XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

hi girls!

so, i tried to come on here last night and the forums would not work for me:confused:. i dont remember what message the computer was giving me, but i finally gave up. yesterday was SC for me. i added core 2 instead of 1 since i am always doing 1, it seems, and also the 100 reps for bis and tris. i feel kinda sore today, actually, but it is rest day. i am thinking of subbing in legs tomorrow and doing bis and tris monday as legs is so long and i have the day off tomorrow. i may even add some cardio in, too.

yes! again, want to stay in touch with all of you even when we all finish xtrain!:D

ladylep-- i would say skiing counts as exercise, too!:D

rainaries-- yay for going up in weights! congrats! you will love ttm, too, i am sure! sounds like you have a sweet partner:D. did you guys do something special for valentine's day?

renee-- i am so sorry you are having a tough time with your son:(. it sounds like you have been a wonderful, supportive mom. i guess sometimes they just end up making the wrong turns. i think he will find his way back, eventually. my kids are easy for now, but my sister has a 24 yr old boy who she actually put into treatment two years ago. he has completely turned himself around is a manager in an upscale clothing store at the MOA now. anyway, it is tough to see them make mistakes, i am sure. that time is around the corner for me as my oldest is 16, but he is super serious about his music and studies, so maybe not him i will have to worry about. my youngest boy is super dreamy and shy, so hoping he will be okay out in the real world someday:confused:. anyway, hope you got your workouts in--HS is great for booting stress!

melissa- i am glad we are all here, too!

:D off to another day of lessons. will be back in the afternoon and hope to take bugsy for a walk-- if it's not too cold. at least the sun is shining.
oh, and meant so say hello to eva, if she is still here? wondering what workouts are you up to these days?
Katie yes i am going to just keep praying. I kept both boys busy they were so different one plays guitar he taught hiself, and the one that is allways in trouble was a wrestler he was good too state champ two yrs in a row. But the oldest was shy and a loner in a way. Its funny cause the one that gave me problems and hyper as a kid is the one who doesnt cause problems now! Great job on ur wo. And no nothing on valentines i did give my DH and both boys a small box of chocolates on there bedss. :)

Eva hi i was looking up the vkdeos you were talking about, now cant remeber how to spell it lol. Are tthey good? Tougue or tonique? Tone some thing?

Everyone is doing great and still going? Yesteday i jogged for 31 minutes then chest back shoulders. Today is tabatas or supercuts not sure yet.
Hi Renee,
I did cbs also today. I upped my weights a little and it felt better than the last time I did cbs. Good for you with the run. I am ready for a nap! So much for energy post workout.
Have a good weekend everyone.

Nice to be half way through. I am just starting week 4, pants are still tight. My problem has always been about the food.
Have a nice weekend.
Katied- I just started the 90 day undulating/LIS this week. =) but i'll let you know in a couple of weeks.
back home and running all day-- no walk for little bugsy today:(. can you believe on the way to lessons we got stuck in their teacher's driveway? she has a long meandering one with a huge hill, covered in ice. halfway up i started sliding and said i am not doing this again to the kids. both alec and imala wanted to push, but after my smash in the tree, i said no way. we backed down and went and parked in the street. am thinking i need new tires or else that this winter needs to hurry up and get out of here:rolleyes::mad:. anyway, after that we ended up running errands and stopped to see my mom at the nursing home. she was super quiet, but that is normal. it felt like maybe she knew who i was today, she smiled quite a bit. it's super hard, though. now we are home and i need to figure out dinner-- rik is passed out on the couch, so he won't be much help!

renee-- what did you end up doing today? i like supercuts, but tabatacise is such a sweatfest that i always feel so accomplished afterwards. isn't that interesting about your boys? mine are all pretty easy right now, but i am wondering what next year will be like with imala in high school. and funny what you say, because all three of mine were very difficult babies-- i don't think i slept for all their infancies and even during the day their only place for naps was usually on top of me! they were all pretty collicky and cranky, so i guess you end up getting it one time or another;). will keep your son in my thoughts.

melissa-- i have felt the same way with my energy many days. and yes, with me i always get the workouts in but i don't always eat like i should. for instance, today i still had a piece of vegan chocolate mousse cake from the chicago diner in my fridge from valentine's day and i ate the whole thing. better get ready to sweat tomorrow, i guess!

terina-- i will look forward to hearing updates on how you like it!

okay, going to figure out dinner now. have a good night everyone!
Wow katie, that would b scary. Smart move parking on the side of the street. I hate to say it but no workout today! I had church and after church the preacher played music at my house and it was so.fun. But he didnt leave til 730. But i usuly would do a wo late if thats the time but my back hurts bad and my knees are not doing good. I do have doms in my front shoulders if i can remember right deltoids? Lol so i will do superxyts tomorrow and add one tabata if my back can take it.
Milissa ya i dont get as sore from cbs like i did. I need heavier weights but i cant afford it yet. I think im gonna add ankle weights to my wrist. Lol. Like i said im sore in deltoids but no where else i should be. Oh well im relaxing and tomorrow ill start again. Hope i feel better.
Hello all,
katied--no my man and i didn't do much on valentines, will celebrate on monday hopefully a steak dinner
Renee--my dvd's have arrived I just took the plastic off them, can't wait to try them, i will be substituting some of the xtrain videos maybe as soon as tomorrow.

I changed legs around in week 6 and did it yesterday so i tried to double up on bis and tris burnset and tabatas but only got one tabata in and my legs starting to feel pain, so I dont recommend tabatacise a day after legs.

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!
Anybody hit by the flu? Well I did so I haven't exercise for the last 3 days:-( Once get over this I will hop right in to my 7th week.
happy sunday everyone:). long workout for me today. did the cardio from HS and then legs-- all sections-- plus rear delts. my legs and rear end are completely fried. tomorrow is bis and tris, so i am grateful for that.

buneknek-- so sorry to hear you were hit with the flu! that has been so awful this year. hoping you are feeling better now.

renee-- sorry your back is bugging you! my low back has been slightly sore for a few weeks and i am getting tired of it:rolleyes:. anyway, it was probably good that you rested and hope you get your workouts in today and are feeling better!

rainaries-- tabatacise is definitely intense on the legs, right? i think all the cardio workouts are, so sometimes my legs never feel rested up.

will check back later to see how you all are doing!
My goodness katie that is long workout...i hope u can walk lol. Thats awesome! Im going to do sc and hope to add tabata to it. But not sure if the legs and lower back can do that i think sc first to see if it lossens up my back to feel better. If i feel better then i will add one or two tabatas. Hows that sound? It seems this week is about doubling up to catch up. I hope next week i get back to consistancy!
that sounds like a very good plan to me, renee! and you are right! i may not be walking tomorrow:eek::p. i am already starting to feel serious soreness. hopefully a walk outside later will loosen things up again- if i don't freeze out there!;)
Ok got supercuts done! No tabata yet because i got a call frrom a friend i have to go talk some business to!
Also im thinking tomorrow is a rest day however tues i work mon i dont im thinking of doing tues wo tat is burn sets bi and tri tomorrow, its so short that can do tabata on that day so tomorrow will be tabat n bi n tri rest day tues, wed legs ! So that is my plan. U know i love these wo because it makes it possible to double up or mpve around and still keep up! Love that it works with time problems! Bbl
hi guys--

so, after the smash into the tree a week and a half ago, my car has just not felt right-- understandably so!-- even though they said things looked fine when i took it in. it clunks when i turn sharp and it just feels off. i brought it up to the shop yesterday, kept calling them throughout the day, they finally looked at it at closing time and said that my front right tire is really loose-- need a new one, and some other part that i cant remember the name of. but, it was the mechanic and he didnt know the prices. he said they would call me back with a quote. didnt hear back from them last night and now called this morning to which i am still waiting for a call back:mad:. really want to know how much they are thinking already. and i would try bringing it to another shop, but this one is just down the road, so at least i can walk to and from to get it. hoping i hear soon. didnt sleep well last night and i think this is part of it. i need my car back but am hoping the fixing cost isnt super high:(

okay, rant over! so today is bis and tris which will be nice so my legs get a break.

renee-- sounds like a good workout plan to me! i always try to do my longest workout on the days i have off, too. and i love that we can switch things around a bit, too, or add cardio in on shorter days.

buneknek-- good to hear that you are feeling better!

have a good day everyone!
Good luck with our car! Nothing like a surprise bill to be paid. Hopefully it won't be too bad or too long to fix. We live out in a rural area and everywhere I drive is at least 11 miles. After my tire blow out last week, it only cost me 140.00. I thought I was going to pay 9.99 to repair flat tire. Bis and tris is my favorite workout, nice and short!

I have moved stuff around too. I don't like leaving the longest workout to Saturday because I fear I won't do it.

Today was legs with floor. I actually made myself do floor. I remember why I hate floor. First, my right shoulder hurts after a minute on all fours, second, the one leg at a time bit is so monotonous to me. i am sorry to say, I gave up half way thought the straight leg lifts. I couldn't stop thinking about having to do it all over again with the other leg.

Lmbo Melissa me too! I hate floor work because of my wrist but i like it better then standing lunges. Eek i lose balance ( feet surgery). I have no bone on the side of little toe,amazing how that can cause problems. But i do it any way best i can sometimds i hold my finger on toop of a structure to keep me up right. But then i like floor work better yet not much because of wrist. But i can push through and its better then standing.. Lol i do end up tbinking man i wish i can hurry this along. But then again i dont have to think alot and i make it a challenge to get more reps each time, i can not get to do all reps either. But hey i really love cardio leg blast.
Katie i sure hope the car gets fixed soon! And i hope its a fair price!
Renee, I think it would be hard to do anything without a toe bone! I have Ll of my bones and still use an old wooden flag pole for balance on some moves. Funny how people think different things are "torture".

thanks melissa and renee. the shop finally called and i need new tires and a left inner tire rod, all that puts me at about 850.00. not what i was hoping for, but now that i know how bad the tires were (had no clue-- bought the car used last year and they didn't seem that old) that may explain why we lost control and crashed into the tree in the first place and couldn't make it up the driveway on saturday.:( at least the car will be safer, though i will be set back quite a bit. will have to wait on getting a punching bag now. sorry you had a tire blow out, melissa!

got in bis and tris and core 2 plus 100 rep challenge for both.

you know i hate the barre work the most in legs as it just fries me. the floor work is just the right length for me to survive through-- any longer and i bet my butt and legs would ignite, though:eek::D. i can imagine how not having a bone in your toe could throw things off as our feet are such a foundation for balance-- and all the toes matter. good job working with what you got! :p guess we all do!

will check back later

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