Xers ~Fridays Fix~


Morning Gang! Lettng Tracy sleep in today;-)
RD 2 / Phase 1/ Day 4/5: Yoga X RE-DO + Legs & Back & ARX maybe

OK- Since Sandra is making me go to an actual post office to mail her Xmas card ;-) I think I will try to make the trek multi functional…. Here’s my Christmas GiveAway DVDs!!!!!! (Kinda like Oprahs Favorite Things!!!) First to email get…. HO HO HO

~ Jeanette’s Favorite: Christi Taylor Totally Hot Cardio – used exactly 2X for 20 minutes!

~BB Slim Series: Cool It Off w/ Debbie Siebers… Stretch -60 minutes & VERY good but I like X better for long stretches

~Cardio Hits: Cathe!: PowerMax, Step Fit, Step Works all on 1 DVD Do I really have to sell you on this oldie?

~BB VHS “Guarenteed Series” –the original Tony Series 10 minutes each
1. Great Buns
2. Thin Thighs
3. Great Arms

~ Tracys “Toss in Trash” but I kinda liked…. The PIT Marshall Arts

Email me @ teddy16410@yahoo.com

Back with personals...
Just lost 45 minutes of personals cuz I opened a 2nd window vs using word...............................x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x(
Fyi1: No bay this weekend, gotta work + sandy needs a “stairs break” & mommy needs a “daddy break” ;-)

FYI2: I don’t feel 35 this morning- hmmmmmmm maybe my dr was hitting on me?:eek:

FYI3: I do believe Wendy has been captured by mosquitoes OR possibly she & her mother killed each other already…. No blog update stillx( Does she have her cell phone???

FYI4: If Lying Side Tri Raises are fairly easy for us perhaps we are missing something… Cant be we all have big hips! I do – but not everyone!!! Maybe its hand position? We can all try & make it harder next time!!}(

TeddyGirl: Round 1
Knowing Ted is only 38 I TOTALLY get why he wants you in the PM..He’s in HIS PRIME! }( ~ Just keep talking like you guys do… Its all good & there are no “perfect” people so why trade him in? I think the going rate is about 15 on Tonys new stuff- its all alacarte from what I can tell… I hope they do a package discount tho.

Carol: Round 1
Glad you got a chuckle during Yoga X- I rarely laugh at Tony in that one..actually I don’t find him funny one bit in YogaX! :D

Laurie: Round 3 :eek:
You are so good to come back & finish Yoga! :D Lol on phonebooks! DH gets so mad because once a new one arrives I throw it away. Glad you like the looks of Long & Lean- it’s a keeper for me.

Jeanette: Round 2
Glad you enjoyed your Yoga of choice! I have a lot in my collection that are just as intense as Tony but a tad more enjoyable…;-) Less Drill Sargent! LOL ~ I think theres probably a lot of the vaginal reconstructions done but not discussed- I would imagine with all the hate crimes & rape out there that its just never been discussed before it became “cosmetic”. ~ Do I need to call the personell people??? Not right I say! Theres a HORRID standing joke in Houston… “Help Wanted: HR Manager- only lazy - *itchie people need apply!” :eek: :eek: :eek: I know that’s not nice but REALLY- I worked for 4 companies since moving here and all 4 had the same joke going around!! NOTE: TO ALL LURKERS: I WAS JUST RE-TELLING A JOKE- RELAX! ~ Your test list looks good- I’d add colonoscopy tho. I actually look forward to the “50” tests as those are things I fear- the ones that dont get caught early

The urchins better be kind today… Tell them you’ll make them go to school all summer if they don’t cover their noses & mouths! :eek: ~ Very happy that back is better…Maybe a month of just Yoga would help?? :+ ROF on getting hit on!!!!!!!! I guess some women are no different than most men! Wanted or not- its all about their hormones!!:+ ! My poor boobs are always freakin’ out- they go A to B and back again with all my mid month bloat… Does that happen if you have implants too? MY GOODNESS a fake D could be a DD :eek: during ttom!!@! ~~ LOL on my drs office plyo jacks…would those be appropriate before, during, or after the stirrups?:eek::eek:

Lea: Round 2
GOOD GIRL on that KM!!! No easy task! The boys are ALREADY feeling the love for crazy women??? }( OH MY!!!! }( I love what they do for your Meez tho- maybe it will change daily now??? Smoothie High! Good One!!!! I want you to make MY smoothies!!!

Nicole: Round 2
FAB news on BFF time! :7 You’ll feel good as new! I know if I go too long without seeing mine Wendell actually says… “Its time to have a love fest w/ Linda” LOL Got those documents sent to your sis this morning- good thinking. Did you do pics this round????? Oh do post!!!

Cheryl: :7
MISS YA!!!!!!!!

TracyX :7
You must REALLY be sleeping in!!! Hope test went well!

Sandra: Round 2
Congrats on lovin YogaTony! Its always a good feeling when you accomplish the task. You seem much more “into” X this round…:7 I think its because you know you have the freedom to choose. ~ I think you’d be the PERFECT Oprah Guest to bring talk of Vagina to the world…Shoot- I’d even TiVo you! LOL ~ So are ou this clever in person or is it a gift of writing? You have me in stitches most days – I envy your ability to communicate in that way. Is there even a slight chance we’ll get you to Debra’s house for the party in the Spring??? Teddy & I are already working out the details for Wife Swap program! :7 ~ Thanks for details on backbends to Deb… I needed those desperately! I wonder if some of mine is also mental rigidity. I am pretty darn flexible except backwards. ~ One of the reasons I think I am so strong with Mason Twists is the doing ARX backwards at times… I also do this with Plyo & LegsX… It allows you to work muscles differently just because of fatigue level… I also am consistent with kickboxing so I think that creates super-human obliques as well!

Swifty XX :eek: -
Stop studying so hard! We miss you!!:7

Miss you too girl:7

WRITE TO US!!!!! I have a funny feeling you have not started X! LOL:7

Love, Hugs & GREAT DAY to all!
Well, I see Traci is having a little chat fest with herself this morning! Hi all! Just signing on before I take the diva to school and then read with the germ infested little urchins. I actually have on workout clothes...so maybe that will make it easier to get going once I get home. My back is much better today...but still some twinges, so I don't want to do anything to mess up the gains I've made. I am planning on walking on the TM for 30-40 minutes just to get myself loose and raise my heart rate a bit...then 20 minutes or so of yoga..probably Eoin...to continue with my stretching. Hopefully I will be 100% by tomorrow and can get back into heavy lifting.

I caught up with everyone last night...except those late night posters, Jeanette and Nicole...and of course...Traci chatting amongst herself this morning! So, I will be back in a bit to catch up with you guys...

My Eoin quote~~~~~~~~

"Relax and Enjoy Life often." ---Eoin Finn

Happy days to all who follow...bbl!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Good morning. Today I am sore sore sore. I think I will do Eion Magically Hip instead of Chest and Back and do C and B on Sunday. That KickMax kicked my behind! Ouch!

All right, so I lied and no personals. And I definately cannot do them until Monday. Have a great weekend everyone. Me and younger DS are staying at my moms tonight and going to the USC game tomorrow. It should be fun.

Good Morning Xers!!

I was wiped out last night after my busy day yesterday. I hit the hay early at 10 (I set up the DVR to tape ER, ha ha ha). I'm the children's music teacher at Bible study, and it doesn't SOUND exhausting to sing with a bunch of kiddos (ranging from 12 mos to 12 yrs old) for 2 hours, but it just is. Plus the hassle of waking up early, getting MY kiddos ready, out the door, etc. I'm glad there wasn't any workout more strenuous than yoga yesterday, lol. I'm looking forward to Legs & Back today (not necessarily ARX, but I'll do that one, too). I haven't done that one before, so we'll see how much of a goofball Tony is in this one ;-) On a positive note, I think the germ has LEFT THE BUILDING!! YAY! Now if only it'll STAY gone, I'll be all set, lol.

Tracy -- I hope you crushed your quiz!!

Traci-X -- I'm glad your phone works and your Bowflex will arrive sooner than expected :D Glad you had a great (albeit LONG) visit with the doc today!! Woo hoo on being as healthy as a 30yo! Wendy was supposed to buy a cell phone there to call home from, but from her last post, it didn't sound too positive on the phone thing... I hope the mosquitos didn't gobble her up!

Debra -- Congrats on your DD being Star of the Week!! I hope you remembered your hand sanitizer ;-) I hope your back still continues to feel good this morning!

Lea -- I'm in the minority among Catheites and I actually LIKE KM! If you want to mix it up some time, do the drill section FIRST, then the combos. I love doing it that way :)

Nicole -- I love your new Meez! I need one of those, lol. I hope you and your BFF have a GREAT time at the movies!

Sandra -- I found some of those balance poses very challenging, too, though less intense than the other stuff. The sequencing Tony uses is a bit strange, too. Oh, well.

Laurie -- I'll keep the breaking it up in mind. I can't usually do that on Thursdays b/c of my schedule, but maybe during the recovery week. Thanks for the tip :)

Jeanette -- Nope, not a thing :-( I think she got eaten up by all her mother's "grandchildren" she was supposed to give chocolate, too, lol.

Hi to everyone else! I hope you have a Fabulous Friday!!

I was waiting for you to get up!:+ Have fun today.... YOGA ONLY my vote... Forgot to say KUDOS to you on DD being a STAR!! You poor moms get blamed when the kid goes to hell in a hand basket so you may as well get the praise!!!!!!! JOB WELL DONE - Do you know that with you and DD my mind NEVER thinks dear daughter its always Darling Diva:7

OH I SHALL MISS YOU!!!!!! At what time did you DD get up to change Meez AGAIN??????????????

CAROL~!!!!!Hooray on being germ free!!!:7 :7 :7

Wheres Tracy???? Must be a computer thing again....
Round 2, Phase 1, Week 1, Day 5 - Legs & Back in AM, AbX in PM

Morning, good workout this morning. I woke up a bit later this morning so I wasn't quite as enthusiastic as I could have been. Next time will be better. The lat pulldowns on the Bowflex went really well. I was afraid they would irritate my elbow, but it didn't bother it at all. Actually, my elbow feels pretty stretched out right now, and in a good way. I didn't BRING IT on the back work as I wanted to make sure I didn't hurt myself, want to ease into the back work, not have a crick in my neck for the next week. Oh yes, I got the room here cleaned up last night and dusted off the Bowflex. Looks all purty now. Maybe after DH gets done with the concrete work this week, he'll want to join me.

Traci, nice list of giveaways. So you didn't like Christi Taylor? I have that one and like it, but you know, different strokes. Glad you are staying home with us this weekend. Bet Wendell will be working on his list of "what can I do to make DW happy". Maybe I will try putting my arm further under my body for the next set of Side-Tri-Rises. But I like feeling superior to those others in that I can do lots more. You are absolutely right about adding the colonoscopy to my list. I forgot that one (or tried to forget it). I know lots of people that have had it and it's not really a big deal.

Debra, glad you are feeling better. Take it easy on the walking too. Have fun with the reading today. When is your first class?

Lea, glad you are sore, but in a good way. Enjoy the weekend and game. Love your new Meez.

Carol, we can do AbX tonite. Helps me to know that there are others that are pulling it together to get the job done, even if it isn't easy. Yaaaay to feeling better! LOL about Wendy and the chocolate giving. Hope all is well. Was her sister joining her right from the start? Hope there are no problems in that area.

Hi to everyone else, Tracy, you okay?

Good Morning Folks,

My computer still isn’t responding, when I turn it on don’t hear any rumbling in the hard drive and monitor is still blank. I called Time Warner they are coming out next Saturday, mean time back at the ranch, going to sign onto Ted’s computer.

Last night, I got a good night sleep, yippee. I wasn’t sure what w/o I felted like doing this morning, so I popped in LIC and man oh man, don’t care what anyone says that workout is a toughie, whip my butt.

Yes I am still excited about starting the X on Monday. I’ve been hanging out on BB forum and seeing all kinds of amazing results, really got me high.

Tracie: ^^^5 on the Bow Flex purchase, you should really get good results with it, plus less stress on your muscles. Guess what, I can’t get around YOGAX NO matter how hard I try, am going to put that in weekly routine, but first going to try StretchX aw…bet that feel good on me muscles. I’ll be back need too get bond report out the house
Tracie: me…me…me….If you are giving them away, I will gladly take them. But, I don’t want to be a hog, I’ll take last places
Christi Taylor Totally Hot Cardio –
BB Slim Series: Cool It Off w/ Debbie Siebers…
Cardio Hits: Cathe!: PowerMax, Step Fit, Step Works all on 1 DVD
Okay...back for some personals....Luckily none of the little germ infested urchins coughed on me directly this time! I am still very intrigued with the range of reading abilities of these kids...Anyhoo...my back is continuing to feel okay...so, Traci, I am definitely walking for a bit....then on to my friend Eoin again!


****Lea Sorry about all the ouchies from yesterday's workout...I am sure Eoin will be able to heal you! Have a great time at the game tomorrow....sounds like a lot of fun!

****Carol Congrats on banishing the germs from your house! Maybe you can put one of those germ free tents over it to help keep them at bay. I am sure you will like L&B....I really enjoy Tony's leg work. Good you got some extra sleep last night...sounds like you needed it!

*****Traci My darling diva really didn't do anything special to be star of the week...all the kids get to do it once...But she was excited nonetheless! Sorry you lost your post...That is a bit frustrating, hunh? Nice of you to offer up the dvds...none I need, but thanks anyway! I am sure Wendell isn't too sad not to have you at the bay this weekend either...LOL! It's always good to take a bit of a break from those darling spouses who tend to grate on our nerves once is a while! Can you not just take the gift of the side tri raises being easy and just go with it?? I think it is because we all weigh so much less than the boys on the video that we can do them easier....we don't have to lift as much weight! That's my story and I am sticking to it! I think the plyo jacks should be done from the stirrups to give an extra balance challenge.

*****Jeanette Maybe you can challenge the personnel mgr to an arm wrestling contest and when she loses, she has to get your paperwork moving along! So glad you have such a fun weekend planned! I am feeling a little jealous! What are you doing today...Legs and Back? Oh, goodie! You get to listen to Dreya moan during the calf raises! So glad you got that Bowflex dusted before you had to use it! Keep that elbow safe....you will need it for golfing.

*****Nicole Congrats on getting some time alone with BFF! Just the break you have been needing. I have been alternating ice with a heating pad...and that has been working for me...and keeps me from getting too cold. I don't have to start my holiday baking for a while...I am usually bad about eating the dough...so by the time the cookies are ready, I am already full. LOL on your new meez!!

****Teddygirl Keeping my fingers crossed for you and your computer!

Okay...off for now! Kisses to all who follow! I promise not to give you any germs!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Classic/ Week 2/ Day 5/ Legs & Back, ARX (+BM1 32min step, on 6").

Good morning,

Today's workout went dum-diddly-well! I'm in PMS power mode and feel like an energizer bunny. BM1 step on 6" felt fun; Legs & Back likewise. My strategy today with the pull ups was to use my leg to assist up, remove from the step when I'd reached the top of the move, and slowly lower down unassisted. I reached fatigue in half the time using this method, but I think it did more good for my back then doing 2x as many, all assisted. At the start of phase 2 I'll work on getting in decent numbers of unassisted. By the end of Round 1 I was doing really well, so I know I can build back up to that.

We had a substitute instructor for the Pump & Jump class last night....and she actually made us work! Good grief, we had to do a big circuit of bootcampy stuff, one minute each exercise: burpees, push ups, running planks, jumping jacks, skip rope, frog leaps, to name just a few. Throw in some sprinting, jogging, crunches, walking lunges, squats, and wacky jacks, and you got yourself a tiring 45min workout. It was really fun, though. I wish she was the permanent instructor, but how does one tactfully suggest that? I told her afterwards that she did an "excellent" job, and I'd love to see her back again. DD thought she was great, too.

I have a full day planned today, and have yet to hit the showers, so I can't dwell here. Actually, it's only a half-day planned, but because I'll be running around with my friend, our 2 toddlers, her baby, and her 5 year old, it will take us all day. I will catch up on all the personals later, I promise!!

Jeanette, I got your email and will answer this afternoon.

From KM Premixes, I’m curiousx( can someone help me out, give a brief description. I’d appreciate it.

1. Kickbox/Bootcamp challenge – 50 minutes
2. Cardio Leg Sculpt – 52 minutes
Kickbox/Boocamp Challenge- Moving the whole time:)
Cardio leg Sculpt- Shorter cardio with 20 minute leg toning at the end

Ok, off to do L&B which will probably kill me so if I don't come back, you know what happened:p

See you in a bit................I hope;)


Bring it!!!

Hi all,

I'm running late today. Well, I actually had a nice run with DS and I'm going to do some yoga in a few minutes.

I read through the posts and I'm glad to see the IL list is getting shorter.

I love all of the cute new meez's.

Later guys,

You guys are sure quiet today! Hope all is well in your busy worlds! Let's see....I have been busy today, too...After reading with the urchins I got a little breakfast then I walked on the treadmill...but of course, after a while I felt guilty for just walking so I ran the last 12 minutes or so..and felt pretty good...about 40 minutes overall. Then I visited with my friend Eoin for a while...I actually did yoga longer than I meant to...Probably another 40 minutes or so. I did most of the vinyasas in the beginning and then on to the hip opening moves...without the vinyasas in between. I felt really good after that. Then I went shopping with my mom and DD this afternoon...and had an early dinner at Mimi's. Then home to watch a Xmas movie with DD...But now my lower back is aching a bit...I don't know if it is from the shopping or the exercise this morning. Back to heat and ice tonight. As long as I feel good in the morning then I will do Slo Mo chest, tris and bis.

Okay...time for a few personals.....

****Sandra So glad you had a great time at the Pump and Jump class last night...and I have to ask...What is a burpee??? I think it is great how innovative you are being to get the results you are looking for. I like your idea of the assist up and the unaided descent on the pull ups...I bet you will see lots of results from that...and soon they will be completely unassisted! Hope you had fun with all the urchins and your friend!

***Tracy Good you got some run time in with your DS...Have fun with yoga...How did your test go? Any big weekend plans?

****Nicole I hope that you are okay since you haven't stopped back by! Hopefully you have just been busy as opposed to hurt. Take care of that back and don't overdo...please.

*****Teddygirl Can't help with the premixes since I have never done those...I always chose the easier ones...LOL! Have a good weekend with Ted!

Well...think that is it for now. I am heading to the farmers market with my mom and DD tomorrow...They should have lots of fresh wreaths and garland...as well as trees...although, we all know I don't need any more of those! I will probably get a couple of wreaths, though. Then CB and I are taking DD to see "Enchanted" tomorrow night. And I am headed to the Panther game with CB on Sunday...lots and lots to do here!

Signing off for the evening.....Kisses to all!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Hi guys, back again!! Oh my lord, I'm ready for a proper sit down with a cup of HOT tea (okay, a white chocolate mocha latte with whipped cream and a mini pumpkin loaf is what I really want, no, DESERVE, after the day I've just had). The main thing I'm grateful for right now is that I prepared dinner last night, and only needed to throw it in the oven for an hour once I walked in the door today. Otherwise, it would be a fast food night.

The forum was quiet today. Maybe I can get caught up:

Traci....Vanquishing all the loiterers from your collection, are you? Don't you have to go to the post office to mail your other cards? Or do you have a bunch of US stamps at home? Just go to the US postal service website and see what US postage you need to put on a card to Canada. The side-tri-rise thing seems to be gender related, doesn't it? Or is it that the men in videos are exhausting their triceps more doing all those unassisted pull/chin ups? I'll bet that's it. You're very observant. Yes, I am enjoying myself more this time. I've got more realistic expectations about what these 13 weeks will bring, and therefore am willing to be happy with what incremental changes I'll see. I'm not going to be one of those magazine "before" and "after" stories. But I'll be stronger. Maybe not leaner. But stronger. I guess you'll have to show up at Debbie's to see whether I'm the same in person as online. I should start the passport process, that can take a while. This group is generally very witty, isn't it? Oh, the fun we shall have, especially if Debra is mixing the drinks! I did find in Round 1 that I could do the mason twists pretty good if I did ARX later on, rather than with the rest of the workout. I know my obliques are quite good, it's holding my legs up that is so hard (hip flexors, right?).

Debra....What airport do I fly to for the Spring Gathering? That's TERRIFIC news about your back feeling better! What moves are you specifically referring to? Upward dog, cobra, and bow? Or wheel?

******2.5 hours later, and I've returned. Did you miss me? I need to finish up quickly, though, so here's the abbreviated version of the rest of my post: ********

Carol....How is Tony's sequencing strange?

Tracy....Yay, a good run and a good workout!! Your legs appreciated their day off, I guess?

Jeanette....Yup, I'll take the Bryan Kest as a swap for the Christi. Thanks!! On the back of the cover it says she's also the star of 7002 and 5004 videos. You might want to track them down? The DD in the pic was my second one. She was 1 year old when those pics were taken. She just turned 2 at the end of September. The DD I take to Jump & Pump is 7. Yes, she has a hoot.

Teddygirl....KB/BC Challenge: warm up, blast challenge, combos 1-4, cool down stretch. Cardio Leg Sculpt: warm up, blast challenge, leg conditioning drills, cool down stretch.


Nicole....RIP ;( (And please, feel free to envision me as one of those Canadians in the magazine ;) ).

Laurie....The bit about the female genital plastic surgery was in an ad down the side of one of the articles, not an actual article. Did you finish YogaX yesterday?

'Night night!! (yaaawn).
Hi Debra! Burpees are, gosh what does Cathe call them? They're Terminator Climbers without the climbing part. You start from standing, touch the floor and jump your legs back to plank, jump your feet back to your hands, and jump up vertically again. Cathe does them this way in the BootCamp warm up, I think (?). The pull up variation was suggested on a link to "mistressing the pull up" that I found doing Round 1. It works, because by Phase 2 I was doing unassisted ones. Try it some time :) DD#1 was just here and got a chuckle out of your Meez. Wow you're busy this weekend!! Have a great time!

Good grief, the toddler just walked upstairs carrying a stool, saying, "Mommy, I need stool. Bye bye!" Nothing good can come of this.....

-off to find out what's up

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