Who was your childhood crush?

I'm totally dating myself here, but I was mad for both Paul McCartney and John Lennon when I was a kid, almost to the point of insanity. I was definitely out of my gourd.
The number one heartthrob for me was Christopher Reeve. I had a ton of posters of him wearing his Superman costume hanging in my bedroom. Also collected the Superman trading cards. Too silly!

Number two was Harrison Ford as Han Solo and Indiana Jones. I really think Harrison Ford is still quite handsome!

there was alot of music in my house and not much tv, so i had crushes on singers that were totally dependent on their album covers...my firswt crush was James Taylor, the 2nd was Willie Nelson and Barry Manillow was 3rd.......i still think willie and James are hot!

i also though Animal from the muppets was very sexy!!!

>Richard Dean Anderson (MacGuyver)

How COULD I forget him (and he's still a hottie, IMO! But we're both older now!)
Davy Jones

"Peter Brady" Have you seen him on the new season of "The Surreal life"? He still looks really good - especially without a shirt}(

Micheal Jackson. I know - EWWWWW, but back then he was normal looking and not a pedophile (I assume).

John Ritter as Jack Tripper in "Three's Company".
Definitely Davey Jones...my Monkees lunchbox was the coolest thing ever. Glad to see Davey mentioned by a number of other posters of (I assume :D ) my "vintage".
Lee Magors in the Bionic Man

It was something to do with all his "artifical" bits and pieces, and he seemed to have the "staying power" of a ever ready battery

Oh my!.............I think Im in "love" again


You have to stay in shape. My grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
I gotta say, I watched the Monkees nonstop as a kid but they were re-runs (I'm 29). And though Davy was the cute one, Mike Nesmith had that quite shy charm to him and I distinctly recall an episode of the show that revealed that he brushes his teeth three times a day. Cute green hat and fresh breath to boot!
>"Peter Brady" Have you seen him on the new season of "The
>Surreal life"? He still looks really good - especially
>without a shirt}(

Oh, yeah, baby, he looks fine!
And though Davy was the cute one, Mike
>Nesmith had that quite shy charm to him and I distinctly
>recall an episode of the show that revealed that he brushes
>his teeth three times a day. Cute green hat and fresh breath
>to boot!

AND his mother (or grandmother?) invented liquid paper. I remember hearing him on the radio sometime around 1977, asking for people to invest in the company. If only I had thrown a few bucks in that direction, I'd probably have a nice stock portfolio by now!
I had a crush on the older Hardy Boy... Parker Stevenson and Apollo from Battlestar Galactica ( i don't know his name)
Then as I got older Harrison Ford (Han Solo and Indiana Jones) and Mel Gibson (year of living dangerously ooh baby!!!!!)now MEl is lookin' kinda yuck

Parker Stevenson of the Hardy Boys.
Dirk Benedict from Battlestar Galactica.
Don Johnson from Miami Vice (but only because my high school crush was named Don Johnson, too).
But my VERY VERY first crush was the actor who played Cisco on The Cisco Kid. I was so little when that show was on that I don't even remember that actor's name.
Oh, oh!

I liked Johnny Depp, too...and Richard Grieco...and Tom Wopat from the Dukes of Hazard.

And I was a huge Duran Duran fan - I could never decide if I like Simon or John the best.
David McCallum from the Man from U.N.C.L.E
Paul McCartney
Davy Jones from the Monkees
Jack Wild. He was the Artful Dodger in the movie musical Oliver and I think was also in the Saturday morning show H.R. Pufnstuff. I heard that H. R. stood for 'hand rolled'. Well it was that era LOL.

Hmm I just noticed I had a thing for Brits.
I remember sitting at the top of the stairs and listening to Elvis movies as a little girl. My sister and I loved Elvis...

Davey from the Monkey was another of our favorites.

John Travolta, then and still now...

Then there's still Clark Lawson who sat beside me in fifth grade... I hear he's married now and a big lawyer in my little home town... I moved away.

Clark Gable could always move me too!

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