Wow People are complaining

Well, sometimes I wonder if some are avoiding impact to their detriment. We were made to jump and run, too, not just walk. People have gotten almost down right scared of impact, that I'm beginning to wonder why? I understand some have joint problems, etc. but I guess I'm a little old school in the "use it or lose it" mode. And I wonder if the pendelum (as seems to happen so much in fitness) has swung too far to the no impact side. Maybe in reaction to all that high impact hi/lo from the '80s. Goodness knows the outfits we wore back than deserved a back lash:p!

For example, after my first child was born, I went jogging with my sister. Let me tell you, the smell of Ben Gay makes me gag now because I had to use so much the next day! I also had the humiliation of my mom and sis doubled over in laughter at my new "perfume." Eau de Gay as my sister put it. Now, it is almost 8 years later and I can easily run for an hour and I've had no injuries or pains. I can't help but wonder if the reason is because I've strengthened what used to be weak. I can't see how I could improve that without doing impact. Maybe some don't ever want to run, but I like the feeling when I can do very challenging work outs.

Also, balance challenges and range of motion, etc. are good, but they don't really raise the heart rate. And actually, rebounding is only taking the impact out by virtue of the fact that the surface you are on is absorbing the impact. I've got mats in my exercise area to help absorb the shock and I try to get the best shoes I can find to also help, so its not like I'm against this idea or anything.

Sure, I know I won't always be able to do what ever, but I'm hoping to put off that day as long as possible! And I'm glad Cathe seems to think that way, too!
fitstick .. i have to agree.. when i first saw the post I THOUGHT THEY WERE RELEASED!.. Although everyone has a right to their opinion..
Lets hope our new DVDs arrive soon !! smiling..

I WANT ANOTHER SLOW AND HEAVY AND PURE STRENGTH.. ok i just thought i would add some humor ! }(
I never said that you said that.My God, I wasn't putting words in your mouth.Why does everything have to be blown out of proportion? I know it was the poster who said that...I did read it. And I usually know what I am reading.
Chris, thank you for speaking in defense of your workouts here (even though I haven't read any of this thread except the first post and yours).

I just wanted to chime in to say that the VF post referred to in the thread-starting post is actually a very interesting thread filled with some interesting observations, as well as some gripes that may or may not be valid (I did not look at side-by-side descriptions pre-and -post production). I just wanted to sspeak up in defense of the thread. I do not think it is 'bash'-y (at least not what I've read of it). There are some constructive viewpoints (as well as some speculations - which are neither here nor there in regards to the actual Body Blast set) I just think the dialog is interesting and I would not consider it negative. I would consider it lively.

As an aside, whether or not the vids have changed moderately or not from pre to post production, first off I know I get excellent customer service from SNM so if I was unhappy with new post-production descriptions I know they would cheerfully refund my money, and secondly, with Cathe workouts, people know what they are getting. If you don't like high impact you don't order her cardio. You either like/love her kickbox or you don't. If you love her weight work you know your going to be challenged and entertained with the weight workouts. If you like her flavor of circuit workout, you know what you are getting, etc. So no matter little changes, a Cathe-style of workout is a Cathe-style of workout. You basically know what you are getting when you sign up.
> I never said that you said that.My God, I wasn't putting
>words in your mouth.Why does everything have to be blown out
>of proportion? I know it was the poster who said that...I did
>read it. And I usually know what I am reading.
> Lori

Sorry if I misunderstood your post. Your statement "but why end with the fact that it always falls on deaf ears" does look like you were attributing that statement to me (the perils of written rather than spoken communication). Otherwise, I have no idea how to interpret that part of your post. Could you clarify?
Thats fine.I also feel that when you write something, instead of saying something,we can take it different ways.BUt if we were having a conversation we would know how to interpret things by the tone of someones voice.Thats why I mostly end things with a smile:)
I understand where people are comming from.I can understand that people want ther to make videos b/c she is an awesome instructor so everyone wants a piece of her.I don't understand why someone would pre-order videos if they can't do high impact.It had nothing to do with anything you posted,and anything that you said.I was strictly commenting on the VF post.I have no problems here with anyone or anybody. Thats as much as I can clarify.It wasn't you, it was the VF post I was responding to.We are all intitled to our own opions on the matter and that was mine.
Did I clarify it? I hope so:) :+ I don't like having semi arguements.I know this wasn't one but it was a miscommunication.
i say that if it is not your cup of tea, then don't buy it! if you can't do it, don't like high impact, or the impact is too high for you..then buy what suits you best. this is just like a rap song, if you don't like the content, guess what..then don't buy it/listen to it! simple as that. cathe can not please everyone as many have stated!


*new to cathe and loving the heck out of her!*
I only have five of Cathe's videos (ME, Power Hour, Cardio & Wts., Rhythmic Step and Imax 2)and I love them all. The strength or endurance vids are well constructed and effective and as for her cardio, yes, I'd love to see less impact, but I modify her cardio wo's and they're still pretty intense:).
My point is, I like Cathe and her workouts and the challenges presented by her in them, and I understand some folks are disappointed right now...frankly I decided to not pre-order BB because I was still too new to her style to take the chance. But I'm happy with what I have and am considering her CTX series...when I find that darn $$$ tree.
I think this thread is getting out of hand -- the videos are not out yet... If you really think you don't like it, then cancel your pre-order. If you keep your pre-order and don't like it, I'm sure you'll MAKE money selling it off ebay.

I think Cathe listens to suggestions... she might not take ALL of them. She does what she thinks she's good at, good for her and has a niche in the market -- high-impact and high-intensity. I know it's not for everybody -- the same as low-impact and/or low-intensity is not for everybody. You just can't please EVERYBODY. If you try, I think you'll lose your niche...

Anyway, Cathe, thanks for listening and thanks for being with us (I love high impact, high intensity -- but on my off days, I MODIFY, MODIFY, MODIFY...). Not many instructors would fit in the high-impact, high-intensity category, but many instructors fit in the low-intensity and/or low-impact... so don't change!
RE: Setting the record Straight

Chris, Thank-you for the clarification. Your description of this workout has really peaked my interest!! It sounds excellent and I'm sure all the workouts will be great!! I am really looking forward to them!:)
i'm a musician. i imagine creating a fitness video is similar to writing and recording a song - in that you have an original idea and sometimes it evolves into something different by the time you are finished. creativity is like that.

cathe has always provided high quality videos/dvds, first rate service, and an incredible challenge. i have no doubt her new videos/dvds will be held to the same standards.

i was delighted to see that there would be some shorter workouts, since i am sometimes short on time and would prefer a quick, but intense workout.

in the end, it is cathe who designs her workouts, and it is the customer who decides whether or not to purchase them. and you simply cannot please everyone. you simply need to remain true to yourself. and that's what cathe does.
My feeling is this:

Consumers have the right to complain. VF is a consumer site, and people are airing their honest opinions.

It's better to accept this as a part of life - then to make a big deal about it. If people feel they aren't going to get what they thought they were getting, they can vent about it at VF if they want, and then hopefully resolve the issue with Cathe/SNM.

RE: This is much ado about nothing, IMHO

I actually don't have anything critical to say about any of my Cathe purchases... I can't do MIC - so I sold it off -no biggie.. it was called "maximum intensity cardio" - so it delivered what it said it would...

However - this is's forum - and I would be loathe to *post* vents about her upcoming workouts here - if I had issues, i'd email her.

This is after all an e-commerce site. That being said, I know Cathe always handles all customer issues with grace and dignity.
Yikes. Can i gently suggest putting this in perspective?

It's OK for people to air their honest opinion. Very rarely have I heard people post negative things about an instructor that isn't based on some valid disatisfied feeling.

Everyone is different - we all have diverse opinions - and nobody is claiming Cathe must please anyone - not even the naysayers towards high impact.

I agree that those who buy her stuff and then get mad about the high impact should reevaluate their purchasing strategy - why buy Cathe if you KNOW she's a plyo goddess.. but it's OK for people to post how they feel within the parameters of good faith and taste over on a CONSUMER site like VideoFitness.

Just my 2 cents.


> People piss me off! Cathe can't please everyone, she is only
>a human being.I can understand that poeple want her to make
>low impast videos b/c they can't do high impact...but
>HELLOOOOOOO, she doesn't want to enter that market.Hasn't she
>said this a million times already.
> Obviuosly we have all bought videos form various
>instructors.Chances are, if it didn;t workout..(no pun
>intended:) )or if we didn't like the instructor then you just
>don't buy their videos again.
> I have bought Karen Voight videos.Done them once and given
>them away.I then didn't get on a forum and complain that I
>wished she would up her intensity to suit my needs.The world
>doesn't revolve around me and I don't expect everyone to make
>something that I am going to want to buy.
> It take alot to get my blood boiling, but when someone
>complains about the best instructor int he world, thats when I
>get mad.x(
> Can't help but take it personnally when you see someone
>everyday.I spend more time with Cathe then I do my husband:p
> Lori
RE: Wow People are TATTLING

LOL!! I agree - and feel kind of silly for getting into this thread myself.

I keep thinking about the Brady Bunch movie when Mike is chastising cindy for tattling.

I grew up watching brady bunch, and I used to always roll my eyes at those lectures... and then seeing the spoof in the movie just made me chuckle.

I remind my 4.5 yo of that (she loves this movie because of the songs!!)
Avoiding impact

We may be 'born to run', but some people are not physically designed to handle high impact well. I am one of them. At 37, I find it horribly bad for me - with my flat feet, etc... and i'm in decent shape.

I remember the 80s quite well and hated aerobics back then because it hurt my 18-25 year old body.

If I were living in a time where I had to outrun predators, i'd be dead (survival of the fleetest?), but I'd also be the one inventing cool new designs on the wheel.

People didn't used to live this long either - and if you are planning on having your body last til 80-100 years of age, we might want to live a bit differently than we did during the whole run or die stage of human development.

Finally - many of us (engineers like me) spend a lot of time seated... either working, or whatever... which is different from a more active lifestyle that might be lived back in the day where running was a part of everyday life.

Just some thoughts. It does make sense to me that people would hate high impact and avoid it because it hurts and injures them... but mostly it doesn't make a lot of sense to get angry at someone who makes high impact workouts for not making low impact ones...

I've seen very few people post irrationally on that subject, imho.

But... once you open the workouts - they are *yours*.

I have never been disappointed - but others *have* been. Preorders are always a risk. I never preorder CIA or Firm or Fitprime videos - but Cathe's stuff? Heck yeah... but that's because I know that I'm getting a great price, and I also know that I'll likely love the workouts.

But what about those who don't always feel that way - who sold off their pyramids - or whatever...

It's really okay to look at the actual vs. the expected and change your mind - and i'm just glad that Cathe is such a solid professional that she will handle this situation as she always does!!
I find your posts here (all of them) to be very rational and level-headed. I agree with them all.
>My feeling is this:
>Consumers have the right to complain. VF is a consumer site,
>and people are airing their honest opinions.
>It's better to accept this as a part of life - then to make a
>big deal about it. If people feel they aren't going to get
>what they thought they were getting, they can vent about it at
>VF if they want, and then hopefully resolve the issue with

I totally agree Leela! Can this thread please end now? This was something that should have stayed at VF and should never have been brought over here.

I'm hoping I'm the last to post a reply to this topic.....

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