Why don't people like to eat egg yolks?

Ok, I have to say something but then I'm totally done with this. There are quite a few vegans and vegetarians on this board(myself being one) and we all have felt free to discuss issues related to our lifestyles for some time now. What we choose to eat or not eat IS related to wellness/fitness is it not? We don't always agree on issues but we all have the right to bring up our beliefs. I for one have learned a lot from people on this board, even if I don't agree with them. I think that's the point of an "OPEN" discussion board.
So, this IS the place for that sort of post. And I say...keep 'um comin' Kathryn. I'll be right there with you!!

>Ok, I have to say something but then I'm totally done with
>this. There are quite a few vegans and vegetarians on this
>board(myself being one) and we all have felt free to discuss
>issues related to our lifestyles for some time now. What we
>choose to eat or not eat IS related to wellness/fitness is it
>not? We don't always agree on issues but we all have the right
>to bring up our beliefs. I for one have learned a lot from
>people on this board, even if I don't agree with them. I think
>that's the point of an "OPEN" discussion board.
>So, this IS the place for that sort of post. And I say...keep
>'um comin' Kathryn. I'll be right there with you!!

My goodness, such sophistry. Carolyn, in general I agree. I've found the animal rights discussions on this board compelling enough to be considering a change in my life. However, Kathryn's post had nothing to do with health and fitness, as we both know. No one is arguing against the point of view, but against the time and place chosen to express it. Please, start a topic about animal rights and I will happily read and learn from those who are "in the know" about such things. This was not the place for it.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
>Just wanted to say that it is possible to respect another's
>point of view and still feel as if there is a time and place
>for it. We have had many vegan/vegetarian discussions on these
>boards that involved the discussion of animal rights. There
>are people on this board who consume animal products. That is
>their right. They should be able to post topics concerning
>that without feeling spanked by those who disapprove. If the
>vegans were having a discussion about the immorality of
>consuming animal products and a meat-lover on the board posted
>photos of a family happily enjoying big, juicy burgers I would
>find it just as unnecessary.
>Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of
>arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but
>rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn
>out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage

Well said, Sparrow--as usual!

I can see both sides too :) I totally understand (and admire) feeling so passionately about something that you just feel compelled to mention it.

Poor Colleen...did we scare her off? Come back Colleen!! We are not always so hot-headed....:p


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
>That was not very nice. Sorry I asked! Was that your sense
>of humor? Are egg yolks a touchy subject for you? Is this
>why many people lurk and not post here, because of being
>zinged like that?
>Thanks for all the responses, I was just curious!

Sorry! I'd just recently seen the other site, and this brought it to memory.
>Boy, I agree Colleen. Some people need to GET-A-LIFE.
>Katheryn...if you have a need to get up on a PETA high horse
>then there are web sites just for people like you. You will
>find many of your kind there willing to exchange all sorts of
>animal cruelty photos and stories. Go on..knock yourself

I don't know what you mean by "people like me." I am not associated with PETA, nor am I a member. I don't why ýou feel the need to attack.

I'll have to admit, I didn't even really look at the site I linked to (except for a very quick scan of the photos while scrolling down quickly), so it may be more offensive than I assumed. And from the quick view I did see, I don't want to look more closely.

I apologize to anyone who was offended, and will remove the link.
The editing period for my post is up, so I cannot delete the link. Please don't click on it, as it seems to be more offensive than I intended it to be.

Apologies to those who were offended by it.
>post and she should be adult enough to
>edit that link out. But oh...where is she?? Typical of these
>types. Do a drive-by and then high tail it to safety.

FYI: I DO have a life (as per your previous post) and I was busy living it instead of coming back to this forum before now.

So, what do you want me to do, have a life, or stick around here all day?

By the way, I did try to edit, but I want you to be sure to know it is NOT because of this post, which I read after I tried to edit --unfortunately, editing period is over.

And, again, you make reference to "these types" (like the "people like you" above). How dare you make generalizations like that and judgements about people you don't even know.

Yes, I am PISSED by this post, I am in pain and on drugs, and I don't need your attacking remarks.

And you could at least have the courtesy to spell my name right!

Rant over!
Sorry to any of you who got spill-over.

Any of you who KNOW me would realize I did not intend to make this a hostile thread.
The question posed was not concerning your beliefs or anyone else's. The question was merely a dietary question concerning the consumption of egg yokes.
Just thought I would say that most, if not all, commercially sold eggs are not fertilized, therefore they would never become a baby chicken. I know this doesn't affect their Vegan status, but just thought I would post the reminder.

I do eat the yolks, but I am not huge on eating eggs really. I do bake with them. The whole yolk controversy arose out of the cholesterol scare of the 80's. I think it has been shown that moderate use of whole eggs in the diet doesn't raise cholesterol. My understanding of the cholesterol issue is that folks who have very raised cholesterol, have levels that high because their own bodies manufacture too much.
LOL at the egg controversy! Good Grief! Just wanted to say that I like to eat EGGS, completely or not completely. I never thought there could or would EVER be a thread on eggs that would offend anyone. Either eat it or don't! Why does everything here have to be a science? Let's move on, please!

>Sorry! I'd just recently seen the other site, and this brought
>it to memory.

>Any of you who KNOW me would realize I did not intend to make this a hostile thread.

Kathryn, I'm glad you posted again. I must admit I was surprised by the link and the thought did occur to me that you don't normally go out of your way to be hostile or offensive. I don't KNOW you as well as many here, but I have come to respect you a great deal and, as I've stated before, have benefitted many times over by your usually well thought out and instructive posts.

By the way, I do hope your leg is healing well. I saw above where you said you're in pain. Maybe you should continue those antibiotics as pain can be an indication of infection. Can you see the wound? Is it red, swollen, or draining? Could your slacks be rubbing and chaffing the wound?


1. Long long ago in a place far far away there was a question: "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?!?"

2. Many moons later a new controversy erupted - EGGS are BAD for you because they have FAT in them and they are high in CHOLESTEROL!

3. With the high protein lifestyle taking hold a whole new controversy started as to whether to eat eggs because they are the MOST COMPLETE PROTEIN one can find.

4. Now this thread - which, by the way, started out with a rather good question about whether one should consume eggs yolks for the benefits or not consume them because of the fat and cholesterol issue. Holy smokes, a whole new controversy is uncovered in one little well placed link!

Thanks everyone for keeping it REAL here in Cathe Land! I for one am now on my toes when it comes to links posted in innocent appearing threads.

As for the original question in this thread . . . I, for one, like EGGS. I eat them in moderation as I do all things. I think they are a very good source of protein and other nutrients. And I will continue to eat EGGS despite the tactics used by others to dissuade me from doing so.
Well, I just read this whole thread. Whatta mess. No offense meant to anyone involved, but I did get a good chuckle out of it. We are a mighty explosive group, aren't we?
Please! Anyone who reads hear with any frequency knows that Kathyrn did not purposely try to offend anyone. She posts a lot and was just trying to share a little information. I enjoyed the post (I don't like eggs but give me a steak or hamburger anyday).
Here are 2 quotes by Kathryn:

"And, again, you make reference to "these types" (like the "people like you" above). How dare you make generalizations like that and judgements about people you don't even know."

"I've never met anyone personally with a breast augmentation, but I definitely do think somewhat less of them."

So is it o.k. to be judgmental or not...or does it all depend on who is doing the judging?

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