You ever worry You're Obsessed???


Obsessed w/videos and working out and fitness and its all you ever really want to talk about or read about and you spend too much time reviewing Collage Video or other sites for new workout videos and new tips and new products?

LOL Maybe a little? *S*
Yep, I know I'm obsessed. I spend all days on all the different forums I own about 90 tapes and I only use a few it's just crazy LOL. But, I'm so glad it's other people out there just like me becuase none of my other gym friends understand. Have a great weekend.


opps, I mean

Yes, I know I'm obsessed as well, but I think it's a healthy obsession, so I'm happy to be obsessed with the right thing. :)

I think if we spent every waking moment and neglected our lives, then it would be classified as unhealthy. But we are doing what most people aren't -- exercising and trying to live a healthier lifestyle.

But I will say that my dh gets tired of conversations consisting of how I loved my new tape that I just did and the pre-order of tapes. Also, how almost all of my Christmas presents are either exercise vids, aerobic shoes or equipment.

I never really had something that I was so gung-ho over, it's almost like an addiction really. Now you've got me thinking, do I have an addiction? I just may need a 12-step program, do they have those for fitness related addictions? :p
I've had many college friends who were/are obsessed with exercising and dieting so I try to make a (silent) effort not to get too into it.

It may sound dumb and your "obsession" probably isn't unhealthy, but I just do NOT want my moods to revolve around whether or not I worked out or if I ate too much for lunch. So if I start caring too much about whether or not I exercised, I give myself a little reality check. But ever since college, it's not really a problem anymore.
Oh Yeah.. I was just thinking this today actually. I was coming home from a LONG day of running round with the 2 "wonderful" children. They were yelling it up in the back seat and I was in front thinking about my workout for tomorrow,thinking about watching the new Circuit Max tape I got in the mail, wondering how I can improve overall... I just blocked that back seat noise right out! :) Then I said to myself" Susan, maybe you are a bit obsessed? or nutty?"
My little one was jumping on my bed yet again tonight. When I approached him on it he said" but Mommy I exercising!!! See I exercising like Mommy!!!" What could I say to that? :D Susan
Am I obsessed? Absolutely. Do I worry about it? No way. There are worse things to obsess about. I mean, we could all be alcoholics, over eaters, drug addicts. We CHOOSE to exercise & do it with a vengance!
My sentiments exactly!! I couldnt have said it better. Although to a non-exerciser, they think I am obsessed and it isnt healthy, meanwhile they are choking down fried foods or smoking a cigarette. I just blow them off cuz it is really irritating. Since I have been on my fitness kick and since I have lost weight, people sometimes give me a hard time and tell me that now that is all I talk about. It isnt true I do talk about other stuff, but people ask me questions and I tell them my thoughts. Then they turn around and tell me I am obsessed. I just dont talk to them about anything anymore.
I am HAPPILY addicted to exercise, BUT have found out that some people just don't want to hear about it. I'm not sure if it is a guilty feeling that some have because they don't exercise or a jealous feeling??? I have found this to be true even with family members so, now, unless I am asked, I don't bring it up. That is part of the reason I come here...only people that love to exercise and realize the great benefits, can truly understand my excitement over a new vid, a new workout outfit or whatever fitness oriented. Soooo happy I found this place! :7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Excellent thread!!!

Oh my Debbie...I can so relate to what you are saying!! Oh, I am a FULL FLEDGED ADDICT. I come from a family of addicts, so my relationship with exercise and fitness is not suprising!! I actually started this obsession in an effort to quit smoking many years ago. I traded one addiction for another. I fully believe that given my family history I would be addicted to some drug if I had never latched on to exercise.

I am so glad I can come here where there are other "freaks" like me!!!LOL!! Mindi....I read the WHOLE Body Rx book in ONE DAY!! Maybe obsessed???

I do think there are some unhealthy aspects of this addiction, atleast for me. The perfectionistic aspect...never being "good enough". That is why I caution some on this forum that claim they will be happy at 10 lbs. lighter, because once you get there, if you have this kind of addiction, it is likely you will not be satisfied there either. Your muscles STILL won't be hard enough, you'll want Cathe's legs....blah...blah... I know I am very hard on myself. Beat myself up when I eat bad food or slack off. Gotta keep it all in perspective!!

You would not believe my mother's reaction when I told her I had purchased Cathe's 23 pack DVD. She says, " Don't you already have many of those tapes on VHS??". I said, " Yah, MOM, but this is DVD!! I am getting some tapes I did not have before and I will be able to quickly go to each exercise and mix and match (said with pure glee!!)!!!". She just stared at me, like WHAT a waste of money. Actually, everyone said that, and I thought ....well, it is only a waste if you don't use it, and that can't be said about anything with me!!!!

The way we all find Maribeth's posts so intriguing....most people don't care. They share the yearning to lose weight, but they don't care to understand anything, or how their body works or processes food into energy.

Ok, I could go on and on, but just wanted to say that I for one am glad that there are others here like me. I don't feel so abnormal anymore. Hey, this is our hobby....just like my mom loves decorating, I love shaping my body..hey, that's art!!!


Hey... I wonder if all us "addicts" have the same obsessive-compulsive personality tendencies. Meaning, we are all probably very alike in many aspects of our personalities outside the exercise arena. Ya think????
Yes, I will have to admitt I am also a neatness/cleaning freak and am very organized. I drive my husband nuts because I am always walking around cleaning and picking up after the kids! :) Oh, well there's worse things to be obsessed over! Susan
LOL Yes! We are Freaks, but a very GOOD kind of freak and I'm very happy to how found freaks like me to talk to! :)
Boy, you guys really have a problem, a very SERIOUS problem!!!!! And just to show that I care we are having a CATHE annonymous meeting at my home in the basement (I just so happen to have a cool workout room down there) where we will share our addiction problems over a glass of Powerade. We will participate in mental reprogramming (i'dratherbefat, i'dratherbefat, i'dratherbefat) and then we will move onto............................................................................AN EMOTIONALLY INTENSE IMAX SESSION and then maybe we'll do POWER HOUR and MIC and who knows where it will go from there. We will conclude with a soothing stretch and protein shakes and powerbars for all. (uh oh I think I just lost it, I obviously don't have this problem licked, maybe someone else should lead).

Yep, I'd have to say that thought has crossed my mind... but then a quick look in the mirror or a step onto a scale to see the 25 pounds are still MIA after nearly a year, I tell myself that I don't think I'm obsessed.

I've always worked out at home and had the latest and greated videos but until I finally broke down last August and got Cathe's 9 pack DVD set, I had never experienced such fantastic results since college when I did Joyce Vedral's two-day split routine.

Obsessed or not, people ask for my input on their programs... and I always suggest Cathe, Collage, VF, Paula's reviews and the new fitnessvideofanatics website (for rotation ideas). You can't argue with results! (And these results helped me get my first degree black belt in Taekwondo just 6 weeks ago... and I placed 3rd in sparring today in competition with women ages 30-49 and even had the 2001 world champ who is normally in the 40-49 age range in our ring... who won, of course!)

Thank you Cathe and all of you fellow Cathe-ites... and a special thanks to Marlene123... your tank top rotation is the greatest! I always look forward to your next suggested rotation or modification!
I told my sister that I couldnt go to her wedding because I had an aerobics class at the gym during that time! (I did go to her wedding but I was thinking about the aerobics class the whole time, how sick is that)???


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