Wow People are complaining

RE: Setting the record Straight

Thanks Chris. I don't want an 80 minute workout either. But I'm glad there is that option in the DVD anyway for days when I have extra time. I also want to set the record straight on point # 3. I wrote on the VF thread and I think you might be referring to my post where I was hoping that SuperSets was semi-cardio. By semi-cardio, I don't mean that I thought there would be aerobic segments in the workout. I meant that you would get a secondary cardio benefit because the workout would be more endurance-like (high rep/low weights) with very little rest in between exercises. I did write another post where I stated that I still think I would like the workout. I like Cathe's weight workouts regardless of whether they are slow & heavy or endurance-like. So I don't think there were any VFers that were under the impression that there would be cardio in the SuperSets workout.

You MAY choose not to read this but...

Of course this thread can't end. There are still opinions to be expressed. Isn't the First Amendment grand!

What a hoot! You know the old adage, "You can please some of the people some of the time...." I would love for Cathe to put out a really high intensity, low impact workout and I am sure she will at some point, but in the meantime, I can get a great workout modifying her current workouts. My left foot is a wreck but that hasn't been much of a problem, particularly on the step. My advice to the disgruntled VFer's is learn how to modify. I do something which is called low, low impact and involves getting so low as to be in a squat. And stepping itself is very high intensity without jumping.

But let's face it, Cathe isn't for everyone. There are so many instructors out there, there's a style that suits even the most finicky exerciser. I personally feel Cathe is in a class of her own and no one can compare but that's just my opinion and I know and don't care that everyone doesn't feel that way!

Finally, I would like to say that her new workouts are a source of excitement and anticipation to me and, while I like some better than other, Cathe is such a superb teacher that I know there will be something in each series that I love!
RE: You MAY choose not to read this but...

Put me in the camp of respond if you want or not. Yes, people have a right to complain or gush. What sort of rankles me is when they say they are persecuted or blown off or screamed at if I post back to disagree with them. Disagreement is not wrong. Personally, I think if you really want a low impact Cathe or a rebounder Cathe or a yoga Cathe or a Cathe sitting reading the phone book Cathe, it doesn't hurt to lobby for it. But don't get bent out of shape and take it personally if she doesn't deliver or if the majority say they wouldn't like it. Of course, really offensive or rude posts are out of line no matter which side of the line you come down on or if you're even perched up there on the fence.

Hey, I just had three cups of coffee after going with my daughter's Brownie troop to "Sleep with the Manatees" at Lowry Park Zoo! After a night with 18 6-7 year old girls, 2 manatees, 1 large hairy spider and too-many-to-count cockroaches, I'm ready to rumble! (We had a great time!!)
RE: You MAY choose not to read this but...

I agree with you, Buttercup! I had to chuckle at the intensity of some of the feelings!

My daugher slept with the Mantatees and loved it. I'll bet you needed the caffiene after a night like that! It reminds me of dropping my daughter off to a sleepover with 15 or so girls. It was the mom's first huge sleepover and she was excited and positive about the whole thing. The mother was smiling and perfectly made up and not a hair out of place as I commended her on her courage. The next morning, her hair was sticking straight up and she looked like she'd had a wild night. And I am sure she had with all the giggling and goofiness and that inability for a group of girls to settle down to sleep at a reasonable hour. It was so funny!

And of course, anyone who can spend a night with 18 6-7 year olds, 2 manatees, 1 large hairy spider and-too-many-to-count cockraoches knows what is important in life and isn't going to let a disagreement over a favorite instructor take up too much of her precious time! I am glad you had a great time. I'll bet your daughter will never forget it!
Chicks's Rule! Bobbi
RE: You MAY choose not to read this but...

I have been reading this with my mouth hanging open. Come on ladies!I have no idea why anyone would bring negative stuff over from another site. It seems that a few people need a lesson in perspective, as you said Bobbi. I'll pre-order the Cathe reading a book tape, and maybe she could do a laundry folding tape to get me motivated in that direction.;-) ;-)

I'll pre-order anything Cathe makes.

RE: You MAY choose not to read this but...

Bobbi: It was wonderful! The girls were the best part of it. They are so smart it is scary, so funny it takes you by surprise (I had a couple of soda spoutin' nose incidents, they so caught me off guard with their comments) but so sweet you could just cry! Especially when we got to see a 2 week old baby manatee that had just been rescued after losing its mother.

Any mom who'd do a sleepover with 15 girls is a brave soul! The most we've had is 5 girls and I was up til 3 and awake by 6 because of them. I was just glad we did it on Friday, so I had a day to recover before the week got started.

BTW: If Cathe comes out with a tape on how to get organized, I'd buy it in a second because a) I'm not and b) she's gotta be with all she has going on. Have a good day!
RE: You MAY choose not to read this but...

>I have been reading this with my mouth hanging open. Come on
>ladies!I have no idea why anyone would bring negative stuff
>over from another site. It seems that a few people need a
>lesson in perspective, as you said Bobbi. I'll pre-order the
>Cathe reading a book tape, and maybe she could do a laundry
>folding tape to get me motivated in that direction.;-) ;-)
>I'll pre-order anything Cathe makes.

:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7

RE: You MAY choose not to read this but...

Hi everyone,
I still do not see why this post was started, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I usually lurk and rarely post but I couldn't help it. I just want to say that anything Cathe puts out is fine with me, she has proven herself over and over again with providing us with great workouts. If anything is too high impact, I just modify to make it work. Just had to put my 2 cents in.

RE: You MAY choose not to read this but...

I have purchased a couple of books on organizing and I do ok on a short term basis. The question is how to make it stick! I have accepted myself as disorganized and I just keep plugging away at it!

Buttercup, you brought tears to my eyes. My kids keep me grounded and from taking anything too seriously! You are right: they are so smart and they see the beauty all around us when I am caught up in housekeeping and laundry. Their innocence and faith let me let go of how important it is to have an immaculate house--as if that ever happens for more than 5 minutes. You HAVE to let them in after school, you know!

I just can't take myself too seriously when I am hanging out with my talkative 6-year-old or a group of friends belonging to my 13-year-old or my 14-year old who is such a great kid if something of a drama queen!
Chicks's Rule! Bobbi
RE: You MAY choose not to read this but...

Just wanted to point out that this thread was NOT STARTED HERE! It was brought over here from VF. Please don't throw the "First Amendment" speech at me just because I think this thread should end. Go over to VF and complain as much as you want to about Cathe or any instructor that you don't like. As someone said before, VF is a consumer forum and if you're not happy with a product and want other people to know about it, post your views there. If you're extremely unhappy with one of Cathe's products or would like Cathe to produce a video on "organizing your house" :7 post your opinions to Cathe on her "Suggestions" column or email her or Chris at their business email.

I just feel that bringing this whole thread over here was like VFers were being "ratted on" (notice I said this is how I "feel", not that I'm saying this was the original poster's intent). I feel funny having an open discussion about the "positives" and "negatives" of Cathe on her own website. VF is the perfect site to have this kind of discussion!

That being said, I agree with you about her new workouts being something to eagerly anticipate!

RE: You MAY choose not to read this but...

I should end. What is the use in squabbling (is that a word???) over something we haven't even received yet? Who knows, maybe after only doing a 45 minute tape, we'll be jumping for JOY that it is over. Knowing Cathe, like we do, I am sure she will produce the very best possible. I also remembering Cathe always stating that workouts may change as she gets into them. She works hard on making a workout flow togther and if something doesn't work like she originally hoped, she will change it. (A WOMAN'S Perrogative;-)) I told myself I wasn't going to post here but I just think we should all wait & see! That is half the fun of pre-ordering. Your choice is to take the chance by pre-ordering or WAIT to hear reviews and then decide, but as for me, I know I will like each & every tape. (even if it means changing/modifying or doing only part of a tape.) There are so many possibilities with all the diverse tapes. I'll shut-up now.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Controversy can be fun!

It kind of ended on it's own since the subject changed to manatees and small kids. Of course, I now feel compelled to add;-) that I don't think it's so bad it ended up here where we tend to be gung ho Catheites nor do I think that anyone said anything that awful at VF. Obviously they were just sounding off about what they believe to be true and the truth is such a subjective thing! I'm shutting up now too! AND I am unsubscribing from the thread!
Chicks's Rule! Bobbi
RE: Controversy can be fun!

I love Cathe videos, she's never dissapointed or let me down once. Matter fact I've been pleased with every single video I've ever purchased from her.

Keep up the good work Cathe.

Edith :D
RE: Controversy can be fun!

>I love Cathe videos, she's never dissapointed or let me down
>once. Matter fact I've been pleased with every single video
>I've ever purchased from her.
>Keep up the good work Cathe.
>Edith :D

My sentiments exactly, Edith!

Linda:7 :7 :7
Here's MY two cents worth:
The videos/dvds are not out yet, yet this thread was started. It's our perogative to change our minds. Over at VF you can air your views on a product. It seems wierd that someone is complaining on Cathe's site - doesn't seem right. I'm sure there are plenty of us that have videos of workouts that we don't like, were disappointed and yet they sit in our shelves or cabinets. For all of us that have pre-ordered the new series i'm sure there will be favorites and not-so favorites - so what's the deal here?? So big deal - a particular workout is now 45 minutes as opposed to 60 (or whatever it is) who cares! I'm sure that when these workouts were being created, designed, tried and ready for filming Cathe took all the facts into consideration to give us all a well-thought out, top of the line product. That being said, I agree with all of my Cathe lovers - I will buy whatever she puts out on the market - how to re-thread the liner of your step in 3 easy lessons - whatever it is!! I'll be quiet now.

Take care,

I'm happy Cathe is coming out with a 45 min. weight workout. There are days when I should do a Cathe but don't want to do an hour or more of weights. CATHE ROCKS!!!:D :D :D
RE: You MAY choose not to read this but...

A Cathe-folding-laundry tape! Whoo hoo! Sign me up! If she can get me through that mountain of laundry I have to sift through every morning before I get dressed, I'm in, baby!

Can't you just see it? We'd get to wear cute, new outfits for folding laundry (unfortunately, creating more of it). We'd get to buy brightly-colored laundry-folding equipment. We'd start protecting our hour a day of laundry-folding time like a mother grizzly guarding her cubs. We'd have to start wearing sunglasses in our laundry rooms; the gleam from the rarely-seen countertop would be nearly blinding!

I think I'll order the DVD that also includes Cathe doing dishes. Maybe a circuit-style workout where Cathe does a few dishes, then moves quickly to the laundry room--always with impeccable form.

Love it, Dawn!

RE: You MAY choose not to read this but...

Thanks Shari,
Yep, Ms. Cathe needs to get right on this one. Circuit style!!! :D :D :D I love it!!!I only see my laundry room floor once a year, and that's in a good year.

I really like the part about the cute outfit. Maybe if I didn't look like a total hausfrau I could be more motivated! Move over Martha Stewart; Cathe as the new domestic dominatrix.}( }( }(

Shari, I've been folowing how you're doing. Congratulations on the weight loss!

This doesn't surprise me that people are complaining. I am preordering the workouts this weekend and I am sure I will love all of them.

I don't think I would like Cathe to do a low-impact workout. When I want low-impact, I modify. I even modify Imax2. It's not difficult.

I guess if you don't like that some things could change, then don't preorder ahead of time. I think complaints would be more valid if people have actually tried the videos first.

I remember when people at VF were complaining that Cathe was thinking of making a yoga tape called YogaMax. It was just a concept, but yet people complained about the name. I don't understand that one.

I didn't look at the thread at VF because it sounds like a big arguement. Personally, I'm not going to get all riled up over workout videos. There are more things in life that I could worry about. :)

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