Ya know what just stinks????!!!!........


You work your tail off all week to lose a few pounds that you had lost before( and found again don't cha just hate it when they find you again,LOL :-( ) only to finally get them back off just in time for the weekend!!!:eek: And the weekend is my worst time for staying focused. If only I could have lost them by the middle of the week then I could have had time to lose a few more so then by the time the weekend came I wouldn't have to be so careful!??!;( Don't get me wrong I am very grateful for the loss I am just not grateful with the timing. My dh is sooo afraid to even take the family out to eat because he knows how hard I am working, poor guy, he doesn't want to be the reason I gain a few back and have to work even harder to lose them yet again:( Anyway everybody have a great weekend and hopefully when the weight loss check in is on Monday I will still have a loss to report.;-)
Annette you are hillarious!!

I definitely feel the same way you do.

I have been trying to lose the 7 pounds that "found" me since I moved 3 months ago. It has been so hectic, I have been unable to exercise since February 15th, or so, with the selling of out home and the buying of the new one. Very frustrating. I have been so exhausted. My pants are tight and I am trying to "not go on a diet." I hate that "diet" word.

Oh, well. Here goes another week. I am still gonna try to lose the weight without depriving myself. Life is toooooo short! Enjoy both the exercise and the family.

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon :D
I join your frustration. Just recently I got this extreme motivation to "eat clean from now on". I did it for 48 hours and saw amazing results! I could see my muscles! It was so awesome. I went out to eat with my family that night. Although I ate only a small amount, it primed my cravings again. It's been downhill ever since.
Hi! I recently joined WW, and have lost 3 pounds. I have been working extremely hard too. But, each day this week there seems to be something...dinner with friends on Tuesday, meet friends out to see a band on Wednesday, going home to see my family today (and will just have to eat Dad's famous Friday night steak dinners), wine fest on Sunday. On the other hand, I am so thrilled to be on the go and enjoying friends and family, that if I gain a pound or two back, yes I will be a little upset, but I know that my persistence will pay off eventually (maybe during a more calm week). Whatever you do, keep at it, but also enjoy life:)
Personally I think the scale is the least accurate way to measure progress. Have you lost inches at all? I'm doing BFL and the first 4 weeks I lost and gained the same 1 lb but I lost 2" in my waist, hips and abs. Had I just gone by the scale, I never would have noticed the changes. Hope this helps some!


PS I'm with you on the weekend thing...seems like focus goes right out the window the minute I wake up Saturday :(
I relate!! That is why I posted that question about height and weight...I am working my tail off and have not lost a pound. I have lost inches, but I seriously weigh the same. It is so frustrating! The overwhelming response, which I have tried to follow, is to stay off the scale and just go with how good you feel from working out and doing something to be healthier. It does stink though:)
I hear ya! That's why I refuse to own or buy a scale. I use my clothes as a gauge and find that I'm much happier when I can see and "feel" results than read them in numbers. I admit, though, if I'm over at someone's house and they have a scale, I just can't resist weighing myself - and it always seems to strengthen my resolve to never get one!!!;-)
I keep my scale in the bathroom cabinet. I pull it out every once in awhile. If I have it out I tend to want to run and stand on it first thing. That can ruin my whole day. I just look in the mirror. I can tell by looking if I have eaten to may starchy carbs and too much sodium. That is my main problem areas as I usually am fairly low in fat. I do eat some starches every once in awhile. Small amounts like a peice of toast or a sweet potato maybe a bagel). Most of the time I try and keep my diet balanced. Leaving out food groups can leave me low on energy and feeling lethargic. I can go on a high protein low fat diet for a week and my weight drops dramatically. I would not really reccomend this in the long run though. I do this when I am going on vacation or have a special event. If I did this all of the time I would feel ill, and working out is about health, right? I usually go for what I want to eat at least once a week. I feel like the scale is not an important part of how I feel about myself.
Diane Sue
I need to get rid of my stupid scale too! I've had the same scale for about 10 years and am still compelled to get weighed weekly, even though it never makes me feel good. I agree that it's a completely inaccurate gauge of fitness (in most cases)...heck, I forget to remind myself that even though I'm a couple of pounds heavier than I was in college, I'm 3 sizes smaller. I've been wanting to get rid of the thing for a long time but still haven't brought myself to do it.

You know, Annette, food can be very erotic, so when you go out with the hubby, do this: for every morsel you consume, feed one to your husband in the sexiest way you can! He'll eat half your food. If he's a typical man, he'll be very excited and you will have an attentive hubby while underconsuming those pesky calories! A win-win situation!
Chicks's Rule! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Bobbi
I don't care what the scales say. I haven't used them (won't own 'um!!) since 1996!!! My whole goal is to be healthy and be smaller, regardless of the weight.

I keep a diary of my measurements. It tells me I'm smaller. Just like my clothes size do.

What freedom to JUST GET RID OF THE SCALE!!!! I agree that the scale is not always an accurate measure of fitness. I work my butt off (well, actually, it is in fact ,still there), I'm diligent with my diet and do all the things that you're supposed to do and still-that number on the scale can ruin my day! I was feeling really pumped today-my clothes were bigger,I've been noticing a lot more definition,when I stepped on the scale all those good feelings went in the toilet because I didn't lose any weight. The best thing to do is measure yourself and let your clothing size be your gauge as to how you are doing.Now,of course if I could only take my own advice it would be great!

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