Why don't people like to eat egg yolks?

>Here are 2 quotes by Kathryn:
>"And, again, you make reference to "these types" (like the
>"people like you" above). How dare you make generalizations
>like that and judgements about people you don't even know."
>"I've never met anyone personally with a breast augmentation,
>but I definitely do think somewhat less of them."
>So is it o.k. to be judgmental or not...or does it all depend
>on who is doing the judging?

x( Precisely why I am a lurker. I love eggs w/the yolks and I have breast implants.
Unbelievable, why am I not surprised!! Sharing an opinion should not be a smokescreen for rudeness. Reminds of the zealots that here in San Diego go around town with pictures of dismembered fetuses on moving van sized vehicles and park them in malls, near middle and high schools etc. with the excuse that this is their opinion on abortion. Everybody has a right to their opinion and someone will always disagree. However it doesn't give one the right to be offensive & use in your face tactics to get their message across.
the link is very upsetting, and clearly (no sh!t) a fertalized egg. we don't actuallly eat fertizlied eggs and for very good reason.
but lets give Kathryn a break.
You people totally ruined my appetite... I don't think I'll be able to eat an egg or a fetus in the near future....:D :D :D
>Unbelievable, why am I not surprised!! Sharing an opinion
>should not be a smokescreen for rudeness. Reminds of the
>zealots that here in San Diego go around town with pictures of
>dismembered fetuses on moving van sized vehicles and park them
>in malls, near middle and high schools etc. with the excuse
>that this is their opinion on abortion. Everybody has a right
>to their opinion and someone will always disagree. However it
>doesn't give one the right to be offensive & use in your face
>tactics to get their message across.

Try reading posts 25, 26 and 27 before you start attacking.


ETA: She can't take it back.. or would you like me to set up a cross to hang her from?
Oh Miss Robin!!! This is the most vocal side I have ever seen of you!!:eek: :eek: :) :) Don't tell me you have a bad side like the rest of us!!:+
> Oh Miss Robin!!! This is the most vocal side I have ever
>seen of you!!:eek: :eek: :) :) Don't tell me you have a bad side
>like the rest of us!!:+

Ah...I just try to be fair and honest. It angers me when someone admits they made a mistake and people keep kicking them. It's simply not right. As for the bad side, of course I have one;)...ask my DH...LOL.

I thought I was through with this thread but I just have to add another comment. I was thoroughly offended by the link Kathryn posted, but I take her at her word. She apologized and tried to remove it. That's good enough for me. Unlike some I've come to know on this forum, Kathryn is not deliberately nasty. I can't think of an instance where she posted with the INTENT to hurt or offend. I wish I could say the same for everybody else that posts here. She came back into a pretty hostile environment to apologize. It takes alot of heart to do that and I respect her for it.

Kathryn, I don't mean to talk about you like you're not here--LOL!

Michele :)
Ya' know I have always maintained that women are much more civil than men,choose to settle their differences in more acceptable ways (like simply agreeing to disagree) and given the chance would be more effective in positions of authority. After reading this thread that won't die, I think I know why we'll never get the chance to be in those positions. Ladies - it's an egg. (Though picture if you will the egg coming from a 4 year old anorexic chicken with breast implants.) Oh- have I just managed to pi** off everyone in one fell swoop!?

>Ya' know I have always maintained that women are much more
>civil than men,choose to settle their differences in more
>acceptable ways (like simply agreeing to disagree) and given
>the chance would be more effective in positions of authority.
>After reading this thread that won't die, I think I know why
>we'll never get the chance to be in those positions. Ladies -
>it's an egg. (Though picture if you will the egg coming from
>a 4 year old anorexic chicken with breast implants.) Oh- have
>I just managed to pi** off everyone in one fell swoop!?

One of the reasons I left my nursing career behind was because there was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much estrogen! Hip Hip Hooray for the big influx of men into the profession. I have always said, and still maintain to this day, women are the nastiest creatures on earth;)

Oh dear, what have I done NOW!

:) }(
>I thought I was through with this thread but I just have to
>add another comment. I was thoroughly offended by the link
>Kathryn posted, but I take her at her word. She apologized and
>tried to remove it. That's good enough for me. Unlike some
>I've come to know on this forum, Kathryn is not deliberately
>nasty. I can't think of an instance where she posted with the
>INTENT to hurt or offend. I wish I could say the same for
>everybody else that posts here. She came back into a pretty
>hostile environment to apologize. It takes alot of heart to do
>that and I respect her for it.
>Kathryn, I don't mean to talk about you like you're not
>Michele :)

What Michele said. :D


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
>I thought I was through with this thread but I just have to
>add another comment. I was thoroughly offended by the link
>Kathryn posted, but I take her at her word. She apologized and
>tried to remove it. That's good enough for me. Unlike some
>I've come to know on this forum, Kathryn is not deliberately
>nasty. I can't think of an instance where she posted with the
>INTENT to hurt or offend. I wish I could say the same for
>everybody else that posts here. She came back into a pretty
>hostile environment to apologize. It takes alot of heart to do
>that and I respect her for it.

As usual....very well said Michele!

Once again, I have learned quite a bit from a controversial thread. However, it's a shame it came about from a very innocent query about eggs. It's one thing for someone to come in with guns blazing and making insulting statements that affect many forum members (implants and eating disorders anyone?) - those people ask for it in my opinion. It's quite another when a good question gets asked and then gets taken completely off the beaten path. I also think Kathryn has been kicked enough times too. I am sure she will apply her extensive research skills to any links she might provide in the future.

Michele, you are too funny . . .

"One of the reasons I left my nursing career behind was because there was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much estrogen! Hip Hip Hooray for the big influx of men into the profession."

I have always worked in an environment of all men with an occasional woman thrown in for admin work or one who thought she could do what we do. I like being the only "girl"! I cannot imagine what a female dominated work environment would be like.
>Michele, you are too funny . . .
>"One of the reasons I left my nursing career behind was
>because there was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much estrogen! Hip Hip
>Hooray for the big influx of men into the profession."
>I have always worked in an environment of all men with an
>occasional woman thrown in for admin work or one who thought
>she could do what we do. I like being the only "girl"! I
>cannot imagine what a female dominated work environment would
>be like.

OOOOHHHHH!!! It's he!!, Rogue. It's just PURE he!!:D }(

hey, i think now we need a "why don't people like to talk about egg yolks" thread. woooooo.....

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

I've been on this Forum for a long time but this thread beats all others. And, such a simple question! Hey A-jock, Jillybean jump on this thread with me!

Anyway, I love eggs and eat them all the time, yolk and all.


Edited to correct typo in Jilly's name-sorry Jilly.
When I ate eggs, I didn't eat the yokes because I didn't like the way they tasted. :) I am in no way surprised that a simple question posted in an open forum could go the way this one went. Having one's consciousness raised is often distasteful, perhaps offensive but isn't it wonderful to get to see and feel someone else's perspective?

If you will, follow my bumper car of thought: I am going to hop up on my soapbox for a moment and say I definitely have qualms about consuming food at the cost of another being's life and, although I am not a vegan or even a vegetarian because I eat seafood and cheese, sweeten with honey, I would like to share that I have a way of choosing the animal products I feed my family, which is composed of both carnivores and vegetarians. My way may be different from the way you choose yours. I make certain that the poultry I buy is cage free because of the practice of debeaking which is used in conventioanlly raised poultry. If you are interested in learning more about that, Google it. I do not buy products treated with hormones and antibiotics because that might upset the delicate hormonal balances of my children or cause antibiotics to be less effective should they need them for some illness. I use only grass fed beef because cows are ruminants and they do not eat corn and feeding them corn fattens them up but it is not right for their digestive systems so corn fed beef is off our menu. I see to it that the cattle were free range because I prefer they eat cows that were well treated and happy in life and the practices of conventional factory farming do not conform with my idea of producing food which is healthy for my family and as cruelty free as is possible for the animals. My vegan neice educated me about conventionally produced milk and I was so grossed out I went organic because of it. Until that time, I ate as I did as a child, meat and potatoes, meals centered around that protein source. We drank whole milk as kids but as I got into fitness, that changed to skim and somewhere along the way, my awareness shifted and I started to think about the lives of the animals we consume and at this point, it is central to all my choices, both for the health of my family and the welfare of the creatures which give us sustanance.

I think of vegans as vegetarians by principle and that is a beautiful thing to my mind. :) I also like organics because pesticides, which were developed for warfare and discovered to have a use keeping pests off crops, might have an ill effect on the health of my family and the health of the planet. Last night I made pasta and cooked scallops, vegetarain meatballs and meatball meatballs. It's sort of a pain at times, but it's the compromise we have learned to live with. Live simply that others might simply live and be in touch with how our consumption affects not just us, but everyone and everything.

If anyone dismisses Kathryn because she has rattled their cage, they are losing a tremendous source of nutritional information and I would gently suggest that they pay attention because someone who has such courage of conviction can teach you many things, some of which you may embrace and some of which you may not. We are the creature with the higher consciousness and as we chose how we live our lives, we become aware of how our actions affect the lives of other people and other beings. Something as simple as looking for an egg carton marked cage free a a shampoo bottle stamped cruelty free can decrease the suffering in the world. For me that is very important and if I can convince one person of that, as I was once convinced, I am delighted to do so.

I have this posted on my refridgerator and I love it:

The Five Contemplations

The following verses are often recited before meals. They were written by Thich Nhat Hanh, based on traditional Buddhist teachings.

1. This food is the gift of the whole universe: the earth, the sky and much hard work.

2. May we live in a way that makes us worthy to receive it.

3. May we transform our own unskilled states of mind and learn to eat with moderation.

4. May we take only foods that nourish us and prevent illness.

5. We accept this food so that we may realize the path of understanding and love.

Hopping off my soapbox now. ;)

Bobbi "Chicks rule!"http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/tiere/animal-smiley-032.gif
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Oh Bobbi, you are a kindred spirit. I subscribe to your method of feeding my family & compliment you on your well thought out and beautifully expressed message. (Ok, we had pizza at a restaurant last night, but no one is perfect.:-( )

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