WW.. how many points?


Based on the ammount of exercise you do during a Cathe workout I imagine you'd have to eat a bit more to keep up with the demands put on your body, right?
If you were doing the points program how many extra points would you need?
I wouldn't think the paltry 2 points (australia) we get would do the trick.
Can I ask either cathe or an educated exerciser how many more calories you would need to consume?
I'm not sure if I understand the question ... there is a formula to calculate activity points, and it's based on weight and intensity of the workout. I'm not at home, so I'm sorry I don't have the formula, but when I get home from work in the morning I'll post it on here.


I'm from Down Under and I just received a sliding "Activity Scale" from WW with my latest magazine. I don't know if this is available at newsagents or not but I'm sure you could pick it up at a meeting.

There seem to be a few differences in the way we count points here - I think a WW US point is equivalent to 50kcal, and ours is closer to 100kcal.

Hope you are looking forward to the new Cathes!
Liz N :)
I saved this from when I was a member...

low intensity: weight x minutes x .000232
moderate intensity: weight x minutes x .000327
high intensity: weight x minutes x .0008077

HTH :)
In the US the POINTSbooster card depends on your intensity level, minutes of activity and body weight. When I do a Cathe workout, whether it is cardio or weights, I count it as a high intensity workout and call it 5 Activity Points. Of course, I don't always eat those points, but it's good to know they are there! :)
I have a Weight Watchers program on my Palm Pilot. For a one hour Cathe cardio workout performed by a120-130 pound woman, the workout is worth 6 points.

If the woman weighs 140-150 pounds the workout is worth 7 points.
Basically if you do andn high intensity level the above results apply.

If you do a moderately intense ( ex. a steady state walk) workout the points are as follows: for one hour 120-130 pounds woman the points are 2.
For a 140-150 pound woman the points are 3.


I have been on WW for over a year and have been at my goal weight of 124 lbs. for a while now. Lately I have had a lot of trouble with energy and getting myself to workout. I have also been finding myself binging which just isn't me. I realized that I wasn't eating enough points in a day to supply my body with the nutrients I need to continue the vigorous workouts I do. I also needed to add more protein to my diet. I eat 30 points a day and have felt great since doing this. I eat 30 (clean) points whether I workout or not. I only have one rest day a week so I might go down to 25 points on a rest day, but that depends on how hungry I am that day. Hope this helps!
Debbie in OH
I was so tired this morning I forgot to post this - sorry!! Here's the formula:

Body Weight/124 X time/intensity level

Low intensity = 35 (50 - 65% maximum heartrate)
Moderate = 25 (65 - 75%)
High = 10 (75 - 90%)
I used the points booster card and always slid it somewhere between the moderate and high intensity designation. That seems about right to me. Depending on the workout, sometimes it is closer to high intensity, sometimes closer to moderate. It is never right on high or moderate intensity (as far as cardio goes-- strength I usually count as moderate intensity.)
Hi Liz,
I don't actually go to meetings, I count points based on the loads of books, counters and magazines I still have so I don't have the activity slide. Can you tell me more about that one please?
Thanks, kelly
Dear Kelly,

Just have a look in the new WW magazine. If you can't find one I would be happy to take a copy of mine and send it to you!

Let me know how you get on,

Liz N
Hi Liz,
May I say first up, thanks for your help..
I have the new one with Fergie on it.. is it in there?
PS) If I am barking up the wrong tree (quite possible with me!) I'd LOVE for you to send me a copy?
Thank you again..

Yes, it's the Christmas Nov/Dec issue and I think it does have Fergie. Anyway, let me know if you don't have any luck!

Liz ;)

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