CTX Power Circuit
I am doing the CTX series this week just to mix it up. My back is tweaked again so I have to go to the chiro to get it fixed, again. My DH is home today but is on a bike ride currently which is why I'm posting now.
TracyX, Glad you started us off today! You are a busy woman. Yesterday's workout sounded so tough! I'm sure it felt good when you were all done}( Only two more weeks of this Monday Madness! Yeah! I am always on time but Sundays I lag a bit because it's my off day of sorts

My DH should be happy he got me and not another member of my family because they are all perpetually late.
Traci-X, What a drag with that darned washer x( Oh, the things we take for granted, like a working washer. Which client do you have this evening? Is it the paying kind or the free one? I hope the paying
AmyX, Have a good snooze

How is the gradual solid eating going?
Carol, Glad you could check-in. Did you see Wendy started the X without you? You can still catch up

Have fun driving to Philly and back, might as well be the moon
Anointed, It sounds like you had a nice weekend! What a nice pastor to cook dinner for all you moms and it's not even Mother's Day. Whata nice GM to use your gift card to buy your GS a b-day present

You know Traci's saying the same thing about her lack of upper body work. Maybe I'll have to give mine a rest for a week
Cheryl, Waving to you as you fly by, literally! Have fun
LeaX, Might as well start an X rotation, everyone else is

I am waiting until after the new DVD's come to start the X.
JeanetteX, What a nice wife to help DH so much

I'm sure he appreciates it a bunch. Definitely a good workout so no worries on missing the bike ride. The weather will be changing though so get it in while you can. GM will be busy reading her steamy novels so you should be able to break away for a group ride

Enjoy golfing today.
LaurieXX, I see your DD has confirmation, which denomination are you? My boys will go through that in a few years and we have such a great pastor that I'm looking forward to it. I actually was just confirmed in the Lutheran church because I was raised Baptist my whole life. I really enjoy the church we go to now. I get to watch so little tv that I haven't even seen a preview for Sydney White. It sounds cute
WendyX, So glad you have Phil to baby you

Are you using your Neti Pot? I used mine during my whole cold and felt better much faster than usual. Enjoy the pampering while it lasts. I was unlucky in that DH and I got sick at the same time

No pampering for me}(
Hi to the rest of the group,
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.