Morning Xers,
Round 3/Phase 2/Week 6/Day 3
Workout: Back & Biceps / ARX / 30 Min Run
I will be doing my run and ARX later today. So far I like getting the majority of my workout done in the morning.
Tomorrow I will be in an all day meeting, so I probably won't be able to post until I am home. This sounds like one strange meeting. I'm suppose to find a project that I have been wanting to see done, but it never seems to happen. I can think of way too many of those. x( I have to come up with and L word that describes me. So it would be L_______ Laurie. Boss also wants us to bring our favorite T-Shirt, and he said nothing would happen to it. We also need to describe our dream vacation. Now that one is the easiest one to do.
Christiane, Now I have to investigate that type of massage technique. I just need to go in for a massage, it has been a looooong time.

Have fun with your German.
Tracy, I should be receiving my X+ DVD's today. That is what the UPS tracking says anyway.

Our temps have now gotten back to normal for January, so I'm sure you will be seeing it soon too. Your run doesn't sound as if it was as enjoyable as it could have been.
Traci, LOL about the cold 63 deg. :7 :7 I do not write as I talk. I'm full of oki dokies when I'm at home. Maybe I should start writing how I speak. :7 :7 Might give everyone some good laughs. So you are liking the Slo Mo core as much as Tracy, must be the lack of CRUNCHES. :7 :7
Lea, Oh how I would LOVE a cleaning person. I don't think that will happen until our girls are out of the house. :7 :7 Glad the yoga instructor was good.
Sandra, Sorry to hear that your DD has had such a rough night. Yes I still enjoy doing PlyoX. I like the more athletic type of plyo. I think that is why I enjoy Cathe's 4DS BC and BC more than some of the blasts in Imax. The last time I did KenpoX, I noticed that Tony needed to work on his punches a little. :7 :7 Guess I could give some form pointers to him. I will wait and see what his new offerings bring, he probably is perfect in these.
Carol, My oldest is really skinny, so she is very small on top. When she was swimming, her upper body look really good. I need to talk to my GF to set up some swim time with her. She does instruction at a pool, and is willing to let DD swim under her supervision. Just need to get my butt in gear, and get it set up.
Swifty, So you are starting another round of the X. I see you are doing CS. ^5 to you on the superman bananas. I'm still working on the push-off thing. I can do about half of the with out the push off and then my core starts getting tired.

Will I have to do another round of the X just to keep myself one X above yours.
Wendy, ^5 on the diminished cellulite. Maybe your legs don't need the constant workout. Mine improve slowly over time, but I notice if I don't workout they look even worse. Could be all the walking you where doing also. Just a thought.
Jeanette, Yep, I plan on joining in volleyball this summer. I liked the new place we went to. CST is not one that I feel the love for either, but it seems so effective. I always feel so much stronger when I start Ph 3. You are such a good GD. We gave our GM the nickname Granny Goodwitch, which is so appropriate for her. I would love to have a GM that sounds as nice as yours is. I still remember her making us a lunch that to this day still makes me gag! (She was not a good cook) She boiled noodles, threw in kidney beans (without draining the water from the noodles), then threw in some stewed tomatoes. We ate it because we where hungry, but it was just nasty. I don't think she had her normal Kraft mac & cheese in the cupboard.
Debra, Have a great time at school today. DD has a meeting tomorrow for track, I'm guessing that they are going to get a schedule for getting in shape. At least that is what I'm hoping. Her coach from Xcountry is also a track coach. And he had a summer schedule that they needed to follow. She is wanting to run the mile in track this year.
TG, Glad you are getting back into the workouts. Must feel good. 3lb from being sick, I would take it too.
Kim, Hi
Have a great day!