Why do you exercise at home?

Because if I have to drive somewhere to work out I won't...I'm just plain lazy and just won't do it. I've tried over the years and the memberships just go to waste. I love working out at home because it's convenient, cheap (okay, not so cheap considering I have around 160 workouts), I don't have to dress in any certain way, it's comfortable (in everyway, climate controlled to the way I like it, etc.), I don't feel like I have to perform or meet any standards at all, or feel like a wimp because I might have to modify a move and there is a HUGE variety of workouts...I'm not limited as to time or day or what is being offered.
My reasons for working out at home were:
1.I didn't want to pay for child care to workout(couldn't afford it at the time either)
2.I couldn't afford a gym membership.
3.I like sweating by myself.
4.The gyms in this town are just social gathering places.I want to workout and get it over with.
5.I also beleive that most of Cathes workouts are harder then what i would do at a gym.
6.I wouldn't be able to join a aerobics class b/c i am not that co-ordinated.If I buy any other workouts then Cathes....it takes me A LONG time to get the moves down.
Ditto everyone else. I have to completely agree with what Tammy J. said. There's no question about it--when I work out, I'm gonna sweat--alot. I'm also going to huff and puff, get stinky, and wear very little clothing b/c I get very hot. I'm going to push myself to the point of extreme unattractiveness, and to be frank with you all, it ain't pretty!!!!! If I don't do all of this, then I didn't do myself any good in my opinion. I have a friend who started exercising a few months ago to lose some weight and was frustrated b/c it wasn't working. She then told me one day when I was telling her how nasty I get when I work out, "Oh, I don't sweat when I work out. I usually take a shower before I do." I laughed and asked her how she expected to do any good when she wasn't willing to work up a good sweat! LOL!
I am so glad to hear that I'm not the only "sweatiest girl (not) in the gym" -- I look like I've taken a shower after working out, but believe me, I start out dry as a bone. And in the summer when it's humid I get even hotter working out.

I appreciate the fact that unlike other home workouts, Cathe and Co. don't look all fresh and pretty at the start of each section. In others the instructors never seem to sweat at all. In one workout she even comments about the sweat dripping off her nose. Cathe's so much more "real".

I work out at home because there is no better personal trainer, mentor, coach, instructor than Cathe. Once I discovered Cathe - I completely stopped going to the gym, yet I stay motivated because I LOVE her workouts so much. And I'm finally relying on free weights rather than the machines and seeing results much faster. At the gym, the meatheads dominate the free weights section which is a little intimidating and a lot annoying, so I'd never use them there.

Another benefit to home workouts for us sweaty girls - you can stick a wet cloth/towel in the freezer for a quick face cooldown when you cannot take the "heat" (intensity) of your workout another second. It's quick, and refreshing enough to get you right back into the workout.

Happy workouts fellow sweaters!!

The number one reason I get up at 4:00 AM to workout and I'm not willing to get up any earlier to get a gym bag ready and drive to a gym. Plus, I know there are gyms open at that time but the one I belong to doesn't even open until 6 or 7 AM.

Also, I hated waiting in line to use everything. Plus, I don't want to talk to anyone when I workout. People are always asking advice, how to use machines, etc., instead of asking someone who works there.

And the #1 reason - naked women sitting on everything. Yuck!
For me, it's mainly because.....I'm a total germophobe! Plus it's easier with three kids, and the embarrasment factor is eliminated.
I do both. I LOVE the gym I go to. www.lifetimefitness.com

I also like working out at home during the week when I don't have a lot of time to pack up and go to the gym. I like to go to the gym on weekends mostly because I get to take my time and take a steam or sit in the hot tub after my workout. They have child care there and my 8 year old LOVES going. There's a lot for him to do and he gets his excercise also. They have a mini basketball court where he hangs out most of the time. Everything is very sanitary too. The locker room shower floors are sprayed like every minute with some automatic sprayers that are installed in the walls. I love that it's open 24 hrs too.

I really enjoy doing both. I also love the huge variety of classes at the gym too. They have beginner/intermediate or advanced classes to take. I must say the advanced classes are right up there if not harder than Cathe's workouts.

99% of the people I see are seriously there to workout. There are people there of all shapes and sizes, and it's never overcrowded.

I did notice it was pretty crowded last year the weekend after Thanksgiving! Wow! But I still didn't have to wait in any lines or anything.

Ditto to all that Kathryn said although I can boil my reasons down to one: other people!!

There are too many messy, smelly, 'orrible, nosey, irritating and vain people out there and I don't want to share one of my favourite activities with them. LOL. I like to think when I work out and that's quite hard to do when there's some bloke looking down your top (although after spending time with my kickbox workouts I think I know how to deal with that now ;-) ) or someone rattling on about who's sleeping with who and how drunk they got.

Don't get me wrong, I love people, just not the way some people become when they go to the gym.

I have worked out in very posh gyms, gnarly gyms and some places inbetween. I've worked out with friends outdoors and indoors and I really enjoy doing that but I find I work harder when I'm on my own. I'm also a little bit of a germ freak after being hospitalised several times as a child because of others poor hygiene.

Dani, I think I could probably work out at your gym :)

I also heartily agree with what Bobbi said. Working out at home gives us access to the world's best intructors. I wish gyms were better and it would be nice to go to a clean gym where everyone is thoughtful and the class is always creative and fun but it looks like we're not there yet.
- Lisa :)
Wow! Dani I checked out the link you provided. Unfortunately for me right now the closest one of these gyms is a two hour ride south! LOL!! But, it looks amazing. I'm so glad you found such a great one, and that you enjoy it so much!

For me the thing that most annoyed me was taking a step class, and having people talking so LOUDLY all around me I could barely hear the instructor - and she was wearing a microphone!! It was so rude. And, not to sound politically incorrect or mean or anything ... but I did notice the women who were talking the loudest to each other were the ones who most NEEDED the aerobics!! LOL!!

I also noticed at every gym I tried that a lot more gossip and idle chitchat went on than actual "working out". I felt intimidated going over to the "real" weights. It was mostly buff guys in there, and they didn't look thrilled to see me on "their" machines or using the heavy weights. The free weights went virtually untouched by the women. Even at Bally, which was back then called "Scandinavian", there would one or possibly two women working with heavier free weights or a barbell, and all the rest were men. As for the machines, I never really enjoyed them as much for some reason. I got tired of the strange looks, and sometimes outright smirks when I used them. Oh well. I'm perfectly happy working out at home!

Thanks all! I really do enjoy it. I know they are expanding so there may be one near you all soon! :)

There are actually two of them 10 minutes from where I live in opposite directions! The one in Warrenville, IL and the one in Bloomingdale, IL each take me only 10 minutes to get there. Funny huh!? With my membership, I can go to either one I want!

If you're interested in what kinds of classes they offer, here is the schedule for the Bloomingdale center. My favorite is the Cardio Kickboxing.


If you scroll all the way to the bottom you'll see the classes are color coded letting you know if it's beg, int or advanced. Fitness Enthusiast Level 4 is similar to the intensity of a Cathe workout. The Elite Performer ones are VERY HARD!

Health Seeker Level 1
Health Seeker Level 2
Fitness Enthusiast Level 3
Fitness Enthusiast Level 4 --> Similar to a Cathe workout!
Elite Performer Level 5
Elite Performer Level 6
Special &/ or Senior

They also have aquatic classes:


What's really great is the cost is not bad at all. It's nearly the same as what my friend is paying to go to Curves!
-Don't want to pay for gym membership
-Have an exercise machine at home
-Saves gas to stay at home and exercise
-Can wear my house clothes to exercise so don't need to change
-Already have dumbbells from my last attempt to exercise
Workout videos are fun. I can't imagine working out daily in the gym, it would get so boring. Love the fact that I can workout at my own pace and don't have to worry about getting embarrased.
1) Convenience and flexibility. I work long hours and can work out at home late at night if I need too.

2) Save time. I don't waste time driving back and forth to a gym, socializing, waiting for equipment etc

3)I can shower at home not in a yukky germy gym.

4) I get the results I want at home with Cathe and don't feel like I am missing anything by not going to a gym.

5) The only thing I go outside the home for are dance classes.
The main reason was that when I started I weighed a little over 200 lbs and I couldn't imagine myself jiggling around in front of anyone. I hated the way I looked and was depressed and disgusted. Now I could go but I have what I need at home and it is convenient - I just get up and do it - (and if I want to workout in my shortie pajama bottoms and my bra top I can - not I do that often but I have overslept before!!!)
I'm with my pal Bobbi on this one!

I work out at home for one reason: Cathe. I've accumulated a very nice fitness equipment setup at home to complement my Cathe habit, and I've become a workout monogamist. :) My one and only favorite instructor is always available 24/7!

If I lived anywhere near Cathe's club I'd join it in a heartbeat and try to make it to as many of her classes as I could (plus, the new club just sounds awesomely cool.)

Hey, a big shout out here to my girl Bobbi -- how ya doin', buff girl? I miss "talking" to you and the "fort" gang. ;-)

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/spezial/spudniks/spudniklifter.gif
Chiming in as another sweaty girl! I am always hot to begin with, even in the winter, and when I work out, it's totally disgusting! I love being able to have the AC blasting in the summer during a workout. I never thought of the towel in the freezer idea- thanks Joni!


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