Morning Xers,
Rotation: LGI8
Workout: Week4/Day2&3/BBC Butt & Legs & BBC Arms & Abs (both weights only) / Cardio Coach #2
As you can see I didn't have a chance to do my workout yesterday, so today I will just do the lower body and Arms. These are very short workouts so will not be a problem.

Besides that it is Friday, so the girls only need me for Taxi Mom tonight.
Oldest DD had a great race yesterday. She ran Varsity and came in 26th with an unofficial time of around 16:50. It was hard to tell exactly what time she came in. She will find out today. Her coaches where giving her ^5's.
Jeanette, I could send you the article that explains the rotation. I have it in a word doc. Just e-mail me at
[email protected] and I can send it to you. I think DH lost some of his weight from the beer drinking also. Probably less stress too.
Traci, Soooo glad you are feeling better. Great article you posted. The advice in this one is dead on for me.

The weather at the meet was a little scarry at one point. We had some rain/thunder/lightening so they had to delay the race for a half hour.
Cheryl, Congrats to you daughter Nadia.
Amy, Sounds like the co-ed gym is a great place to be. I like the fact that it wasn't crowded. Had to smile at the fact that the guys knew what you where doing after you started your deadlifts with impressive weights.
Anointed, Sounds like you are going to have a great weekend.

I have to find my camera, charge the camera, take some pictures, then I will post.

DH and I are terrible with our camera.

We always think of the thing after we realize that something would have made a great picture. I need to remember where we put the dang thing, so we can get some pictures of DD and her running.
Wendy, I just love reading your posts. It always at some point makes me LOL. BBC is like P90X on crack. The cardio portions of these workouts are intense, and I don't know how the "floor people" can keep up. They have the step set at 12" and I get winded with just 8 or 10". But the workouts are short, so it works out great.
Tracy, Glad you are still calm in the storm.
Debra, Your BFF will be visiting you today. Did you get you housework done? That is something that I really need to work on this weekend. The kitchen floor really needs to be cleaned. x(
Have to get going, boss keeps asking me questions!