
Hi ladies..

Merry Christmas!!!

Checking in today with Strong & Sweaty Giant sets and yesterday I did the Cardio Slam. I am enjoying the new ones....

Going to midnight mass tonight. So, I will be getting ready for that soon...
Merry Christmas!

Margaret and I took an hour walk before the huge meal!
Leaving for AC tomorrow. I hope to get some thing before we leave.
Have a great night.
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone has had a wonderful celebration.

Welcome Roselyn!!

Previewed PHA Training, Ramped Up Upper Body, and Total Body Giant Sets. Looking forward to doing a few of the premixes....RUUB Triples looks challenging. :cool:
Hi ladies.

We had a great Christmas!! We went to midnight mass and slept in a little. Ate too much. I made a turkey/ham dinner and Christmas cookies. Ugh!! I needed the workout today. I was too stuffed all afternoon to get any workout done yesterday.

Today I did Rockem Sockem Kickbox with Icy core 1.

Glad to have today off work. Back tomorrow though. Chris has just an essay to get done this week. Otherwise off. So, that is a break for me at night. Lauren got all As this semester. So, we were super proud of her on that. We were sweating the math grade. But, she pulled out an A..

Ok, off to shower and made a little shopping of after Christmas sales. The kids are both working today. So, Vic and I are going to have a little date night and head to dinner out..Yeah!!!

Talk to you later.
Hi all!!
I am back at work for today and tomorrow and then I am off for another 5 days. So excited!
This is a recovery week for me so not much in the way of workouts
Sunday - walk
Monday - Yoga Relax
Weds-Yin Yoga back segment

Susan~Which S&S rotation were you leaning towards? I tend to get tried very quickly even with new workouts, so I am going to do the first week all S&S then I may mix in other series workouts in later weeks.
On Tuesday I tried PHA. I did do the main workout included the abs about 56 mins. It was tough, transitioning so quickly was hard for me. Bowflex dumbbells are not conducive to quick changes. It is six exercises alternating between UB and LB, 12 reps and cycles 3 times. There are 2 of them 6 cycles.
Good morning ladies. Today was KCM BC Stretch. I am going to take tomorrow and Saturday off then start S&S on Sunday.
Any big New Years Eve plans? Ryan and I eat crappy appetizers and watch the Twilight Zone marathon. The kids say we are lame :).
Margaret made Dean's List again this semester. I am extremely proud of her - she works her butt off with school work and research project.
Hi Everyone!

Kathy---Congratulations to Lauren on all A's!!!!
I hear ya on the cookies.....ugh.....I threw the rest of ours away yesterday. They sure do make you feel horrible!
Glad that Chris and you get a break on the school work. Abby had one teacher that assigned something over the Christmas break. ☹️

Lisa---Congratulations to Margaret for making the Dean's List again this semester!!!
I get bored pretty easy, too, even with new workouts. I was planning on mixing BodyBeast, ICE, RWH, Or XTrain.

Kiran---the workout does move quickly. What did you think of the Abwork? There's one exercise where my coordination just doesn't seem to work. LOL

We never go anywhere for New Year's Eve or Day. The weather is either a blizzard or frigid temps so I'd much rather stay inside with a nice warm fire burning. LOL We usually watch the NYE program on tv and watch the ball drop. We do some small fireworks, too.
Abby had one teacher that assigned a project over the Christmas break, which didn't seem right. But otherwise it's been a fun break.

Mon---TB Giant Sets Extreme #5 Premix Double Legs
Tues---TB Giant Sers Extreme #3 Premix Double UB + ab work
Wed---Treadmill 60 min
Thurs--SS Bootcamp Premix #7 no UB + weighted abs + 30 min spin
Yep! I know which one you are talking about Susan. I had a tough time over all.
How do you like the premixes ? Project over christmas break uh!! I tried cycle sweat on my bike it was tough but good. Are you thinking of doing whole 30 ? I am would you be up for joining with me ? How is Abby with school ?

Maragaret,, Congratulations for making the Dean's list
Lauren, congrats on all A's

We are going to downtown to watch the fireworks, have dinner and be back by 9 and watch the ball drop on tv. I am on call this weekend, hopefully will not receive any.

Susan and Lisa, I iwill join you just post what rotation you will be working on.
Happy Friday!! Although I wish this week had gone slower. LOL

Kiran---Your NYE sounds fun!! I'll keep my fingers crossed that you don't get any calls. Everyone should have a safe and happy New Year.
Abby is doing great at school....merit honor roll again this grading period. Socially there are still some issues but I'm praying the one kid gets caught in his lies about living in our school district area & will have to attend a different school and that should stop the other kid.
Yes!!! I will do Whole 30 with you. We were following it since August but messed up at Thanksgiving. Traveling always gets me in trouble with my eating because I love having wine or a cocktail when we eat out. But I'm ready to get back to good eating!!! The cookies are gone, the boxes of candy are gone and the fruit basket is done.
I didn't get Cycle sweat as I'm not a big fan of the other ones. Glad to hear it was tough! ;)

I'm not sure which rotation I'm doing. Do you have a preference?

Checking in with Ramped Up UB and abwork. I used the Cathe On Demand app and it worked wonderful!! Actually forgot that I had it. LOL
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Congrats Abby! Even with all that crap thrown at her she is handling everything so well. I am so proud of her.

Nah! whatever you prefer.

I am going to download the app. I am ready to eat clean. Since Maui eating has been a train wreck. :( I need to get back on it.
My foot is still not right. I went to orange theory the day before and it hurt for a while!

When do you want to start whole 30 ?
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Happy New Years Eve!

Susan - doesn't your district check residency? I don't think it's possible to attend our schools without living in town.

K-I am going to start week 1 of S&S rotation tomorrow then go from there.

I am sorry but no Whole 30 for me. I will clean it up a bit in the New Year but I like my wine too much
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Lisa, I like my wine too much too but my eating has been sooo bad!
yesterday was Cathe Live LB and Abs from last week.
HI ladies..

We are not doing anything tonight. Just hanging out..Lauren and I are planning some shopping tomorrow. I am off on Monday. Yeah!!

Workouts this week:
Wednesday-PHA Training Slow & Sweaty
Thursday- off
Friday-To the mat
Saturday-Max Intensity Cardio

Lisa: Congrats to Margaret. What an awesome accomplishment!!

Susan: Way to go for Abby too. Hope her issues with her classmates get better. I am so glad we didn't have to deal with those things. we did have children we didn't always get along with in clubs. But, that was usually a couple of hours once a week..

I am ready to clean up my horrible eating as well. Not whole30. But, I was thinking of cutting sweets and most carbs. Maybe I can get back on track doing that..Not sure if I can manage carb free. I am thinking just stick to little things like oatmeal. I think if I cut the desserts and most white carbs I should be good..
Dropping by to wish you all the happiest of new year's ever. We are headed to a house party in Canada but want to be home in time for the ball drop. It's scary crossing the border after having had drinks.

I haven't started S&S yet or even looked at the workouts. I didn't have much time this past week for any workouts at all.

Lisa your NY Eve plans sound great to me. I love Twilight Zone - are you watching the original ones from way back - in black and white? I just love them. I too like my wine and have been drinking far too much of it lately.

Susan your plans of staying in front of a fire also sound very cozy. It's so cold here and the winds are gusting in the 40 mph range. I hope the house we are going to is going to be quite warm.

Hello to Kiran, Kathy, and everyone else. I promise to catch up more once tonight is over. I am ready for a more normal life again. Have a great evening everyone and stay safe!
Happy New Year friends! I have officially begun to review the S&S workouts and am working to get my nerve up to begin trying them out!
Happy New Year ladies!!!

I started of with healthy eating. I am giving it my best shot. I have put on a few and new to get it under control fast...

Checking in today with a new one: Ramped up upper body. It was a good one

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