You ever worry You're Obsessed???

yeah thats exactly it. i'm trying now to go to a gym class occasionally just to get out and do something new. i have a friend who will go with me occasionally. only now getting to sometimes cause my son started pre-k. but in reality the "workouts" are actually harder on some of my home collections.. and you dont worry about how you look and dont worry about the time to travel back and forth. my husband doesnt realize how challenging a lot of my workouts are. might be other ways to get out to make friends if you cant make it to the gym? i have a mommies group and my church friends. i'm looking into stuff like art classes also or something.
I worry about being obsessed. NOT! Right this minute my dh and I are having a huge party outside. And where am I? Hiding in the house reading the Cathe Forums. I better go before someone catches me.

Donna M
how did you make the little exercise animation.. did you write something that turns into it or did you somehow paste it? :) thanx. jessica
Obsessed? No! Impossible! I had dental surgery on Friday..I need to rest for a couple of days...So maybe I should do only ONE section of MIS..yeah that's it, only one part!! Þ
I bet it's possible that we have some characteristics in common. But even on this site, there are all different kinds of exercisers. I tend to give myself a lot of slack. I know I love doing my Cathe workouts and therefore if I don't one day (or 2,or 3) I realize that it was because I couldn't do it. Either I got home too late or I tried but found out that my body just wasn't up to it. I never feel badly about myself; more likely I just feel sorry for myself because I didn't get to do something I love! In most other aspects of my life, however, I have a lot of guilt and I blame myself a lot. In fact, I usually assume I am the cause of most problems at work or in my personal life. Exercise, on the other hand, for me is not about guilt and shame. It is the one area of my life where I actually have a good time and feel good about myself. No wonder I love this site so much!! :)
I probably am somewhat obsessed too. I have a Dr. friend who is going to do a perclose treatment on a huge, ugly vein which runs from my left ankle all the way up my left quad. The ultrasound shows quite a bit of reflux of blood back down into my foot and ankle, and that foot swells more after all day on my feet. Anyway, he asked me when I was going to get in there and have it done. I had to admit I'm putting it off because I'm afraid I'll have to NOT work out for several days post procedure. Now, is that sad or what? I find most of the people who are critical of my workout time and devotion are those who really wish they looked better but won't commit. Brie, just where do you live? I'm in Texas so I might have to get on my bike and make it a long bike trip.
I love working out, love Cathe, and my friends on this forum.
There are a lot worse addictions out there.
OOOOOOOO:-wow let me tell ya your gonna be one fit chick if you bike all the way to my house. I'm in Wisconsin!!!! I'll know if your truly obsessed if you show up here!!!!

I understand exactly how you feel. I was heavily lifting while I was pregnant and dreading the delivery cause everyone was saying you need to take it easy before diving back in. I was doing squats in the morning and delivered baby girl at our home that night. I had some retained placenta so I had some heavy bleeding following a fantastic birth, each day post delivery I would go down to our workout room and just sit and look around at the weights, longing to pick one up. At day 14 I could take it no longer and did a full weight workout, PH, I believe. It felt so awesome working those muscles you would have thought I was in heaven, euphoric!!!! Anyway, it came right back and I was prepreg weight super quick. I thank the Lord all the time for a great delivery, and Cathe for the encouragement to get back in shape.
I have been sick with a viral infection for the past week. All I can think about is working out!!! I want to be healthy again so I can pop in one of my Cathe's and get back at it. I think I'm on the road to recovery and hopefully by mid-week Cathe and I will be back together!!! :) My husband told me I was nutty when I tried explaining my frustration to him. He has no idea what it's like to have to miss a whole weeks worth of exercise! Today I will try to get out there and at least go for a nice walk. I'll slowly work my way back to Cathe. I think if I did one of her routines right now I'd fall flat on my face! Stay healthy everyone - Susan
I am totally obsessed.I own 300 videos and plan a day ahead which video to do.I hide them in a box in my basement with a blanket covering them. I do this because my house has been broken into several times and I fear having to replace them all which would be incredibly difficult.I don't tell anyone that I am addicted to Cathe,Mindy ,Gilad & Janis.Being a male video user I don't dare tell anyone.Oh my which cardio vid tomorrow ?
Yeah a guy who does workout videos!! thats so great. my husband, never having actually done one figures they arent as good a workout as the gym. yeah right huh? they are good stuff. i hope there are more guys out there doing this stuff. if they try it they'll get hooked just like the gals. :7

That is too funny! You know the next time a burglar breaks in, he is going to think, "Hmmmm, wonder what he's hiding under that blanket!" Just kidding!!! You know, probably the last thing a burglar would steal would be a WORKOUT video! Then again, if he tried a Cathe tape, he might thank you. Don't mind's late & I'm tired!!! Glad to have you here!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-02 AT 10:14AM (Est)[/font][p]Ki,

I was reading your profile and included in your collection is BodyMax. I would love to see you doing that! Any chance of a sneaky peak? ;-)

Oh I know that one. I know some people find me rather boring and have gone out of their way to avoid me :'(. I am sure I would have more of a social life if I drink like a fish and smoke like a chimney, but I don't want to. This is who I am and I don't really want to change myself to please other people: I just have to find people who can accept me.

Hey, obsessed and proud of it, right?

A true geek moment: I went to the Self Magazine's 'Workout in the Park' in Boston last Saturday - by myself (I did ask my sister to join me, but she couldn't go because she had to work). That's not the geeky part. I actually bought a t-shirt, because going to an event like that is like going to a concert for me - that's how I explain it. And I really like the t-shirt!
hee hee :)
I feel FAT if I miss a few workouts. I feel immediately thinner right after doing 2 back to back sessions at 3 am. Am I sick?
I get super cranky when I miss workouts in a rotation...and panic when I'm in slacker mode:that's when I dont want to workout but I keep imagining myself getting wider by the minute.
My sister says it's exercise bulimia but I dont put in nearly as much as most people. So it cant be!

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