Good Evening Ladies,
Chest and Back and ARX is DONE!!!!! Amy-X, you're right I HATE ARX so much that I block it out of my mind. Then I realize that it's at the end of each weight workout. So sad!
I didn't do as well as last week. Chalking it up to being sick and tired. However, I did better than I thought I would; even took the pounds up for lawnmower and heavy pants.
It's been a typical chaotic Monday. Took the girls to Staples to get copies made. (Darn Vista doesn't want to play nice with my printer's scanner feature!) From there we went to music lessons. Well...
I drove the entire 10 miles with my emergency breaks on!!!!x(
After I dropped them off, I went to the post office to mail off our Visa applications and documents. Took FOREVER! I would definitely go postal working there!!!!
The entire time I drove around my breaks were grinding loudly. So, now I don't have a car till Thursday at the earliest.;(
On a happier note, I missed a remote call from an acquaintance I met over the Internet YEARS ago. Every once in awhile she calls and thinks I have ALL day to chat about people I don't know and other crazy stuff. I really think she's mental!!!!!!! (And that's being generous!) Anyhow, Phil came home early from work and ended up talking to her for 30 minutes! This is the same man who spoke maybe 10 words on our first date! (Yes, I make him nervous, but that's beside the point.) Poor Phil. That's what he gets for playing hookie!!!
Enough of my mental chatter... Let's see what everyone else has been up to today!
Amy-X I am so with you on gold shoes! Not my cup of tea either. But, it doesn't make us bad people!
Brown and aqua is eldest dd's favorite color combination. Too bad we didn't live closer, I would have done my gf duty and went shopping with you. Because that's what friends are for! To help you avoid fashion faux pas while laughing at you trying on ill fitting, ugly clothes till you get it finally find the right one!:+ Yoga sounds so good right now! If I wasn't too lazy, I'd do a little magical hips before bed. Hopefully, the car will be fixed before Thursday's yoga class. Thanks for the wellness vibes. I feel the love!:*
TG: LOL on flexing... You must like what you see! Now get to work before you see some flabby lady staring back at you!
Honestly, your upper body probably needed the rest. I notice after lifting heavy and then doing some easy weights or (gasp) no weights, my body looks better than ever!!!! I believe my body tends to put on weight (either in fat/lactic acid/ God only knows what) when I'm working hard; be it high intensity cardio or heavy weights. When I rest, I get that sleek, defined look. When Teddy Ted is finished with your carpets, please send him over here. My living room could use a good cleaning!;-)
Traci-X Oooo, I feel for you. Too bad you can't put an motion sensor on your arm every time you roll over on it during the night. That arm is like a baby!!!! Gotta wake up every three hours and nurse the darn thing!!!:+ Are you making your client carry all the weights from your car. Tell her it's functional fitness.:7 OMW! Public laundry mats are scary places!!!!!!!!!!! Do whatever you have to do to get it fixed, Ms. Love Machine!:+ That's not a bad idea. The girls have started blowing me kisses in a poor attempt to avoid my germs. Silly girls! Haven't I taught them anything!!!! I tried that already with Phil!:7
Nicole-X It seems like your back gets out of alignment quite often. Is this something you get when lifting heavy or no matter what you do? Hopefully, the chiro will get you back up and running without a hitch ASAP. Now! Will you just STOP! You and Carol can always start NOW!
Y'all will probably be double Xers before I can restart Round 2 back at the beginning when I get back home! I may have to drag dh kicking and screaming to do the X with me when I get back with atrophied muscles! LOL Yes, mom I'm using my neti pot like a good girl. It doesn't seem to help the constant nose drippage. I know: Ewwwww yuck! Now, who do you think you're talking to? Hmmm? Sickness is not a valid excuse for Phil!
I take his vow to love me through sickness very seriously!:7 :+
LaurieXX I hope you built up some immunity back in August! This isn't a terrible cold. More like a nuisance that won't go away no matter how much you threaten, beg and bribe!!! You can't get sick anyhow. Your girls' social life needs you too much! I think it's great you were able to do some stress free shopping with a teenager. Gives me hope!:+
JeanetteX Somehow, I can't imagine you with a pink golf bag either. Must be your active, outdoorsy, in touch with nature life style! Campers are tough! Are you projecting your soft side unconsciously? No one forced you to buy pink. Another hundred bucks would have been a justifiable expense for say a golf bag in blue.:7
Oh, I'm just giving you a hard time. Still luv ya!!! Isn't mahogany wood expensive! I once drooled over a magazine picture of a porch made out of it. Simply gorgeous!!!! I'm sure it'll burn nice and long come winter while you're dreaming of new tiling projects.
LeaX I understand where you're coming from. That's the main reason I went back on the X. Somehow seeing the rotation in print and having the dvds in my face makes it almost impossible to not push play. I just jumped right in. I knew if I thought about it for more than 24 hours, it wouldn't have happened! LOL
Cheryl How's all the cardio working for you? Do you only have to do a little weights (high rep/low weight) when you hit a plateau?
CAROL IT IS ABOUT TIME YOU REPORTED!!!!! Do I need to come to your house?
Smart move to avoid injury. I don't even know what an IT band is. I read about it all the time. I'm afraid that once I know what it is, I'll start having problems with it. Ignorance, for me, can really be bliss!:7
Hope all is well in your world!!!
Amy It's 20:41. (I think.) It's wake up time!!!!!
TracyX Yeah, I agree. I consider yoga a workout! That doesn't mean much. I consider grocery shopping a workout too! Awesome awesome workout on Sunday! You ROCK!!!! I promise to be careful. Right now, I'm too lazy to walk upstairs. Usually, I do one of one type of chin up or pull up before walking into my room. Then I have to lay down for a good 5 minutes to catch my breath. LOLOLOLOL I must say in my defense, I don't jump up. I hang there and bring myself up.
SandraX Where are you? Hope everything is fine! How has your dd adjusted to school?
DebraX Where are you?!?!?!?!?! Hope everything is fine! How have you adjusted to 1st grade homework?:+
Okay Ladies! I'm off to do something. So weird to have finished my workout so early.:7
Ballistic Hugs to ALL!!!!!
Chest and Back and ARX is DONE!!!!! Amy-X, you're right I HATE ARX so much that I block it out of my mind. Then I realize that it's at the end of each weight workout. So sad!
I didn't do as well as last week. Chalking it up to being sick and tired. However, I did better than I thought I would; even took the pounds up for lawnmower and heavy pants.
It's been a typical chaotic Monday. Took the girls to Staples to get copies made. (Darn Vista doesn't want to play nice with my printer's scanner feature!) From there we went to music lessons. Well...
I drove the entire 10 miles with my emergency breaks on!!!!x(
After I dropped them off, I went to the post office to mail off our Visa applications and documents. Took FOREVER! I would definitely go postal working there!!!!
The entire time I drove around my breaks were grinding loudly. So, now I don't have a car till Thursday at the earliest.;(
On a happier note, I missed a remote call from an acquaintance I met over the Internet YEARS ago. Every once in awhile she calls and thinks I have ALL day to chat about people I don't know and other crazy stuff. I really think she's mental!!!!!!! (And that's being generous!) Anyhow, Phil came home early from work and ended up talking to her for 30 minutes! This is the same man who spoke maybe 10 words on our first date! (Yes, I make him nervous, but that's beside the point.) Poor Phil. That's what he gets for playing hookie!!!
Enough of my mental chatter... Let's see what everyone else has been up to today!
Amy-X I am so with you on gold shoes! Not my cup of tea either. But, it doesn't make us bad people!
TG: LOL on flexing... You must like what you see! Now get to work before you see some flabby lady staring back at you!
Traci-X Oooo, I feel for you. Too bad you can't put an motion sensor on your arm every time you roll over on it during the night. That arm is like a baby!!!! Gotta wake up every three hours and nurse the darn thing!!!:+ Are you making your client carry all the weights from your car. Tell her it's functional fitness.:7 OMW! Public laundry mats are scary places!!!!!!!!!!! Do whatever you have to do to get it fixed, Ms. Love Machine!:+ That's not a bad idea. The girls have started blowing me kisses in a poor attempt to avoid my germs. Silly girls! Haven't I taught them anything!!!! I tried that already with Phil!:7
Nicole-X It seems like your back gets out of alignment quite often. Is this something you get when lifting heavy or no matter what you do? Hopefully, the chiro will get you back up and running without a hitch ASAP. Now! Will you just STOP! You and Carol can always start NOW!
LaurieXX I hope you built up some immunity back in August! This isn't a terrible cold. More like a nuisance that won't go away no matter how much you threaten, beg and bribe!!! You can't get sick anyhow. Your girls' social life needs you too much! I think it's great you were able to do some stress free shopping with a teenager. Gives me hope!:+
JeanetteX Somehow, I can't imagine you with a pink golf bag either. Must be your active, outdoorsy, in touch with nature life style! Campers are tough! Are you projecting your soft side unconsciously? No one forced you to buy pink. Another hundred bucks would have been a justifiable expense for say a golf bag in blue.:7
LeaX I understand where you're coming from. That's the main reason I went back on the X. Somehow seeing the rotation in print and having the dvds in my face makes it almost impossible to not push play. I just jumped right in. I knew if I thought about it for more than 24 hours, it wouldn't have happened! LOL
Cheryl How's all the cardio working for you? Do you only have to do a little weights (high rep/low weight) when you hit a plateau?
CAROL IT IS ABOUT TIME YOU REPORTED!!!!! Do I need to come to your house?
Amy It's 20:41. (I think.) It's wake up time!!!!!
TracyX Yeah, I agree. I consider yoga a workout! That doesn't mean much. I consider grocery shopping a workout too! Awesome awesome workout on Sunday! You ROCK!!!! I promise to be careful. Right now, I'm too lazy to walk upstairs. Usually, I do one of one type of chin up or pull up before walking into my room. Then I have to lay down for a good 5 minutes to catch my breath. LOLOLOLOL I must say in my defense, I don't jump up. I hang there and bring myself up.
SandraX Where are you? Hope everything is fine! How has your dd adjusted to school?
DebraX Where are you?!?!?!?!?! Hope everything is fine! How have you adjusted to 1st grade homework?:+
Okay Ladies! I'm off to do something. So weird to have finished my workout so early.:7
Ballistic Hugs to ALL!!!!!