Who was your childhood crush?

>I had a crush on the older Hardy Boy... Parker Stevenson and
>Apollo from Battlestar Galactica ( i don't know his name)

Oh, yeah,them too!
I think my biggest childhood crush was Tom Cruise. I don't like him all the much now. He comes across as arrogant IMHO. I still think he's pretty good looking but not as much as I did then.
Jordan Knight from New Kids on the Block and Johnny Depp. Johnny Depp was first though, I had a crush on him in 7th grade, Jordan came in 8th grade! Oh my gosh I forgot about one other though, this one was just as bad as Jordan Knight, Corey Hamm. I think that's how you spell his last name, it's the kid that played Lucas, and was the younger brother in The Lost Boys. I had picuters of him from the teen magazines all over the back of my door, just like with Jordan and Johnny though. Johnny wasn't as bad, but I did have some pictures of him up too. Heck, when I was in College I had a poster of him on the back of my door! (Johnny Depp that is!) Ha, ha!

Oh, I just saw this thread. When I was a kid/teenager I liked Robert Conrad and Jan-Michael Vincent. Anyone remember them? Also Ryan O'Neal.
;-) ANDY GIBB! The youngest brother of the BEE GEES who died at age 30! I still love him to this day and own several pictures of him! What a doll! "I just want to be your everything!"
Mark Lindsay from Paul Revere and the Raiders. Remember seeing him on TV when I was only 4 and having a thing for him that lasted till I was about 12 or so. Does anyone remember those guys?
My absolute first when I was 7 was Michael Jackson in the Jackson 5 then Lee Majors in the "Big Valley". As I wandered into my preteen years Leif Garrett, luckily that didn't work out :+ . All these names you guys are coming up with are making me feel OLD ;-) .
Okay, I'm seriously going to date myself, but here goes. As a kid (pre-high school) I had crushes on Little Joe from the Big Valley - or was it Bonanza (aka Michael Landon), Davy Jones, David Cassidy, Donny Osmond, and Speed Racer (yes, Speed Racer and yes I realize he's a cartoon - but he was hot), and Dwayne from What's Happening. As I got a little older, you can add in Parker Stevenson (yummy), Shaun Cassidy (what was I thinking?), Leif Garrett and Andy Gibb.
Christopher Knight is looking good without a shirt? Last I saw him, he was looking kind of doughy. Must have started a workout routine for The Surreal Life.
I just read an article about Christopher Knight. Apparently, before he showed up on Surreal Life, he was on a celebrity fitness show and that's where he shaped up.

He was definitely a childhood crush for me and he's looking great now. He's 47 - I thought he was younger.

I also liked John Travolta and Adam Ant.

There you go! I love Chuck Norris NOW, and when I was a kid I loved Paul McCartney. I saw him in concert 2 years ago, and I'm wishing to meet Chuck Norris someday. I heard he lives in Texas. He is the fitness example for all of us in our 50's+.
I do remember loving Christopher Reeve as a kid. It was 4th grade and I remember Margot Kidder saying, "You've got me? Who's got you?!" That was a fantastic movie.


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