Would you have done it?

Okay, I must admit that I thought more people would have fixed the soap. :p

Kate - I like that you're OCD in a good way. :)

Lainie - Funny you would have fixed it depending on your mood. I think my handwriting improves depending on my mood. Weird.

Tracey - Although I keep all of my "like items" together in the pantry just so I can find them, I can't imagine keeping my Cathe DVD's in alphabetical order by series. Wow - you're really organized...or OCD! ;) I think I'm too lazy. :)

Lori - I just hope you put the toilet paper on with the roll coming off the top. I can't stand it when people put it on so that it comes from the bottom. I will change it every time at all of our work bathrooms at the college! Pet peeve. You don't really think I'm coo coo. You love me. :)

Melrose - That's funny. You sound like my sister. That's HER obsession. Imagine the fun my DH is going to have traveling with us later this week. He pretty much cracks up the whole time. He has fun. Or so he says...

Shelly - That's not nice! :7


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

>Lori - I just hope you put the toilet paper on with the roll
>coming off the top. I can't stand it when people put it on so
>that it comes from the bottom. I will change it every time at
>all of our work bathrooms at the college! Pet peeve.

I'm with you on that one.
Unless you're in a household with small children, and intentionally WANT the TP to be hard to unroll (especially with one hand), it just makes sense to have it coming over the top.
Hey Janie!

I was posting when you were writing your post. You know, that's funny that you say that b/c I can be kind of like that. If I have the choice to stand or sit I'll sit. If I have to stand I'll find something to lean on. You'll notice I said I'm lazy! :) I'm really not that lazy, but I always say I am. I actually keep really busy, but I'm too lazy to organize all of my Cathe videos alphabetically or make sure all the cans in my pantry face front. But little things bug me. If DH rubs his eyebrows the wrong way I make him fix them. Or the same with the hair on his arms - and it's not like he has a lot. Or if he pets the dogs I make sure he ends in the right direction. That kind of stuff makes me nuts. I'm a weirdo!

I'm lucky with my migraines b/c I don't throw up and I don't have to be in a dark room (although I'd prefer it). My neurologist says I've had them so long I've learned to live with them. What a nice guy. He gets them (or got them - he may have them under control) and passed them on to his daughter - just like I got them from my dad. So he is determined to help me. I've been seeing him for about 8 years and up until the past 6 - 8 months or so I refused to go on daily medication for them. So these charts are all new. I'm not sure why he was so impressed. It makes me wonder what kind of stuff people turn in to him! I just figured if he couldn't read my writing and if I didn't give him the details like whether or not I took Albuterol or if I did a really hard 40 mile ride, what was the point, right?

Thanks for your kind words. You're a sweetie too.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

I might have done it, if I was nervous. I tend to act more 'OCD-like' if I'm nervous. The other day I showed my neighbor my workout journal. For each and every workout, I indicate the workout, how many times I've done the workout, calories burned, calories burned compared to the last time I did the workout, average and max HR, and a brief description of how I was feeling during the workout. And that's just for cardio! For strength, I write the exercise, the weight, and the reps and sets on top of the stuff I do for cardio (yes, I do all that for strength workouts as well). I then compare that to what I did the last time I did that workout. After reading some of my journal, she looked at me like I was CRAZY! :)

The doctor and the charts thing reminded me of when I got pregnant with my second baby. My doctor asked me which hospital I was going to and was surprised I wasn't going to the nearest one, so I whipped out my spreadsheet with all the local area hospitals listing the various features and ratings of each. He still tried to argue with me and as it turned out I chose to go to a birth center eventually anyway. Anyway, he didn't seem to know what to think of my spreadsheets.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***


"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
Alice - Okay, I might have looked at you like you were crazy too. Just kidding! Sort of. :p That's dedication!

Lainie - A spreadsheet huh? Impressive.

You two are making me feel so much better and oh so mild!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Suz- I think I would have turned the soap container (IF it didn't look to germ infested) in the right direction...right after I staightened all the crooked pictures on the wall. Oh! and the petting the dog hair the wrong way drives me batty. Ds does this just to annoy me. Oh, and on the pantry cans, the front can has to be facing forward. All cans behind may face any which way...until it reaches the front.

[font face="script" color=magenta size=+3]*~Dallys~*[/font]

I would have ignored the soap, but if a picture was 1/16th of an inch off center, I'd have had to straighten it. I cannot stand crooked pictures - may as well run finger nails down a chalk board to me.

So, I think we all have our quirks. And honestly, I'll bet who ever put the soap container backwards in the first place probably never noticed that you turned it around - so no harm, no foul...
I wouldn't have noticed the soap dispenser, I do have to straighten a crooked picture.

At my house, we have the toilet paper running off the back. No small children, but cats who like to get the roll spinning. If mounted in the over-the-top method, I'll have a mess.

I make my shopping list by sections and in the order that my favorite store is laid out. My cans in my pantry all face forward.

I have a pet peeve about which way a refridgerater door opens. I lived in an apartment and you had to stand in the hallway to get to the contents of the fridge. A simple re-positioning of the hardware and it opens into the kitchen. My friend's house has her fridge opening the wrong way, as far as I'm concerned, but she doesn't care in the least.

I so would have "fixed" the soap dispenser. If not I would have thought about it all day. All my cans face front, are separated by catagory (ie soup, veggies, fruit) then put in alphabetic order and if necessary by expiration date.

When I first got married I put diagrams on the inside of the cabinet doors so my DH would know where to put things.

I have tried to go to work with out putting the coffe mug in the dishwasher and had to home during lunch and wash it! I'm crazy I know but in a very funny way it all keeps me sane!!!
Lol, if I would have noticed the soap, I would have so HAD to fix it. I'm not a clean freak, but when things are lop sided or uneven, I can't stand it! ;)
Yes, I would have done the soap thing probably. I am always stacking papers or pamphlets up if they are in disarray. People think I'm nuts, but I'm a neat freak!
Dallys - Oh good! I'm glad you've got more pet peeves like I do. One time we were at Culver's with my MIL and my sister. The table was crooked and it was driving me nuts. So I got up a straightened it. She also knows about my sister's germophobic ways. She said, jokingly - sort of - "Their days are just a little longer." :) DH purposely does the dog petting backwards and the eyebrow thing the wrong way just to make me nuts too.

Christine - I have this clock in my office that no matter what I do to it I can't get it straight. Makes me nuts! You wouldn't be able to stand it. I bet you'd get it fixed! :)

Teri Ket - Too funny that you would have thought about it all day if you didn't fix it. I walk into Wal-Mart and can't even remember why I'm there, so I'm sure I would have forgotten it eventually. :p

I love all these stories. Fascinating!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France


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