Fyi1: No bay this weekend, gotta work + sandy needs a “stairs break” & mommy needs a “daddy break” ;-)
FYI2: I don’t feel 35 this morning- hmmmmmmm maybe my dr was hitting on me?
FYI3: I do believe Wendy has been captured by mosquitoes OR possibly she & her mother killed each other already…. No blog update stillx( Does she have her cell phone???
FYI4: If Lying Side Tri Raises are fairly easy for us perhaps we are missing something… Cant be we all have big hips! I do – but not everyone!!! Maybe its hand position? We can all try & make it harder next time!!}(
TeddyGirl: Round 1
Knowing Ted is only 38 I TOTALLY get why he wants you in the PM..He’s in HIS PRIME! }( ~ Just keep talking like you guys do… Its all good & there are no “perfect” people so why trade him in? I think the going rate is about 15 on Tonys new stuff- its all alacarte from what I can tell… I hope they do a package discount tho.
Carol: Round 1
Glad you got a chuckle during Yoga X- I rarely laugh at Tony in that one..actually I don’t find him funny one bit in YogaX!
Laurie: Round 3
You are so good to come back & finish Yoga!

Lol on phonebooks! DH gets so mad because once a new one arrives I throw it away. Glad you like the looks of Long & Lean- it’s a keeper for me.
Jeanette: Round 2
Glad you enjoyed your Yoga of choice! I have a lot in my collection that are just as intense as Tony but a tad more enjoyable…;-) Less Drill Sargent! LOL ~ I think theres probably a lot of the vaginal reconstructions done but not discussed- I would imagine with all the hate crimes & rape out there that its just never been discussed before it became “cosmetic”. ~ Do I need to call the personell people??? Not right I say! Theres a HORRID standing joke in Houston… “Help Wanted: HR Manager- only lazy - *itchie people need apply!”

I know that’s not nice but REALLY- I worked for 4 companies since moving here and all 4 had the same joke going around!! NOTE: TO ALL LURKERS: I WAS JUST RE-TELLING A JOKE- RELAX! ~ Your test list looks good- I’d add colonoscopy tho. I actually look forward to the “50” tests as those are things I fear- the ones that dont get caught early
The urchins better be kind today… Tell them you’ll make them go to school all summer if they don’t cover their noses & mouths!

~ Very happy that back is better…Maybe a month of just Yoga would help?? :+ ROF on getting hit on!!!!!!!! I guess some women are no different than most men! Wanted or not- its all about their hormones!!:+ ! My poor boobs are always freakin’ out- they go A to B and back again with all my mid month bloat… Does that happen if you have implants too? MY GOODNESS a fake D could be a DD

during ttom!!@! ~~ LOL on my drs office plyo jacks…would those be appropriate before, during, or after the stirrups?

Lea: Round 2
GOOD GIRL on that KM!!! No easy task! The boys are ALREADY feeling the love for crazy women??? }( OH MY!!!! }( I love what they do for your Meez tho- maybe it will change daily now??? Smoothie High! Good One!!!! I want you to make MY smoothies!!!
Nicole: Round 2
FAB news on BFF time! :7 You’ll feel good as new! I know if I go too long without seeing mine Wendell actually says… “Its time to have a love fest w/ Linda” LOL Got those documents sent to your sis this morning- good thinking. Did you do pics this round????? Oh do post!!!
Cheryl: :7
MISS YA!!!!!!!!
TracyX :7
You must REALLY be sleeping in!!! Hope test went well!
Sandra: Round 2
Congrats on lovin YogaTony! Its always a good feeling when you accomplish the task. You seem much more “into” X this round…:7 I think its because you know you have the freedom to choose. ~ I think you’d be the PERFECT Oprah Guest to bring talk of Vagina to the world…Shoot- I’d even TiVo you! LOL ~ So are ou this clever in person or is it a gift of writing? You have me in stitches most days – I envy your ability to communicate in that way. Is there even a slight chance we’ll get you to Debra’s house for the party in the Spring??? Teddy & I are already working out the details for Wife Swap program! :7 ~ Thanks for details on backbends to Deb… I needed those desperately! I wonder if some of mine is also mental rigidity. I am pretty darn flexible except backwards. ~ One of the reasons I think I am so strong with Mason Twists is the doing ARX backwards at times… I also do this with Plyo & LegsX… It allows you to work muscles differently just because of fatigue level… I also am consistent with kickboxing so I think that creates super-human obliques as well!
Swifty XX
Stop studying so hard! We miss you!!:7
Miss you too girl:7
WRITE TO US!!!!! I have a funny feeling you have not started X! LOL:7
Love, Hugs & GREAT DAY to all!