Xers 7/24 TUESDAY! Brand New Day!


Morning Ladies-
I am flying thru this morning as I have a 7am coffee meeting and still need to shower! *rush rush*

Todays Workouts:
Plyo Legs Master Series :7
Yoga: TracyX's Mish Mosh! :D

Sinus headache right there waiting for me this morning... Took some Nighttime PM drugs so i could sleep- Didnt wake up til 5am:7

Personals will have to happen later today BUT I did check on everyone and was happy to see that at end of day we were all standing

WendyX: Just quickly- {{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}} Now healing can start.... Heartwarming that DD participated in the funeral. I have been to military funerals for vets and YES they are highly emotional. I actually dont care for the gun salute as it reminds me of violence at such a somber time but I'm not military so it doesnt really matter what I think! I prefer balloons or Doves being released but hey- to each his own! At my funeral I'll half millions of ballons released (unless thats bad for environment;-) ) ..... :7

Hugs to all today- May we each experience love & laughter in our day! I shall return for rest of personals after I'm amped up on 3 Starbucks Venti's!
Will type until I gotta run!

That’s so cool to hear when Yoga makes your abs sore! You are OBVIOUSLY a pro now at engaging core – I still have to remind remind remind! Between that and learning to breathe thru nose vs mouth exhale I feel like a dork most of the time. LOL on the flexing! We work very hard for that right – I say we flex away!!! On the X- I really LOVED how focused I stayed thru holidays last time… It also was almost a welcome relief from overdoing cardio to make up for eating ! Not that you can – but I still struggle with that at times. I think I’ll plan ahead to start in Nov so my recovery weeks fall like last year- during the holiday week… That worked for me as we were usually at the bay and I cant do the strength for X there. I’ll have to look at calendar – They may put me in a last week of October start date. That means that as soon as I get back from Californis in Oct I’ll need to be endurance training. Hmmmm, so much to think about!

CONGRATS on accomplishing so much yesterday! Talk #1 down! At least you’re moving forward. Enjoy the massage- I’m sure you need those more now than ever! Our poor bodies hold onto so much stress. LOL on DH- If he knew HALF the things I’d tell you my computer would suddenly get a virus and I’d be banished from my Xer world! LOL THANKS for the food high! Pizza & Mac n Cheese! YUMMY!!!!!!!

Gotta run to my meeting….. WendyX, Cheryl, NicoleX – I shall return!!!
Hi all,

Not sure what is on tap for my workout today. I have to figure out how much time I'll have for tomorrow's workout, then I'll decide.

Cheryl - I couldn't help but laugh at your comment about how muscle is sleek and lean and fat pounds billow like marshmallows. I'll never look at another marshmallow the same. I always think of the internal fat on a whole chicken when I think of BF; yuck!

Wendy - Isn't it amazing how children can hold up under pressure? I'm glad DD did such a nice job. I bet you were proud. I went to a funeral recently for a co-worker and the daughter did an unbelievable speech about her Mom. I sure couldn't have done it.

Off to get some work done. We're leaving again tomorrow.

Morning all! did Kenpo ARX and Core Syn this weekend with my GF. What a difference a wo partner makes! VA is beautiful and so was her wo area. I forgot what it is to fully move your limbs during a wo.x( My space is in the basement (low ceilings). Yuk! Anyhoo, I've completed 13 wks.( minus the lastYoga)

Yesterday DD and I did an amazing 18 mi on the bikes. She brought it on the uphill climb with our avg way over the 8.5 mph when she doesn't help out. My legs are so pumped! Oh, what will I do this fall/winter for a leg workout?

TUE AM wo IMAX3 intervals 1-5, upper body sculpt and abs-LIC, followed by SM #1. Oh Cathe is tough. :eek: I've forgotten how tough. I am definitely will be doing another round of P90X. After my return from the RT of course;)

Our trip was beautiful. The girls played at the pool Sat. and we hiked around the top of the mt. The weather was gorgeous! It's amazing what a few days away chatting with friends can do for a girl. :7

It's off to work I go. Have a super day and BBL.:*

I’m feeling a little rested, last night, I took one TylenolPM I was in bed by 7pm woke up just in time to watch Cop’s and DC.

This morning, I did abs and hour jog. It was rough had to jump off my TM a couple times to catch my breath, but I made. Tonight, P90x back & Bi’s, I may as well since I’m going to finish cooking the greens that I had leftx( I will check back;)
Morning Ladies,

Rotation: Cathe's July '07
Workout: Week 2/Day 1/LIC Cardio Blast Timesaver, Volleyball (double header)

I'm going to continue with the July 07 rotation where I left off. This premix sounds like lots of fun today, it has been a while since I have done LIC. Should be fun to see how much I remember. I may add on a short yoga also. Yesterday I tested out the knee, by doing a light 3 mile run. Everything seems to be well. :) So today I feel that I should be a ble to try the step.

Last night had some friends from faire over. Oh the drama that comes with this group of people is just funny (and that is what we where talking about). Even if I where to stand in front of people and say "Would you all just grow up", it wouldn't work. :) Some of these people make the friendships, and intrigue of these 9 weeks we spend together into Payton Place. :7 :7 :7 I have gotten to the age where these petty problems only bother me when other people are hurt. But now I am in a position of authority, and can talk to them about it. }( But I do it with a smile :D Just my little rant for the day.

Dear Wendy, Sorry I didn't get back on to post yesterday to give you a great big {{{{{{{{ HUG }}}}}}} You and your family are in my prayers.

Nicole, Sounds like you had a great B'Day and enjoyed some tasty food. That is something I did last week a little too much. Then of course I wasn't exercising, so I was feeling like the dough boy all day yesterday. Once I was done with my run, I did feel a little better though.

Sandra, Happy Anniversary! Even if you don't have a chance to celebrate on the very day, I hope you get to pick a time for you and your DH to give that special day just a little bit of Yippee! Sometimes life gets in the way too much.

Traci, I received the two Kimberly Spreen workouts, and am chomping at the bit to try them. The two where Amplify Your Strength and Progressive Strength. I will have to see how I can slip these workouts into my current rotation. :)

Tracy, Guess I need to practice yoga much more, and remind myself that I need to engage the core! I only remember to do that when the instructor reminds me. :) That's why I like posting here so much. You and Traci are already planning another X? At least you won't be tempting me again until later in the year. ;-)

Debra, Hope your next scheduled talk with you DH goes well.

Swifty, Glad you all had a good time on your trip. I found Cathe to be tough after the P90X also. Muscle confusion is what makes the body good. :D

Have to get back to work, still have a bunch of thing to do from vacation. Boss also gave me another project to finish today! :D I love my job though!

Have a great day!

Hi, everyone! Yes, a relief to see that we're all still standing -

Tracy - on the muscle vs fat - the personal trainer I meet with occasionally has the best object lesson - he has a model of 5 lbs of muscle and 5 lbs of fat that he keeps on his desk to show clients how the volume compares. The 5 lbs of muscle is just a tiny sleek thing, but the 5 lbs of fat billows all over the desk. They're just rubber and plastic models but they're built true to volume and weight.

I think of those two models every day. I'd gladly take 10 more pounds of muscle any day and they'd slide nicely into any set of clothes - but the 10 pounds of fat is obviously 2 dress sizes (at least) and will inevitably park in the areas you least want to expand.

I'm very tempted to find those models for Traci as her certification gift. Wouldn't that be a great thing to show clients?

We all talk about "wanting to lose 10 pounds" when the only relevant question is "pounds of what???" It really does matter.

Well, on to the rest of my workout. I ran 55 minutes with partner and am now eyeing GS Legs to round out the day.

Today's a state holiday in Utah - yippee - Pioneer Day. We closed the agency and I have the day off. What a wonderfult hing.

Have a great day, everyone!

Okay, couldn't resist - here are links to the muscle and fat replicas on eBay:


The problem is from the pictures you can't see the difference in volume. The musle is maybe 5 inches in diameter and just a sleek tiny thing, while the fat replica would billow all over your desk - looks to be at least 5x the volume when you hold it up.

But you do kind of get the idea from the picture. Which would you rather have? :eek: :eek: ;)
Hi all,

Swifty - Glad you stopped by.

Traci - Let's look at the calendar as we get closer. In all honesty, I can work with any dates. I definitely want to do some endurance work before starting the X.

Laurie- Since I'm not doing any traditional core work, I'm really aware of the core. If you zip during running the benefits are amazing. That takes a lot of awareness though. Also Shiva in Fluid Power frequently reminds you of pulling back with your belly as you move into down dog. That works great too and takes the stress off of other parts of the body.

Cheryl - Visual images are amazing reminders. We use them with kids all of the time. I think that the models would be great for Traci and her clients.

Sandra - I printed off a couple more of Cathe's rotations. I can't do the 04/07 since I'm just coming off of 3-4 weeks of GS for upper.

Off to clean out the truck.

Good morning everyone! Just popping on before I head out to visit Anna and her very strong hands! Today is a rest day for me...I enjoyed being with B. Kest yesterday. I think he is very conscious of people who are fairly new to a regular practice of yoga and doesn't make you feel so bad about it!

I have the second scheduled talk with DH today...whoopee. I did talk to a couple of girlfriends yesterday which made me feel a bit better.

Anyway...On to some personals...I may not get to everyone this morning...but I will bbl to catch up.

Traci...Good luck with your coffee meeting this morning. Hope all goes well. And I am so happy that you finally got a good night's sleep! You must be up and very perky this morning! Sorry about the sinus headache. Maybe you need to come see Anna with me...it might not help your sinuses...but I don't know she did this thing to my neck last week...not hard pressure, just moved it in a different way, and then some light pressure...and I tell you what...it really helped! She also rubbed my face and sinuses. Good for what ails you!

Wendy...Hope you guys are doing well today...I wrote a longer personal last night, so you'll have to go back and look at that.

Nicole...Isn't the day after the birthday a letdown sometimes? But...do not feel guilty over what you ate. It was your birthday for goodness sakes! Did you see what I ate yesterday? It wasn't even my bday! Have fun with Cathe today...what are you doing?

Laurie...I am constantly amazed at the petty stuff adults get involved in. Of course, usually it would help if people would just stay out of each other's business! Hope you have a wonderfully productive day at work. Glad the knee is definitely on the mend.

SwiftyX...Did you notice what I added after your name?? You are officially an Xer now! WOOHOO!!! What an accomplishment!! Way to go! Are you posting before and after pics? Or at least your measurement stats? Congrats on reaching a very tough goal! Glad you had a good trip...what a nice present for your X completion!

Teddygirl...Glad you got some much needed rest!

Tracy...Where are you headed off to now?

Cheryl...Glad that DH is at least being nice. I am sure he wants things to workout...sometimes it's just hard to know how best to do that with all of the outside pressures. What is your workout for today?

Waving to Amy, Sandra, and Jeanette...Hope you ladies all have an excellent day! I'm off for now...

later gators...


we do not remember days....
we remember moments
--Cesare Pavese

Good morning,

A crap, crap, crap night's sleep! I wish I'd had some of TraciX's Tylenol pm. Thunderstorms started at 9pm and continued well into the wee hours of the morning. We had to close the windows due to the rain, and then the bedroom was so muggy I thought I was going to be ill. So I slept on the couch in the living room, with the ceiling fan on. Then there was the bit of cake I had right before bed, which stimulated my tired brain, and kept it running in circles for most of the night. I have a busy morning planned, so I'm just doing a quick post right now.

I hauled myself off the couch at 5:30am (alarm went off at 5!), threw down some water and coffee, and did Cardio & Weights followed by 4 circuits of push/pull ups. Love the way they make my back feel.

TracyX - you might do the April '07 rotation with me? Cool!! Then I just might do it. Would you be modifying or changing anything, or doing as-is? I plan to start my next rotation on Monday, July 30 (next week).

WendyX - Thank you for all the description of the funeral. Playing the harp at her grandfather's funeral will probably always be a treasured memory for DD.

DebraX - I don't understand what freaked you out about lowering the coffin and throwing dirt on it? I was raised Catholic, have been to more funerals than I can count, and we always go to the grave site to lower the coffin and have a burial ceremony. Good luck with Talk, Round Two.

TraciX - a 7am coffee meeting sounds like fun. I miss the days when I could schedule things like that!

I'm going to get going on my day. Hopefully I can take a break later and chat some more.

Hello to the rest of the gang!!
Jan 07' Premix Rotation

KickMax- Low Impact Kickbox Premix(58 min)

I'm getting ready to workout and I just wanted to say Hi first:) DH has been home since Sunday so I feel I have a bird looking over my shoulder. I'll have to make personals quick and later when he is on a bike ride:)

Swift AmyX, Congrats on finishing!!!!!!! Are you so glad to be doing Cathe again? ^5^

Off to kick butt:D


Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.
-Earl of Derby-

Lordy it’s a busy day….Let me get to personals so I can go get Plyo Legs done before Sinus drugs wear off!

I had no idea you lived so close to Cathe! I am jealous… I’d be doing at least 1 class with her per month. I think I am laundry phobic! Always seems like I’m out of something and dealing w/ Walmart to buy all the necessary products is no fun! A SURPRISE for me????? Oh PLEASE TELL or I certainly will send you the back of the closet oldies AND they’ll come with a personalized rotation you must follow!!! LOL on “scheduled talks”… I do like you do- just blurt out whats on my mind & its usually at an inappropriate time! DH once suggested that we “schedule talks” and I freaked out so bad I told him that I couldn’t handle the stress of what might be coming… I told him- If ya ever have an affair and/or are leaving me then just send me an email so I can digest it first and we can talk when the butchers knife has been hidden!

How long is this next trip for? Will you be sneaking Xer time in again! WE LIKE THAT!!!

Well you entered the X kingdom without all the fanfare! I need A LOT more pats on the back than you do obviously! CONGRATS and welcome back to CatheLand!

LOL on the hour jog…. I don’t think I could go non stop- I’ve conditioned myself with intervals for so long now that the word endurance is foreign to my body. WOO HOO P90X night!!!! On TT- I am actually doing it this week but will switch it up a bit next week. I am (have been) doing my cardio the TT way. 3 30 minute intervals every week… That could very well be why my BF is starting to come down AND why I have more energy overall. I will continue to play with TT so I can learn the program and use it with my clients.

LOL on the tales of Faire Family! I say that the world would be so boring if all our friends/family were “normal” We’d be creating all sorts of drama for ourselves just to stay amused! Hop[e the knee holds out for step… Any time I use 2 risers I feel it immediately so I have just stopped doing that. I think all the years of running distance and high impact 80’s aerobics finally caught up. I just feel blessed that I can do lunges- squats etc without a problem otherwise I’d be on the floor doing all the work I despise! LOL * cant wait to hear your reviews on Progressive Strength! PLEEEZE do it soon and report back! Amplify is tougher than it looks if you preview… Theres quite a bit of Yoga stuff in that one (at a frantic pace) so don’t do it the same day you do yoga.

MARSHMALLOWS!!!! ROFL! I have always thought of it as Oatmeal… (sorry Jeanette) the texture is IDENTICAL to my body during fat days1 Those models are way cool- yes I shall put that on my Need to Invest In LIST! Run & GS Legs…. SICKO Happy Pioneer Day!!! LOL I have no clue what that might mean but GLAD you got a day off!

Arent girlfriends just the best? We all need them! I can honestly say that at this point in life if I were FORCED to choose between spouse & girlfriends I’d pick the girls…. Way to many years spent single where I learned the value of female friends… Enjoy Anna time today!

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I so rarely hear you cuss! ROFL! You SCARED ME!
Storms. Couch, sugar…. Well that would make anyone feel like crap! Hope today includes a little nap.

KickMax LI is a goodie- EXCEPT for the danged drills! LOL- I always do the drills first then the KB- Only way I wont just stop after cardio!


gals- There is a link on this blog to a free pdf copy of TT 4-week Body Weight Training Program.... Dont know if the link will work forever so if you're interested either print it out or save copy on your PC...

Its 32 pages and has photos of all exercises and includes the 4 week training plan.
Hi all,

Debra - I'm off to western NC, for another bike race. I hope the talk with DH is productive and not just talk. Our discussions around here seem rarely productive then out of the blue DH will actually say something that indicates that he has listened to what I've said.

Nicole - Have fun with KM LI, I don't use that one very much, well, ever!

Sandra - I won't know until after this weekend if I can start a rotation so soon. Our longer vaction is planned for the middle 2 weeks in Aug, but we may not go because of FIL. Sorry about the bad night sleep. There is nothing worse for me.

Traci - I'll only be gone through Sunday and I'll take my laptop. I have to get in some yoga. I could really feel it after the break this past weekend. My back was tight, but no pain.

Off to do B&G leg blast premix.

I'm Back!

DH is off on a bike ride so the mouse is playing:)

Traci-X, Is your sinus headache better? Those are the WORST! You need to get a neti pot: http://www.sinucleanse.com/netipotlanding.htm?source=google&group=neti&campaign=1

I have heard awesome things about them. I have been trying to get one for a few months but they were on Oprah and everyone has been sold out. I must order one on line:) How was your meeting? Getting lots accomplished? You are on your way! One of the reasons I always have wanted to be a PT is to keep myself accountable. I figure I have to be in shape to tell other people how to do it:)

Anointed, How's the job search going? I can't imagine you have time for another one. Don't wear yourself out. You'll be in line for a recovery week next:)

LaurieXX, I woke up this morning with a new resolve to eat better this week. I definitely feel dough boyish:p Great workout for you today. Have fun at volleyball!

Cheryl, I'll have to buy two of those models and keep one in the fridge and one in the pantry:D I'm sure it would make me think twice about what I eat. A run and GS Legs? Have fun:)

TracyX, Is the truck all clean? How are your pants feeling? I am eating much better today after all of the festivities this weekend. The good thing about eating bad every now and again is that it really makes you want to eat better the next day:)

DebraX, How was Anna? I hope she is being a little more gentle now that the major tension is gone. A sure fix for that would be no more sceduled discussions with DH. Just tell him to move his butt home and you can discuss it there:) I really like BK yoga. He is very laid back even though he talks a lot, but it doesn't bug me. I am anxious to use Eoin but it would have to be a double on this rotation. I am feeling yucky today from the food but I'm not beating myself up over it.

SandraX, Way to go! Glad you got your workout in even though your sleep was crappy:) I'm anxious to see the b-day cake pictures:D

WendyX, Did you get a workout in today? You must be biting at the bit to get started again. How is your foot feeling?

See you all later this afternoon,


Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.
-Earl of Derby-

55 min. run and GS Legs officially complete. Woo hoo! 3 1/2 hours in between that allowed me to give my full focus to GS Legs even though it was second. Sure wish I didn't have to work and I could do that every day. Working out is so much more fun <grumble>

Tracy, enjoy that B&G Leg blast pre-mix.

Sandra, from the sounds of it talk #2 was not so much fun. I hope it was at least progress. And I also hope you have some good fun with your friends.

Traci, yes, we need to get you those models in person. They'd blow your clients away x( x( x( Even the looks of the anatomically accurate fat is scary - you can see exactly where the divots lie. Gross! }( }( :+ I am so glad DH is safely home. I'm still laughing about the naked burgler... and about the agreement to e-mail bad news until the butcher knife is safely hidden away :+

Have a great afternoon, everyone!

I haven't done a thing all day!!! And it feels soooo good! LOL

Opening another window for personals!

Ballistic Hugs to ALL

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