxing into my routine.I run 1-2 times per week.The pros say stepping is easier on the joints.I never even contemplate the macho thing.All I know is Cathe gives you an excellent wokout for both men & women.Often people associate exercise videos as dance orientated or light workouts for the stay @ home parent.I too was guilty of this thinking until I started weight training with Cathe and discovered through these forums that there are advanced workouts available for the home exercise buff.I often have to combine tapes to have a very satisfying workout except for Cathe & Mindi.There are men at my work who do Tae bo at lunch with Billy Blanks maybe I should bring Cardio Kicks in to them.As for a picture I am not comfortable with posting one on the net.Maybe one day.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-03-02 AT 10:31PM (Est)[/font][p]If Briee runs out of couches and steps, we can use balance balls too. I personally will arrive early & grab a step because I can lie in an incline position while listening to Briee lead the meeting! (Just finished 3 days of S&H!!!) :7

gYour-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
OOOOOOOOOO Debbie you are so innovative. This is kind of off the subject, but we were just heading out to the store to buy some chairs for a Bible study we are having weekly at our home and you mentioned the balance ball idea. Maybe we could work this into our decor. Everyone can sit on balance balls and that will give me the excuse to buy some for the upcoming Cathe workouts!!! Wonder if my husband will go for that???? ;-)

Briee :)
that makes me think. i have a friend whose husband has probs with the knees. hes also army and there giving him a lot of grief over gaining some weight since its hard to workout with knee trouble. esp to run which is what they want him to do. i wonder if i should go through my friend and have him try some step or low impct cardio of some sort. i'm always referring tapes to people but seems no one wants to try them. either they are gym rats and think videos will be easy or boring or dont want to workout at all. ugh. i'm always trying to convert people. i finally got my husband to do an ab video with me occasionally and a stretch tape. he laughs at taebo though thinking its easy. sha right? not the get ripped advanced. thats a good workout! and he has no idea that some of the firm and cathes weight workouts are real weight training. i'm ripped for a chick. he should know. i never go to the gym. evn though i can now that my sons in school i prefer my home workouts. i get more of a workout than any classes i've attended lately. i felt like i waisted all afternoon last time i went to a class. maybe its just this place i went to..

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