XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

If only we could rub the coconut oil on our fat to loose weight!
I have too much downtime this afternnon waiting for my daughter at hip hop class, and they have wifi here. Anyhow, hope you are getting better.
hi again!

renee-- coconut oil actually does help you lose weight, so you are right! i need to find the link for you, but maybe you could find if you google it. you need the really good stuff, though, that is extra virgin and cold pressed. i get mine from nutiva. :)

eva-- your workouts sound like they are super tough! will have to check them out. and thank you for your sweet words, and imala thanks you, too! all three of my kids want to be in music. people ask if i am the one pressing it, and it's not at all-- totally their thing that i feel like i am along for the ride on. i am really proud of all them and how hard they work. hope you enjoy the fries! i havent had those in forever, but my downfall is with dark chocolate. always craving chocolate... i agree w/you on people and healthcluibs. if they tried cathe i think they would be proven wrong!

melissa-- chat away! i love this space, too:) here is the link again: http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEmMD4JGoDg

time for dinner here...
I did google the oil pulling lol kinda strange. But i remember i bought coconut water for healyh beniffits of that and it tasted like someone eew sorry if this is gross but imagine my thought, here i was thinking refreshing, what i tasted was spitt in a can. Eww i know gross ant it ! Yuk. So hope coconut oil will taste better. I will have to research more to understand it.
Its hard to see how something greasy can help lose fat, except maybe help gease up your digestive walls. Lol.
I have down time to.. My son walked out again today mad cause i wont give him a key to the house.. So he can come in when he wants. Im trying not to be an enabler for one thing.

Well anyway that leaves me to be kinda dare i say bored? Gosh i hate saying that..i never get bored usualy ..i read alot clean excercise, about two yrs ago i was so busy now i just am not. I was a go geter all my life i wentt to school worked had kids, full time job, then school again and militarry five yrs ago fulll time job to taking care of my step dad and my mom til they died and now im jjust trying to figure whats left. Go from extremly busy to reallly nothing..dont get me wrong it took a year for the strength to come back after mom past and my son worrys me can make me tired lol. But i always said if u get bored it just means ur boring lol. I used to hate tto hear it cause everytime i talk to my sissy sshed claim shes bored and tthe kids im bored. Im like oh my. Lol
Well now, im BORED! I didnt have bible study tonight. But i did do chest back n shoulders , i had to i cant stand to sit long. My stomach is finne now just slight headache still. I think its mostly from crying, over my son. You guys i have seen first hand what happens to boys young men like him.. Iwas in a group home awhile and ill tell u ive seen it over and over. Distruction, all i can do is let go and let God taake it.
Hey any of u have facebook?
renee-- i will look it up and post on here when i am not lazy, but it is a good kind of fat that actually helps you in some weird way. that is super tough about your son:-(. i am sorry you are dealing with that. i think you are doing the right thing and will keep praying that he turns himself around. it must be so tough, though, not enabling. especially when you love and worry so much. i think you have the strength to do it, though, and he will thank you some day. i don't have much time to be bored with the kids' schedule these days. i am just hoping we somehow make it through the next few weeks. my oldest is playing violin in the pit for a musical that starts next week and runs two weeks, meanwhile my youngest has two recitals on the next two saturdays, and my oldest has that musical plus 2 competitions. and my daughter is busy with her trio. i tell you, some days all i do is drive back and forth to event after event. i am glad to hear you are feeling better, though, and hope you get some rest tonight. and yes i am on FB! we should friend each other. i am katie daniels on there:D
here is some info on coconut oil and weight loss-- there is more, though. need to find it.:

Weight Loss
Coconut oil accelerates the body's metabolism by relieving stress on the pancreas. Coconut oil contains healthy saturated fats that prevent foods from becoming incompletely digested, which in turn aids enzyme and thyroid function. Naturopathic doctor Bruce Fife states that by substituting coconut oil for other oils in recipes, individuals end up eating less because the beneficial fats in coconut oil naturally make people feel fuller sooner than if they had ingested other dietary oils. The coconut diet is not necessarily a "diet" because instead of limiting or restricting the dieter's food intake, it replaces the widely used refined fats with coconut oil to incorporate a lifelong weight reduction plan that is based on the healthier coconut oil fat.

Read more: About the Benefits of Coconut Oil | eHow.com About the Benefits of Coconut Oil | eHow.com

Weight loss - Medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil can speed up metabolism faster than long-chain fatty acids because they are easily digested and converted into energy. In fact, a study reported medium-chain fatty acids to be three times more effective in raising metabolism than long-chain fatty acids, leading researchers to conclude that effective weight loss can be achieved by replacing long-chain fatty acids with medium- chain fatty acids. (Coconut Oil Can Promote Weight Loss by Increasing Metabolism Naturally)

Learn more: Coconut Oil - Here's what you need to know about this amazing rejuvenation and healing oil
Your daughter's trio sounds lovely! That is awesome that your kids are so talented and don't waste it. I am always in the car. I always saaid if I win the lottery, the only thing I would change is I would have a chauffer driven limo.

I am sorry you are having a hard time with your son. This may sound corny, but you have seen and done alot in your life. You know what you are doing is the best for you and your son. Prayers to you. My kids are still in elementary schhol but I feel like I always have to jump in and fix things for them rayher than let them figure it out on their own. I am getting better.

Good Night
Thanks yoou guys ..
Oh i do have happy news, i went up in weight for chest back and shoulders thats the only weight im happy to go up in. Lol
I was usin10 12 15 now with help of five pound ankle weights on my wrist i went from 12 to 17 for flys & 15 to 20 & 25 !,that was great! Loved it. My arms were alittle shaky. :) hoping to get nice and sore whoo hoo i love it!
Sent u a friend request Katie.
renee-- that is wonderful! yeah, that's when i like to go up in weight, too-- and the only time and place:)

thank you melissa!and yes, i am the same on the driving! with me it feels like driving and then sitting!

so nygel, my youngest, has a workshop all day long today. we are leaving in a few. he is playing in a cello choir and then other solo stuff and chamber music. my oldest is playing in the same workshop in a master class at 4 with his quartet, so we are basically gone the whole day. i am hoping that lunch break we can head over to our local vegan raw restaurant and eat something super healthy. especially since it is my rest day and i will be sitting on my butt watching performances all day! tomorrow nygel plays a solo in the morning, too, so i will have to get up early to get my workout in-- a day i usually do lots of extra work with cathe but will be rushed to get out the door. oh well-- they grow up so fast and are gone so quickly, that i am telling myself to enjoy all of this while it is here.:)

hope you girls all have a good day and get some sweaty workouts in!:D
Awhh have fun Katie, i know u have to be so proud. I love the video of ur daughter on fb!

Oh i was posting on another thread that id love to see on cathe tv the process each week of cathe thinking and gathering ideas, convaing ideas to crew, and getting ideas from them, and clips of rehearsals and how they make the dvds. It would be so fun to watch on cathe. Tv like her ownn rwality tv show on how the process goes to creat the magic. Id watch !
I did cbs today. Rene, you motivated me to increase my weights and it was more challenging. I still feel warm in the upper back.

Usually on Friday night and Saturday my eating is awful. I am doing better for some reason these last two days. Passed up ice cream and chocolate cake and had angel food cake with whipped cream and blue berries.

Have a good weekend, tomorrow is rest day for me. Next week I start supercuts and tabata.

Melissa yaaaa! I know im so sore today and i love that. You did great i cant wait to hear how u feel tomorrow, *evil laugh* lol

Today was tabata but my tonique came in sooooo i tried it.. Ooo i feel like i cheated on Cathe.
I think i like them, i wore my hrm, i burned 550 calories ! it did have alot of squats as Eva mentioned and thats fine but i can see me getting bored simply cause of i dont like the music. so i came up with a great idea, i put on my mp3 player and just turned it up..the moves are easy enough that u dont have to think to much, i did sweat but i could not do all reps but i kept going, like if she doing lunges i go til i could do no more then go on to the other side. Then jog or walk in place but i made myself do no less then 20_25 so not to bad the first time. I was able to just move without thinking alot and i loved that... ! So scale of 1_ 5 i give it a 4 cause music is important. I felt like i went for a jog. So ill be reaching of her again.
hey gals--

i am back home-- finally!-- after a long day. nygel loved it, though and is excited for his master class in the morning, and my oldest's quartet did well so it was a good day for everybody. i did manage to convince rik we should go to the raw vegan restaurant, so even though it was rest day and i was sitting on my butt plenty, i did eat healthy. had a smoothie this morn and then "rawvioli" for lunch which is thinlly sliced root veggies and cashew butter on a bed of greens. had a dessert but i figure it was raw and vegan-- no sugars or anything-- so still healthy. came home and had some kale with garlic and tofu. we might have popcorn with a movie but glad i wasnt eating pizza, chocolate or sugar:). tomorrow is BS bis and tris and i am going to drag my butt up early enough so i can add on a tabata and a core.

renee-- thanks again. i like your idea for cathe tv! i am excited to see what new workouts she is cooiking up now!? i love that she keeps coming out with more to keep me motivated. the tonique sure sounds like a nice calorie burn! will be curious if you have DOMS in your legs from all the squats tomorrow!

melissa-- great job on upping the weights! hope you have some DOMS tomorrow! and way to go on the cleaner eating! weekends are always hard for me, and i do let myself have one cheat day cause otherwise i know i would end up splurging like crazy somewhere down the line. at least today my dessert was raw and vegan;) i had vegan cheesecake (made from soaked cashews) that was sweetened with dates and had a raw date/coconut crust and fresh berries on top. if i could "cook" like they do at ecopolitan (the restaurant) i could be so healthy. would never have the time/prep work down or the finances for that, though!

will try and check in tomorrow before we hit the road for another long day!
Well, I enede up eating ice cream and then potato chips. this for me has been a good Saturday. Katie, I have tried to do the one cheat day after doing body for life program many years ago. However, I am now trying to go as many days eating clean as I can before caving. This way, I don't feel guilty on the days I may eat pizza or we go somewhere that has good desert.

Renee, That is a great Idea with tonique. I previewed some of the workouts and The music does seem annoying. Also, the girl swirling her hair around made me want to grab it and xut it off. Isn't that nice?

Today is a rest day for me. Hope you all have a good day.

Id so love to eat raw at home. But sounds hard to make like the cheesecake made out of cashews? I dont like eating hamburgar or red meat.. Once in a while i do and when i do i dont really like it lol.
I eat lots of veggies and egg and chicken. So i eat ok but thinking of trying to not eat chicken because of the hormones they put in it. So i cant eat paleo cause i hate to eat alpt of meat. I know whats in it how it processed and its gross. So im trying to think of ways to eat vegan still. I think i mentioned tbiss before. Its just hard to find fast easy dishes besides veggie soup and salad. Man id love to find a raw foods resteraunt here, that would be cool to try!

Michelle! Lol cuut her hair? Ha ha no no thats not mean lol she should put it in a pony tail. Lol i was thinking the same thing! Well not cuting it but, i was wondering, why doesnt she have her hair up ? Hum .. But if i use my head phones i can actualy not look at the tv for about close to 30 reps so i just go in my own world my own mmusic. I love that!
Oh i was thinkiing u girls may not like it but id love if Cathe would do a new dvd of cardio with an 80 s soundtrack ! And the rest now days top 40 s i know she has alot of dans in there 40 me for one and 80 music would be so cool. And 50 yr olds would like it with a few 70 songs. Just a thought. I love a little rod stewart, id like some ttoto, Modonna,, Cydie Lauper, duran duran, ok enough already. Only dreaming.
Today is supercuts
Im so aggrivated, i woke up with a headache again. I have been to doc a while back and they coildnt find a reason for if. I dont like my doctor so i want a new one. He keeps giving me pills for every symptom aand i dont take them. They are not necessary. I need to find a doctor who trys to find the cause before giving meds to cover up symptoms. trys natural things first, is that strange of me? I feel like docttoors dont even have a clue anymore what therre doing. Eek is that mean to say?
hi all!

home for a few before we head to the nursing home for my mom's bday party. she is 84. hoping it will be a good day for her and she will know who we are, but never sure what you will get when you go to see her:(. nygel's master class went well, and then both my oldest son and daughter had a rehearsal for their solo parts in st. paul. had lunch at a tibetan restaurant, came home and walked bugsy (henri is doing so much better, but still not in the mood for walks). it actually feels like spring here today! the sun is shining and the snow is melting. i am so ready for winter to be over!

i got my workout in this morning. wish it could have been longer but will have to wait til next sunday (my next day off) to do an ultra long one. i did add tabata 1 and core 1 to BS bis ands tris. tomorrow is legs-- all sections:eek:.

renee-- i wish i could do raw, too. i have a friend who does it, but it is a lot of prep work and it is expensive, so i dont think i could swing it now. vegan is easy here in the city, though i know some people who say they have to just be vegetarian cause it is too hard going places (i.e. out to eat, parties, etc) and not being able to do cheese or dairy. i have found it to be pretty easy, though there have been the times that we have gone somewhere and i am living on fruit because that is the only option. that happened at a wedding rik and i went to-- the vegetarian dish was pasta with cheese in it-- luckily they had fresh fruit, so i ate a bunch of that. :)

melissa-- i think you are entitled to ice cream and potato chips once in a while:D, you work hard and should be able to enjoy a treat here and there. i figure so long as we stick with it most of the time and get our workouts in, we are still healthier than most. enjoy your rest day!

so i am intrigued and will have to go look at the tonique workouts. i have to say, i am picky with who i work out to. my sister loves jillian michaels and i just cant take her tough attitude and could not stand doing her dvds. i did like jackie warner, but the cardio is just not enough with her. i used to like karen voight back in the 90s-- loved her energy sprint video. i think i can only work out to down-to-earth teachers. i shoudlnt say this, but i did training in yogafit years ago and just about wanted to smack beth shaw with her sing-songy voice:eek:. you run into that a lot with yoga and different instructors who are so fake in class and so different then they are in real life. that is also why i like bryan kest. he's not putting on a show, but just teaching a class and making you sweat.;) same reason i guess cathe is my favorite.:D

okay, leaving here in a few so i better get off the computer now.
Katie hi, sounds like a great day with ur family. I tell u another wo i added today was hiit plyo 30 by les mils. Man that was fun, and fast. Goter done!!! It was weights upper body and the lower body some plyo burpees. Man that has some cool music! Fun fun.
We also went a a friend of my DH friend house. Wow wow is all i can say had a beautiful home! It had 30 acres! Five bathrooms, game rom exercise room. I got to do shooting practice. They had four wheelers and one called a razor my son wanted me to go, hed drive! Wow scary! It was like a roller coaster. Gawd, i ended up screaming lol. Muddy fun fun! The 30acres he made a big mud trail. Lol get memoreis we made.

Michelle ooo geez i ate bad two days ago and i feel im still not over it yet.

Katie, So sorry about ur mom so sad!
Renee and Katie, sounds like you both had great weekends. Renee, that would be a fun house to visit. 5 bathrooms, nice.

I am going o flip flop week 5 and o supercuts first. Woke up today with a sore throat. Hopefully it will go away.

Ahhh, I just lost my whole post, maybe it is a sign that it was too long.

Just did supercuts, really fun. I read a review on collage video and the person gave it one star because they didn't sweat. I look like I just got out of the shower.

The only thing I modified was the move with the twist kick through the body plank thing, I had difficulty because of my shoulder, And I felt a weird twinge in my groin while kicking my leg through if this makes any sense. Also, the core push ups, I only did 4 sets with only the first on toes.

And, my confession, I ate potato chips and hot tamales last night. I know it is ok to cheat, but I am so mad at myself. Overall, the pluses outweigh the minuses, so I will look at it this way.

Off to the shower!


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