XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

Bunekuk i hope u r feeling good!
Eva we miss ya!

Melissa ya sorry about the blow out! That can be dangerous.
Katied yes i think that is y i relate to cathelttes! Others will say why try if u have to make so much adjustments but thats y, i just feel proud to accomplish even small changes regardless of limitations i have. I have lots of problems but wont let it stop me from being the best me i can be. Even if i may not look like i workout alot it dont matter cause i can imagine what id be if i didnt workout. Not a prettty pic last yr i had stoped for four yrs and it put the weight on and i had horrible back pain i was bent over for a few seconds after sitting. just inserting walking then jogging got my bp down and less back aches less bouts of depression. So i do it for alot of reasons!
I think all of us here have a kindred spirit because we r like soldiiers! We dont stop! Hoowaa! Lol yes i went in military to i was 38 during basic! Lol
Yah im glad u r doing good!

Eva can u tell me more about tonique? I was reading some old post about them but not sure still what id get if i got them. I saw her website, they looked the same so hardto tell what to get. Id like something for cardio low impact. Make my legs leaner but strenghten the muscles around my knees for sure and quads. But i wouldnt mind a touch of upper body tto. I notice you said u r trying them. Can u tell me more?
car is back and driving so much better! i am grateful even though that was an unexpected big expense. at least we will have much better traction in the snow and ice, too.

renee-- i feel the same way! i may not always feel happy with the way i look, but i know that i am strong (and getting stronger) and much healthier then some of my super thin friends who never work out. like cathe said in an article on here, there is "skinny-fat" and what was the other"fat-fit?" i can't remember. but i agree too that cathletes are the best and it is about pushing through and being your best, no matter what baggage or challenges you carry with you. that's why i love yoga, too-- it's the idea of being where you're at, cause you're already there and then accepting it and being grateful.

buneknek-- so good to hear! wow! you did get a double whammy!

eva-- yes, we miss you! what are you up to these days?

going to finish a movie with rik and the kids now and then am hoping for a more sleep-filled night then i had last night. sleep tight everyone!
Im glad u r more confident about ur tires. I have a tire that is almost bald. My DH has been saying we need to get it changed bbut i will have to buy two.. Mine are so expensive as well because u have to order. Bad thing is we ordered along time ago went to check out why they havnt called us well they didnt rremember us ordering them so we had to order again my son works there and called to say they were in, i go up there to get them put on.. Bam not there so the manager says my son was off that day. So i go back up there when DS was working he was mad because they were back there! He asked the manager his boss y did he tell me that and he said because number was wrong in computer. Well that day i didnt have the money. But fri im scedualed to get them put on finaly. So i can imagine how muxh better ill feel too.

Eva i couldnt wait i bought a few dvds of tonique on fitnessvideo i think that the name it was a few dollars cheaper. I also can see the workouts better. I thiink they look hard but they seem to look frieendlier on the body, some jumping but looks mostly functional movement? Am i seeing that correctly?
Well hello my healthy strong wonderful friends!
Hope you guys are into ur work week and ready to get ur workouts in and hopfully take it to the next level.
Yesterday for bis n tris i did raise my weight for bis on all of the bis i was using a 10 i know probly not as heavy as you guys but anyway, i raised them all to 12 pounds! Yah
But with tris i was doing 5 pounds for kick backs i raised it to 8 pounds and laying extensions i used,8 i think i can go higher but the lying extensions my right elbow is clicking and get a numb feeling! Anyway ill keep it at 8 and watch my form. I did tabata as well i did two before but yesterday i wanted to try something different i did one tabata then did step blast then went back to cooldown stretch that is a nice add on to bis n tris.
Today when i get home i think legs is on tap, not sure! Lol. I love doing this rotation cause i really dont think about what got to do i go home and pick what is on calendar!
katie, what a relief to have your car fixed so quickly. My 140.00 sounds like pennies next to your $800.00!

I did bis and tris today. I tried 10lbs withthe lying extensions, but my dumb shoulder felt like it was going to give out. So, back to 8lbs, better to be safe than sorry. I finally added the 100 rp bicep challenge, took more breaks than the cathe crew. Your story with the tires sounds like my life. I can't just go from A to B. I have to go through the whole alphabet to get something simple done.

Well, I think I am fit fat. As I said before, food is my downfall. This is my 4th week, so I think I better clean up the old diet to see better results.

have a good day.
Were you the one who mentioned the show Monday Mornings? I love it. Talk about one hour zipping by. I hope they keep it. The guy who played the man who had the tumor removed and had memory loss gets on my last nerve. For some reason, he has been on a lot of the shows I watch. Do you watch Revenge or The Good Wife? I like those shows, although sometimes Revenge seems too far fetched.

Melissa what weoght did u use for 100 rep,bis? Yes i love monday mornings! I missed it last night crap!
No i havnt even seen revenge advertised what is it about?
I have a hard time finding anything i like cause they take it off! Like 666 park avenue that was good! ,i love mysterys, suspense. It was kinda scary i loved it they had 6 episodes then they took it off.
Then american horror story last year was goood i loved it but this season i dont like it. Its more gross i dont like torture stuff. I wont watch it anymore.
I do like " house" and "criminal minds" but never know when it comes on so i watch reruns.
I loved ghost whisperer and they took that off.
Hi Renee,
My bb had 23lbs. I started with 28, stupid.

Revenge is mystery suspense, a little ridiculous. I like sci fi stuff too. Did you watch awake when it was on? Like you, shows i think are good are cancelled. The Good Wife is about lawyers. CSI (the original show) is good too. I stopped watching criminal minds because I couldn't get my head around so many serial killers being around.
hi girls!

well today was HS. i added the conditioning as i had the time, as well as core 1. really love HS-- think it is one of my favorites.

so i am completely out of it on the tv front, as we dropped cable years ago to save money. we do have netflix now through the kids' wii, but that can be really limited. rik and i have been watching dexter. i am waiting to finish the season we are on and then go back to mad men. it is hard because i am always so exhausted by the time the kids get to bed and rik and i sit down, that i usually fall asleep! :p

renee-- way to go on the workouts and on going up in weight! that is fantastic. i haven't gone up much on weights, but am doing some bicep curls with 20s and others with 15s and 12s. i dont know if i will get past the 20s, though! my shoulders are my weak spot and still working on going up in weight there. hope you get your tires soon! that sounds like the way things go around here quite frequently, too. i still say i wish i had known my tires were bad *before* the smash into the tree:(. it would have saved me needing a front end alignment and the nice gash in the car. but, at least it is paid for and running smoothly again.

melissa-- great job on your workout, too! i llike the 100 rep challenges as a nice little boost to my workouts:D. i feel fit-fat, too, even though i think it is our scewed perceptions of ourselves. i have never been rail thin or super skinny-- i have 3 sisters who are, though-- and i always catch myself comparing. the fact is, that is not my body type, and minus the stretched out skin on my abs from 3 kids, i probably dont have a lot of fat on me, but my frame is big and always will be. oh, and my legs, too which always feel big but i know they are strong and muscular. oh well. i eat too much, too! i am craving something sweet right now-- thinking vegan rice krispie bars-- but trying to ignore it. may try pineapple instead;)

enjoy your afternoons!
Hi Everyone!

I've missed you guys! I am behind on posts, but I see that Raciela had the flu, but is feeling better now. You're my hero for doubling up like that on your first day back! I hope you continue to feel good and are 100%.

Katied, sorry about your unexpected car expense. That is sooo annoying!:mad::mad:I am the queen of the repair bill with cars because I have a thing for European cars, Audis and SAABs, both of which can be very temperamental. I keep saying I'm going to buy a nice reliable car one day, but I keep buying those. Hopefully this will be the last lingering surprise from your accident, and like you said, you'll surely get better traction with new tires, which will make your travels safer all around. Do you get snow tires for the winter? When I lived in New England, I could not live without them...but I think it snows more there than it does where you live...and I lived in a rural area where it was almost impossible to get around without them.

Renee, let me know how you like the Toniques! Sorry I was not around to answer your questions...I really have been laying off the Cathe workouts and I figured I would spare you guys my blathering about non-Xtrain related workouts. I love the Tonique workouts. They burn *alot* of calories, and they are hard. Get ready for 100 different variation on the squat and a ton of lunges. I found out about Tonique from the Video Fitness forum and the results those ladies reported were amazing, so I'm hoping this will work some magic on my thighs. I have several of her workouts, Sculpt Dynamics, Tonique Mat and Tonique 2 which has two workouts. I have done all except the second Tonique 2 workout. The Sculpt Dynamics is a 2 hour cardio workout and has 40 minutes of arms. It's bananas. It's super high-impact. I've only been able to get through an hour of it, but I burned 750 calories. It was intense. Her workouts are about endurance. I definitely feel like I'm going to die, but I just try to keep going until I literally cannot do another leg lift...the mat workout is very hard. It's three sections, all mat work, and your legs are going to be on FIYAH. She's very encouraging though. The Tonique 1 workout is a lot of squats, some plyo, and a lot of lunges, but your heart rate will stay up. This one burned almost 600 calories in an hour, which is pretty amazing. These are all very challenging lower-body workouts. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

I did Tabatacise today because I needed a Tonique break. It was fun and I enjoyed it, as much one possibly could. :) I'll be back on the Tonique wagon tomorrow, though.

Hi Melissa and Rainaries!

Hi Eva,
Are you starting to lose weight?

Did you guys, see Cathes announcement! ? More dvds! We come up with our fav segments from three dvds and come up with agreatest hits and u have a chance to win it for free! But shes filming more dvds in addition!
Hi Renee,
I have not weighed myself again since the first time. I try not to spend too much time on the scale in general since the scale can be so misleading. I go by the way my clothes fit. I have a couple of pairs of pants that I use as markers to tell where my weight is. I resolved not to to try them on until I have completed four weeks of these workouts, so I still have a couple of weeks to go. If I manage my expectations this way, it keeps me from freaking out about the whole thing.

Hi Everyone,

Deinera, I have only weighed myself once in 4 weeks. I am going by the pants fit also, unfortunately, they are still too tight. When I don't have to put on sweat pants as soon as I get home from anywhere, I think I will be on the right track. I am really working on eating better, at least since Monday!

I just did aoli core 1. I think core 1 is better for me for some reason. This work out goes by really fast. Tomorrow is HS. I think I will add the conditioning.

Hope you all are well.
Thanks Eva on the low down on the wo of tonique. Crap i thought it was low impact. Lol

Melissa you n i sound like kindred sprirts. I too have to eat better. And i go by pants and sad to sy they are still tight. Hum i do know my arms are more toned but geez ud think my pants would be losser! Oh well keep trying.
Today is AOLIH as well !
hi everyone!

what a night and day here! got home yesterday evening and my youngest son wanted to work on the internet-- no connection. tried turning off and on-- same deal-- and unplugging router. anyway, our laptop was still working, so wireless guy said we needed a new ethernet cord. went out and got one today and no dice-- still no internet. reimaged computer-- still nothing. unplugged computer, plugged in an old back up-- that didn't work. went on best buy, bought a new one-- i am spending money like hotcakes lately. just put this computer back up again and-- ta da-- internet. wth? i have no clue what is going on. anyway, have been up since 3am as it was stressing me out cause these guys do an online school where they need the internet to be in classes. feeling tired now!

i did get through CBS and core 1, plus 100 rep scarecrows and lateral raises. feeling like a nap now, though.

eva-- its so good to see you on here again! we want to hear about your workouts and goings on:D. i got all season tires and the car feels so much better!

renee and melissa-- great job on your workouts! you guys rock! (so do you, eva!). anyway, i have issues with food, too, as i said. havent been so hungry today, though-- too dang much stress!!

alright, hope my connection stays up so i can check in with you all again tonight!

oh and renee, how cool is that? more dvds? i will have to check her blog! though i better start pinching a few pennies here before i am in trouble!
Katie, Isn't it great when the internet or computer stops working. I have wasted hours of my life with internet, itunes, ipod garbage. Good for you for still working out, I probably would have taken a nap!

Aolih, done, with only four minuutes of core. Lol i can only get through four minutes ooo..
:) well then i took shower and sat down to watch some news and i dozed off, 10 minutes is all but man i can not seem to stay peppy. Im 43 and it seems this past year i nap like that.. Never did before i used to hate napping, i always felt lazy if i did. Now i fight it but not working.
I did allow myself to nap one day and wouldnt you know it a "friend" came through my house hollering my name before i realized she was n my bedroom close to my face " oh did i wake you?" Gosh i was not happy....So i have a problem giving myself permission to nap and i felt embarrassed cause i didnt want anyone thinking i was asleep. Lol does that make sense? I was kinda grouchy. But really who would like that? If it was other way around and she never answered her door um i wouldnt go in but if i went in all the way to her bedroom if i see shes laying down, i would have turned around and left. Just me i guess.
Anyway that 10 nap today felt nice!

Ooo so whats ur ideas on a greatest hits dvs? Id love to hear ideas.
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Renee, I could nap anytime. After coffee or exercise I could easily doze off! I am 44 and feel like my energy and body have gone down hill since 38.

As far as the dvd, I would like aome kind of circuit with pyramid up only and the cardio would be from imax 2, rythmic step, and the portion of mic that has the shoobedoobe song in it.

I can't believe someone had the nerve to go all the way into your bedroom.


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