Why Cathe should NOT do a Yoga Workout

RE: Kathryn...

Breathing into your knees shouldn't be taken literally, but figuratively. It's a way to focus the breathe downward and a way to "open up" that area. For example, try this. Lay on your stomach and relax. Now "breathe into your lower back; then breathe into your hips". Did you feel it? It's a way of focusing on an area to open it up i.e. relax it. If you didn't feel it - that's common. It really takes practice for some people to do it. But once you're able, you can relax a body part almost on command. Pretty cool, huh? Cheryl
I feel the same way. If Cathe comes out with a yoga video, it will probably be like her others: even better than expectations. And, fitness oriented, not branching outside of the health/fitness realm.

Even in Cardio Kicks, Cathe says at the beginning, "We are not martial artists... this video is not going to improve your fighting skills..." I would expect the same treatment with yoga.
I don't think you need to be a yoga expert to teach yoga. Karen Voight has done some great yoga videos, streamline fitness being one of the best. Beautifully done. Gorgeous infact. Just because she isn't some yogi doesn't make me like it any the less. If Cathe came out with a yoga video (which i think she probably won't anyway) i would buy it. Would i think she didn't know what she was talking about? No, not at all. You don't need to know how a car runs to benefit from having one. Yoga can be about a lot of things. Flexibility. Strength. Meditation. All, and more...
WHEW!! I've stayed out of this one, but I am now curious about one thing ... has anyone actually *asked Cathe* if making a yoga video is something she'd like to do? I'm just wondering what she herself would think of this.

Hi Carol,

If I'm not mistaken, Cathe did mention a yoga-type video either last year or the year before. I can't remember which series it was. And also, if I'm remembering correctly, there were quite a few people who didn't seem to care for the idea...I was NOT one of them :7

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, please. Am I remembering correctly?

Does anyone believe that yoga poses truly provide the benefits that experts claim? I love the way yoga makes me feel, in fact, nothing makes me feel as good as yoga, yet I'm not completely sold that the poses truly benefit the organ or spine or whatever that the experts claim. I would like to believe it though. Does that make sense?
Just my luck to really love the one form of exercise that probably is not doing me much good! Darn.

It makes sense to me ...I feel that exact same way....who knows, though....We are told so many things in regards to fitness, some conflict with others, etc.

I do think it helps the spine. And I know my posture is definitly improved. And yoga poses do make my body feel really great...so that's something, right? :7
Here's a link to the history of Yoga. I must say that my temper is not ignited because of my recent study of Eastern religions but I am sensing a very strong bigotry here. In this Judeo-Christian society, there is a definite disconnect between Nature and man and if anyone views his body as sinful and having "dominion" over Nature, I understand why. But as I stated earlier, Yoga means union and it is about the flexibility of the spine and the body. As we know, our brains communicate with our bodies along the spinal cord, with nerve endings connected to each organ which is why yoga masters might claim that you can influence any organ or gland through Yoga. Breathe deeply and think of any organ, any source of tension, now breathe out and let it go...

Yoga is not a religion and anyone of any religion can incorporate Yoga and mindfullness into their lives and not compromise their life in Heaven. No where will you find anyone who tells you you are a god. In fact, Buddhism, my favorinte Eastern philosophy, has no diety.

Cathe is an extraordinary aerobic instructror. Should she produce a yoga video, I am sure it will be a wonderful and safe instructional workout.

But it may not be Yoga.

Chicks's Rule! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Bobbi
I couldn't really care less about yoga myself. I admit it's a difficult.....what do I call it.....session, and the moves are difficult for me but I don't really consider it a physical workout comparable to intense cardio or weights. Especially since I have taken the classes a few times now. Just my opinion. And the people wearing the sandals with the greasy hair looking like they worship John Lennon or something really turn me off. So the whole "religious" aspect of it just doesn't work for me. But that's me.....
Anyway, I think Cathe should do whatever video she wants to do. If people like it, then they'll buy it. If they don't like it, they won't keep buying. It's really not our call, it's hers. And she's a very smart lady so I trust her judgement.
Bobbi, I couldn't agree with you more. Thank you for putting it so eloquently.
I don't dispute that there may be a minority of teachers out there who bring their choice of religion to yoga class just as, for example, Billy Blanks has done to his own brand of kickboxing, Tae Bo. Yoga has wonderful benefits whether you're doing power, astanga, Iyengar, Kripalu, Bikram or whatever.
- Lisa :)
I know Cathe puts a lot of work into her workouts. She usually films once a year. I wonder if she could film non-traditional and lower impact workouts midyear and her regular step/weights as usual. I can understand that people don't want to give up even one workout to yoga/pilates but maybe if she did them at a different time they might be more willing to try them. I know I am not a kickboxing fan but still get the whole package.

In answer to the question.. Yes I think Cathe could do justice to a yoga/pilates workout. It would just have a more athletic emphasis.

Thanks so much for presenting this viewpoint in such an informative and well-written manner. I feel very much the same way. Take care.
I agree wholeheartedly with Runathon! I don't do yoga now, but I love the relaxing and stretching of it...she does some yoga stuff in ME I think and and the addition is nice. In fact, maybe that's a good idea for her in the future. I think Cathe would produce just that, Runathon...an intense yoga-styled workout without all the eastern meditation stuff (I don't get into that either) and in Cathe's hands, I think it would be an excellent workout...and no high impact either, right?
Lydia, you are right on! I really think Yoga/Pilates has a lot to offer...without the Eastern mediation stuff....for those who love to workout and are specially looking for something that will work the core hard and offer flexibility/stretching training. Ahhhhhhh....I could just see a Yoga/Pilates by Cathe.....;-)

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/lach.gif[/img]
I just recently received a video called Yes Training. It is a yoga workout with weights. I think that Cathe would do a good job on something along those lines. I would buy a yoga workout from Cathe in less than a minute or pilates for that matter. In fact, I am still waiting for it. If the other yoga participants do not want it, then don't buy it.

Not inflamed - I was just looking forward to yoga from Cathe.


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