XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

Bis and tris for me today. Looking forward to it! I. Surprised I haven't been as sore as I would've thought. Very mild doms. Might be due to the supps but I know I'm lifting the proper weight and really pushing it. I'm not going stress about it. Swamped at work, literally drowning in work we can't keep up with but I refuse to let it interfere with my workouts! I will have to do loads of overtime though over the weekend and I'm not looking forward to it

I have the same thing going on--longer hours at work, but I am working this rotation around it. I didn't have the DOMS in my Bi's I expected from any of the workouts. I did get it in my Tri's from the regular Bi's and Tri's workout, but surprisingly not from Burn Sets. And Burn Sets burned out my chest big time! Kind of weird--some of the workouts I expect to give me DOMS don't.
Check in

Today I did Tabatacise premix 5--all 5 tabatas + core #1. WOW! Awesome workout! I loved it!

I am following the 90 rotation, but I didn't want to wait 4 weeks to do Tabatacise and Supercuts, so I swapped them this week with All Out and Hard Strikes.
Hello Amanda! Please keep droping n to tell us how ur doing and im excited to know if u like it.

Bchgrl40 hello so what suppl are u taking? Not sure if u already said. What type of work? Taxes? If so i bet u are swamped.. Get job on wo! Maybe ur body is used to working out this way already? Hum ..

Rhonda u are having same issue? I know what u mean! I like to feel sore, at least alittle. Purhaps like i said to the other poster u are so used to working this way? Hoping u get sore! Lol
Jengollif wow what is ur job? I know what u mean... When i was full time id work long hours my kids were young it was so hard to keep up my wo i honestly dont know how people do it ... Thats how i got chunky again.. I had no time what time i had was i made sure i spent time with my boys and then running to sports for both. Shew! Hopfully yours are grown now like mine?
Keep up the good work everyone! All of ur dedication makes me keep going as well! I cant wait to hear how we are all gonna see changes in r bodies!
Today is burn sets bis n tris... My fav because i can SEE a bicep now :)
That is weird! My post was gone. Anyways I did bi's & tri's + core 2 this am. I was able to match Cathe's weights except some tricep moves, she uses 35 lbs for overhead extension??? I could barely finished 25 lbs! Yikes! And the core 2 was awesome. Does anybody found that core 2 is harder than core 1?

Is there only 2 core workouts on the whole series?
my post disappeared, too!:confused:

oh well. did legs today plus the burn sets rear delts. it was definitely a challenge to get through those 80 minutes, but glad i did! going to be feeling it tomorrow, i know, as i am already experiencing some soreness in my inner thighs. biceps and forearms are sore from yesterday, too.

hoping to get my hard strikes in from day 3 in tomorrow if my hip flexor cooperates-- otherwise may do super cuts. or the lo impact hiit again.

loving to hear all these updates!:)
Renee, currently I'm taking the occasional protein shake, bcaas, cla, omegas, multi, a fat burner,ummmmmmm maybe somethingelse and I can't remember? I work for a supplement company and I get all this stuff for free. I like to take lots of things just to see what they do for me since its my job. I've taken almost everything at one time or another.

I have a weird schedule. I wake at 2am, work, then nap, wake up again, workout, eat dinner/watch tv, go to bed. I don't mind it really other than the fact that I can't have much of a social life since I can't keep my eyes open past 8pm

I'll do a couple hours OT tomorrow early but that's all. I'll be hitting xtrain bis and tris in an hour or so and core 1 or 2 whatever it is.

Not sure why we aren't feeling doms much. I like that feeling because psychologically it makes me feel like I'm working really hard.
Did I hear someone say something about doing the whole 9 30 day paleo diet? I'm thinking of doing it too and wanted some feedback
Did I hear someone say something about doing the whole 9 30 day paleo diet? I'm thinking of doing it too and wanted some feedback

I'm currently eating a modified paleo diet because I want to gain muscle. Apparently it's harder to gain muscle without starchy carbs.
I ate Paleo/Primal for over a year and find the food extremely satisfying. None of the starving feeling you get with low calorie diets. I did not count calories, but the fat melted off my body and my husband.
I ate lean protein, eggs, 1/2 cup of nuts, big green veggie salad with olive oil, all veggies, Jay Robb protein shake with strawberry. I kept fruit to 1-2 servings while losing fat. I ate a small amount of dairy but not much. I'm not lactose intolerant, but dairy slows fat loss for me. I have no idea why either.:confused:

I am eating basically the same, but now I added oats to my diet (oat flour for protein bars or oatmeal). I also added sweet potatoes to increase my carbs for muscle gain. I remember reading Cathe eats Paleo modified with oats and fage yogurt. Dairy is a grey area for Paleo/Primal eating. It is recommended you remove it during the detox phase and then add it in later to see how you respond to it.

You will feel like complete crap when you detox off of processed carbs!!:eek: If you give it about 2-3 weeks your energy will shift, cravings subside, and you'll feel so much better.

There are many great Paleo recipes on Youtube and my favorite cookbook is Everyday Paleo - Paleo Recipes and Paleo Talk Podcast from Sarah Fragoso
I forgot to check in!:D:D
I did All Out Low Impact this morning followed by the hip thrust challenge. I used 30lbs, but feel I can go up the next time. Loved the booty burn!:D:D

I treated myself to some new workout gloves. I ordered cameo with pink rhinestones. I can't wait for them to arrive!!
animal print womens fitness gloves, womens weight lifting gloves, womens workout gloves

Have a great day everyone!

Just finished bis and tris and am cooling down a bit before tackling core 2. I think i'll go ahead and do paleo as well once my current food supply is gone (currently having Jamie eason's turkey chili daily which has beans in it). I'm all for fat melting off me! What does paleo say about snacking? due to my ridiculous schedule i find i need at least one snack mid morning, and sometimes mid afternoon too but only occasionally. I thought sweet potatoes were ok on paleo?I'm thinking something like eggs and chicken sausage for breakfast, salads, protein with sweet potato and veggies and for snacks fruit and nuts of some sort (banana and almond butter would be amazing). How does that sound O' Paleo Expert ? :) Ok, onto core 2 now.....
Holy abs!!! So last week I must have done the wrong one bc this week was a different one. And wow, my core is weak! Note to self, build up to the reps cathe and crew do! I burnt myself out with the 60 reps in the beginning and was toast for the rest of it.
Today was legs for me and wow, that flew by but, man is my booty tired! I left the weight out of my pizza presses and still couldn't do all the reps! I thought I wouldn't be able to walk after cardo leg blast, but this is much worse!(in a good way)

bchgrl40 I am doing a whole30 right now and I'm on day 8. It's hard, but not hard at the same time. They kinda discourage, snacking, and when you eat like they want you to, you don't really get that hungry between meals. They say if you do need a snack though, have a mini meal, protein, veggie, and fat. If you are interested in reading stuff about paleo on general check out marksdailyapple theclothesmakethegirl nomnompaleo balancedbites Well Fed and Practical Paleo are great cookbooks and Practical Paleo is a great resource book in general if you want more info.
Today I did Hard Strikes but skipped the conditioning segment. I did do the pushup/sit up drill that's at the end of that, and it was pretty ugly for the last two sets. I managed to do all but one set of 5 on my toes, but I was fighting hard for it. Maybe that will get easier, we'll see. Pushups are my last frontier. I added on the three tabatas at the end. I don't have a heavy bag, so I just did it without, which is like the rest of the workout. I used 1 # gloves and I liked them a lot. I burned 472 calories which was not bad for a 50 minute workout.

Tomorrow I do the long legs premix.

bchgrl40, I am not a paleo person and know very little about it, but I do visit the nomnompaleo site for recipes. I try to limit my carbo intake, so I usually look for sites with lower-carb recipes for ideas. I also hear paleo folks rave over the Mark's Daily Apple site. Mark's Daily Apple. He is the author of some books on primo/paleo lifestyle options.

bunknek, I think there are only two core sections here. I know I'm going to get bored with that, so last night I downloaded a few of the Ab Hit workouts, so that I have some variety. I also have several of the STS ab workouts, but I've already done those a bunch when I did STS.

Fit44, thanks for the lead on those workout gloves. I love those! And thanks for the daily pic. Those are so awesome!

Renee, glad to hear you're hanging in there. Congrats on the bicep peeking through. I was also thrilled when I first started seeing those. I'm a girl that loves guns! Now I'm kind of obsessed with getting some nice shoulder muscles.

I wish there was a 100 rep challenge for pushups...
Finished day 1, disc 1 a couple hours ago. My chest, shoulders, and back are feeling it! Loved the pace of the workout and ESPECIALLY loved how Cathe kept saying that going to failure was acceptable if we couldn't do all the reps! Will have to adjust my weights next time for better form and feeling, but I loved it!!
Amcad nice job¡ I did that one two days ago and im still sore !

Eva thanks for the congrats on my bbiceps! Lol get job on hs i was wondering how to do the tabata on that without a bag. I was going to punch on my couch, but wasnt sure it would work. It is coushy but kinda firm.. Lol
Ok today was bi tri burn sets.. I would have added cardio but wasnt sure what. So i just ate more careful today.
checking in with disk 3 burn sets- Bi's&Tri's. The calendar in workout manager show disc 3 but workout book shows disc 2 :eek:.
But I had a great workout, muscle were burning!!!

Everyone is doing awesome :)
Legs premix 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!omgosh! Running late on time so I did skip most of the delt work... still! :eek:
I am about to start week 3. I switched a rest day because of lack of sleep (brought on by sick kiddos), but I pushed myself to do low impact hit today. I have lost 3 pounds so far. Tracking my food has helped too. I love this rotation...it's such a boredom buster!
Wow we are All doing so well! Cardio leg blast DONE im on day 2 week 2 ! *happy dance* notjing i injured so far yah me! I burned 503 calories whoo hoo cant believe im still sticking to a rotation. My new yrs thing is self control.. I never could stick to a rotation id get bored a vear off but id do something at least but never organized. I really like so far not trying to figure out what wo to do!

I get so bored with workouts too! If too many exercises repeat, I am in snore mode! I love this series, and rotation, for this reason. I'm still motivated to do them too. Hasn't become a chore yet, and I doubt it will. Keep up the awesome self control!
u are so used to working this way? Hoping u get sore! Lol
Jengollif wow what is ur job? I know what u mean... When i was full time id work long hours my kids were young it was so hard to keep up my wo i honestly dont know how people do it ... Thats how i got chunky again.. I had no time what time i had was i made sure i spent time with my boys and then running to sports for both. Shew! Hopfully yours are grown now like mine?
Keep up the good work everyone! All of ur dedication makes me keep going as well! I cant wait to hear how we are all gonna see changes in r bodies!
Today is burn sets bis n tris... My fav because i can SEE a bicep now :)

In replied to this yesterday but my reply disappeared. :confused: Weird.

Renee--I work for the government and right now they have some of us working a lot of hours! But it is only temporary. In a few months I should be able to get back on my regular schedule. I do make working out a priority every morning, so to make more time (so I can still get in my hour of working out in the morning), I go to bed a little earlier, get up a little earlier and do not eat my regular breakfast. I'm eating protein bars. :( Not my favorite breakfast, but like I said, it is quick and it is only temporary.

I have two daughters. One is 20 and in the Air Force, so no longer at home and the other is a senior in high school, so she doesn't need much from me! My husband on the other hand is the needy one! :rolleyes:

And yes! I am so impressed with Xtrain so far! I am definitely seeing a difference in my arms--and in such a short time! I do think some if it is that temporary increase in size right after a workout that Cathe talks about in the users guide I think. After I do a Bi & Tri workout followed by a 100 rep challenge, my biceps seem like rocks! I love it!
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