Workout card and list of exercizes


Why does the workout card I printed out and the list of execizes not match for disk one? They are similar but there are some differences. I was going to start recording my 1rm and noticed this.:confused:
Why does the workout card I printed out and the list of execizes not match for disk one? They are similar but there are some differences. I was going to start recording my 1rm and noticed this.:confused:

I'm sure there are bound to be several typos and wrong data listed throughout the STS workouts. This still has to be proofed really well and I plan on working on this hopefully next weekend.
Hey Smiles This is how I do mine
First go to the WM
Then I picked the date we are on. For example today I would pick the 20th.
Then where it says Sts workouts Add new. Select that
There will be an option at the top to select a disc #.Pick the disc you need and when the card comes on the screen go to the bottom and there should be a print and save option. Select that and you should have the card.
I hope these are good enough instructions.
The person that gave me instruction probably did a way better job.:eek::D
Good Luck
Thank you.

I do hope to get it figured out before my workouts come.

If all else fails.....I'll do what cathe said on the STS description... Lift the heaviest amount I can with good form (and not passing out)


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