Yippee DOMS after Gym Style Legs


I put Gym Style Legs back into my rotation this week. I then had a 40 minute cardio blast swimming in high waves at the lake. My legs are still feeling the DOMS two days later. Yesterday I was so excited to feel shaky quads, hamstrings, gluts and calves. I haven't had DOMS in my legs in months.
This is a really stupid question, but what does "DOMS" mean? I have seen this posted before but have hesitated to ask!!!
DOMS means Delayed onset muscle soreness. It is when you don't necessarily feel sore after a workout until the next day or so. It is a great thing!!!

Congrats on your DOMS! Isnt it crazy that so many of us like feel'in those things? I guess I should say I hope your muscles still feel sore today!
Have a good one

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