Are ya kidding me?!? It's the lowest of the low when you do your passive aggressive drive-by on someone's b-day. Whether you like or loathe someone, don't they get a break on their special day? one else on the forum may know you one-starred it, but do you really want to go to bed tonight knowing that you don't have the guts to stand up to someone's face but can cowardly run around one-star rating someone's b-day thread? Is your life really so uneventful and petty that you have to log on and one-star stalk someone? Why don't you take your big girl pill and call back in the morning?
PS...You do realize that one-starring a thread draws more attention to it and makes MORE people want to read it, right?
PS...You do realize that one-starring a thread draws more attention to it and makes MORE people want to read it, right?
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