Hi Tammy! So glad you are thrilled with XTrain. It is designed to burn fat, develop lean muscle, build endurance and sculpt shapely muscles. It sounds like you are getting excellent results and having fun doing it...perfect combination
As far as your question " is it possible to gain so much muscle mass (6 to 8 pounds) in such a short time?"...It's honestly not possible to gain that kind of muscle in that short amount of time. It's really just not. However it is possible to gain
weight over that period of time. And understand when I say weight I'm not necessarily referring to body fat (although it is possible to do that too if we eat more than we need to). The weight gain can be a result of:
Muscles healing (muscles hold water temporarily as they recover)
Appetite increasing due to the demands of the extra energy output (have healthy lean snacks on hand so you don't grab for the high sodium, high carb or high fat foods)
Daily bodily function. Our bodies can fluctuate between 2 to 4 pound daily from morning to night just based on our water intake, digestive process, muscle recovery and water/sodium intake.
Our menstrual/ovulation cycle...I personally put on 4 pounds during those times if the month and that doesn't even include my daily bodily fluctuation from food intake. I also realize that 4 days before my cycle and during ovulation I crave really unhealthy food. So not fair!
Developing lean muscle. While it takes a
very long time to develop significant lean muscle (upwards of months to even years), gaining even a half a pound to a pound will show up heavier on the scale yet take up less space in your jeans. Muscle is dense fibrous tissue, unlike fat, and takes up less space even though it weighs more.
Eating more calories than you burn. Working out hard stimulates your metabolism which in turn over time creates weight loss. But with that also comes an increased appetite due to that extra energy output. It is during this time that its critical that you eat foods that are super clean and nutritious vs eating foods that are high in sodium, fat and carbs. A day of indulgence with these types of foods can put a weight gain of 2 pounds on overnight (although its temporary if you get right back in your working out groove and permanent if you continuously put it off until "tomorrow"). So its important to be mindful of everything you eat during a time that you are working out hard and creating an appetite.
Hopefully you found this check list helpful for you.
My daughter and I have been working out with Cathe videos for years (we are catheletes) and just complelted the X-train program and we both loved it, we never got board always a challange week after week and motivation.
We eat clean and healthy also watch our calories not easy after a cathe workout lol.
As we were weeks into the program we gained muscle mass but noticed a steady weight gain on the scale, prior to xtrain shes 5'1 105 and I'm 5'1 121lbs after complelting xtrain she gained 8lbs and I gained 6lbs, is it possible to gain so much muscle mass in such a short time?
For years we usually do muscle endurance type workouts (body pump and etc.) 4x week and cardio in between.
I love the results after xtrain and will continue to add them to my workout routine in the future.
If someone can give me a little advise on how to get more lean would be great.