Traci-X!!!LOL on the different ways people celebrate their lives. I think balloons aren't good if you're near open waters. The fish could swallow the broken balloon bits. Not good. Now, where would one get doves to release? Are the doves captured, sold, and then released? Or are the doves farm raised? If so, do the farm raised doves know how to survive on their own in the wild? LOL You know, we've gotta start using DH instead of their names. I don't think my dh knows what dh means. We can't be incriminating ourselves!!!
Tracy-X!!! Yes, children are amazing! I was more releaved than proud. I think it was from holding my breath for so long!!!:7 Before dd played, we talked about why she was playing. I wanted her to understand that it wasn't like a recital performance. It wasn't about her, but about comforting others and pointing towards God, not herself. I don't know if that put more or less pressure on her. But, I haven't seen her so relaxed and focused while playing since she first started playing and was ignorant of what it feels like to have a lot of people watching your every move.
Amy-X!!! Congrats on finishing with a workout buddy!! I loved doing the X with Phil. It makes a world of difference having someone there to push you to do your best. You must have liked the X to start thinking of your next rotation already!!! I haven't gotten there yet!
Teddygirl: Enjoy Back and Biceps! }( }( }(
LaurieXX!!! LIC is such a fun workout! I need to move some furniture so I can start stepping again. Kitchen stuff is still all over the house. I don't know how you put up with the drama. I used to be highly active with my local mothers of twins club. I finally realized that people put too much importance on stupid stuff, and I don't have the time for it. There's way too much drama in my life already!:7
Cheryl!!! Ooo! I've gotta take a look at your link. I know my bf is higher now than when I was in my early 30's. I weighed a few pounds lighter, but I was much more compact! What a difference two inches can make. You look a lot taller to me in your pictures!!! Enjoy your holiday!!!
Debra-x!!! Gearing up for Round 2 of scheduled talks? Glad your gfs were able to help you feel better! Hoping it goes well today!!! Check your email.
Sandra-x!!! Kudos to you for waking up and working out today!
Nicole-X!!! I can't wait for your dh to go back to work and leave you alone! LOL It's like having another kid in the house when they're off from work!}( Oh, my foot. It's still moving. I don't think I broke anything. At least, I hope not. The brusing and swelling has gone down; especially since I took off the heels. I think I burst a blood vessel. There's a small red spot on the top of my foot at the impact site. The middle toe directly above it is still bruised looking. But, I can spread my toes now. I haven't done any workouts since the incident. I may do something light tonight. Or I may not. I'm still a baby when it comes to touching the top of my foot.
Traci-X!!! Again!!! I will have to download the free TT rotation!!! Thanks! I live about an hour and a half away from Cathe's gym. FIL grew up in the town next to her gym until he joined the Navy. My Favorite BIL and SIL live about 20 minutes away from the gym too. How's that for jealousy!!! Oh! I'm sooooo scared! I think I'll pass out after dinner. (quoted from Fiddler on the Roof) Don't think you can torture me that easily!
I'm an Xer remember!;-) Oh! Phil knows what would happen to him if he ever cheated on me! When we were first married, my mom was chopping meat with a LARGE butcher knife. I was telling her how much I loved dh. A few minutes later Phil came home from work. My mom was still chopping away a mile a minute, stopped, looked at Phil, shooked the knife, and told him if he ever cheated on me, she would kill him and chop him up like the meat. We believe her too. She's a Crazy Asian!!!!!!!:7 :7 :7 Poor Phil told her not to worry before hiding himself upstairs. LOL
Jeanette-X!!! Hi!!! So glad to hear that dh finished laying the tiles. Just wanted to let you know when you buy the grout, the grout looks lighter than the samples. You may want to go a couple of shades darker than the sample. I feel better knowing that it took 3 weeks for your toe to feel better. It's only been 2 weeks since ~100 pounds landed smack dab on the top of my foot. There's hope!!!
Congrats on the century ride!!!! 16.6 mph! That's amazing!!! I won't tell you what my top mph speed is. But, it's no where near 16.6!!!!!!!! Best wishes on your Thursday hill climb! Picture me there rooting for you!!!
Times up! Gotta find something to do. Oh! There's laundry, dirty floors, bathrooms, bedrooms, KITCHEN... Now, what to pick???
Have a great evening!!!
Tracy-X!!! Yes, children are amazing! I was more releaved than proud. I think it was from holding my breath for so long!!!:7 Before dd played, we talked about why she was playing. I wanted her to understand that it wasn't like a recital performance. It wasn't about her, but about comforting others and pointing towards God, not herself. I don't know if that put more or less pressure on her. But, I haven't seen her so relaxed and focused while playing since she first started playing and was ignorant of what it feels like to have a lot of people watching your every move.
Amy-X!!! Congrats on finishing with a workout buddy!! I loved doing the X with Phil. It makes a world of difference having someone there to push you to do your best. You must have liked the X to start thinking of your next rotation already!!! I haven't gotten there yet!
Teddygirl: Enjoy Back and Biceps! }( }( }(
LaurieXX!!! LIC is such a fun workout! I need to move some furniture so I can start stepping again. Kitchen stuff is still all over the house. I don't know how you put up with the drama. I used to be highly active with my local mothers of twins club. I finally realized that people put too much importance on stupid stuff, and I don't have the time for it. There's way too much drama in my life already!:7
Cheryl!!! Ooo! I've gotta take a look at your link. I know my bf is higher now than when I was in my early 30's. I weighed a few pounds lighter, but I was much more compact! What a difference two inches can make. You look a lot taller to me in your pictures!!! Enjoy your holiday!!!
Debra-x!!! Gearing up for Round 2 of scheduled talks? Glad your gfs were able to help you feel better! Hoping it goes well today!!! Check your email.
Sandra-x!!! Kudos to you for waking up and working out today!
Nicole-X!!! I can't wait for your dh to go back to work and leave you alone! LOL It's like having another kid in the house when they're off from work!}( Oh, my foot. It's still moving. I don't think I broke anything. At least, I hope not. The brusing and swelling has gone down; especially since I took off the heels. I think I burst a blood vessel. There's a small red spot on the top of my foot at the impact site. The middle toe directly above it is still bruised looking. But, I can spread my toes now. I haven't done any workouts since the incident. I may do something light tonight. Or I may not. I'm still a baby when it comes to touching the top of my foot.
Traci-X!!! Again!!! I will have to download the free TT rotation!!! Thanks! I live about an hour and a half away from Cathe's gym. FIL grew up in the town next to her gym until he joined the Navy. My Favorite BIL and SIL live about 20 minutes away from the gym too. How's that for jealousy!!! Oh! I'm sooooo scared! I think I'll pass out after dinner. (quoted from Fiddler on the Roof) Don't think you can torture me that easily!
Jeanette-X!!! Hi!!! So glad to hear that dh finished laying the tiles. Just wanted to let you know when you buy the grout, the grout looks lighter than the samples. You may want to go a couple of shades darker than the sample. I feel better knowing that it took 3 weeks for your toe to feel better. It's only been 2 weeks since ~100 pounds landed smack dab on the top of my foot. There's hope!!!
Times up! Gotta find something to do. Oh! There's laundry, dirty floors, bathrooms, bedrooms, KITCHEN... Now, what to pick???
Have a great evening!!!