Firewalker bands. I didn't see them online. Where can I find them?
Lower Body Blast...what a workout! I just wanted to say that my legs feel great after doing this workout. It definately hit all angles of the legs and are talkin to me! If you haven't done this workout your missing out! Thanks Cathe!
YAY!!!! Great to hear from you and everyone. I'm curious how you liked or did with the power tower section?
I did LBB for the 2nd time last night and selected the MONDO premix that included the tower! OMG!!!! Tough stuff...but oddly elegant and graceful! I always wanted to be a ballerina when I was a little girl and begged my parents for lessons or a barre. The tower segment gave me a taste of that dream....OWWWWIE!!!!! I can see that this will be a workout I will be growing into! Really loved it! Bet I feel it later on today!
No butts about it; I had the tremblies something fierce!
Yes, I loved the power tower segment. To be honest, I had to stop once or twice to get the little burnies out before continuing. Thanks for incorporating that into the workout. Btw, I'll be heading to the basement in a few to do more!