Who has had the flu this year?


How long did it take to completely get over it? I came down with the flu last Wednesday night with high fever, chills, aches,etc. Stayed in bed for 4 days, took Tamiflu for 5 days and thought I was better. Here it is 9 days later and I still am achey and tired. Is this normal?

Mine lasted 14 days the worst ever. I did not have the diaherra and puking I startetd feeling a little better after a week and then just weak and a cold followed mine.

I hope we are done.

"Double Knot your laces and let's move on"
-Cathe Friedrich
Ours lasted a good 2 weeksx( Although the dr didn't call it the flu, she called it a "flu-like virus". Felt like the flu to me:p I'm just glad we are on the mend. Now we have to try to avoid the stomach bug that is on the rampage now:eek: Hopefully we don't get it with vacation coming!
My parents are still sick and they've been fighting it for two weeks. I also got it and it's now been a week and half and I finally am starting to feel better.

Hope you feel better soon!

I had it for atleast two weeks with the second week just feeling extremely exhaused and weak. Definitely couldn't work out. Also on the heels following it, I got a sinus infection. So people can call it a flu like virus but it felt like one of the worst flu bugs I had ever gotten. To top that all off it seems like we as a family have been plagued with various viruses ever since. We can't seem to get a break. So just take it easy.
Haven't had it myself but our employees and families have been hit pretty hard and it's lasting a week at minimum. Few of the kids were in the emergency room getting IV's for fluids. All had quite high fevers.

Now hopefully I haven't jinxed myself - seems to be what is happening to me every time I say I haven't had that or I haven't felt like that . . .

Just got the cold I thought I had "missed"x(

Hope you get well sooner rather than later;)
*raises hand* had EXACTLY the same symptoms you did, Gin. Had it for nearly 3 weeks back in January. I was utterly miserable, plus had really bad nausea. Went in to the doctor and told him I felt like someone had poisoned me. He said 'no one's poisoned you, you're just being dramatic...these things just have to run their course' (aw, all I wanted was some sympathy x()

Hope you feel lots better soon :)
Mine also lasted 2-3 weeks. I also got a sinus infection afterward with HORRIBLE headaches, which lasted for another 2 weeks. This was the worst flu for me, too. I am sure being pregnant did not help. I am FINALLY feeling better now. I hope you do soon!
I had the flu this past December. It lasted a week. I hope your start feeling better.

¸ .• ♥ ´¸.•*♥´¨) ¸.♥•*¨)
(¸.•♥´ (¸ ;.♥•Jennie•♥

Smoke free since: 2/05/08
I laughed when I saw this and thought, "who hasn't had the flu this season?"x( Everyone I know, including myself had it for a whopping 5 weeks or longer. I just had the chest cold flu, others had the pukes and the fever. DH had it for about 2 months, it was horrid. Then alot of folks caught the same flu again later on!

This too shall pass, just rest when you can, get your vitamins in and drink lots of water. Thats what I did....you poor baby, hopefully you will not be sick too much longer.
Started feeling sick on a Tuesday while I was on vacation/work on the Big Island of Hawaii training with another acupuncturist. I had coughs and body aches and fever on Wed. and Thurs. The vog (the fog from the erupting volcano on the Big Island) didn't help - my chest was tight (I had asthma as a child and young adult - all gone now for the most part). Felt a little bit achy and coughing on Friday, but flew back to Honolulu that morning, and treated a handful of patients that afternoon. The coughing and heavy chest lingered for a week or so mostly because of the vog. I didn't miss a day's work and I'm back to working out heavily. But, my throat on one side sometimes feels a little irritated and I'm still a little phlegmy. I'd say this was actually a really bad bug. Some of our patients have had it really rough.

My quick remedy? Lots of Chinese medicine and needling myself (acupuncture needling) and mega doses of vitamins and immune stimulants. I'm feeling so much better now, but I don't think I'm 100%. I've been too busy and then lazy to work on myself and I've been missing my Chinese herb doses. Yikes! I need to practice what I preach!

Hope you get well soon! Edie
I didn't have the flu thankfully. I was vaccinated but heard that they missed a strain that was circulating this year and so the vaccine wasn't as effective as if it had incorporated all circulating strains. It still provided some cross protection against the missing strain and so if you were unlucky enough to get infected with that strain you would get sick but not as sick as if you weren't vaccinated. The flu typically can knock the sails out of you for 2 weeks, but longer if you have underlying health conditions or your resistance is down. Since it is an upper respiratory viral infection , you can come down with a secondary infection in the respiratory tract caused by bacteria that can make you seem like the flu is lasting longer. In this case, you might need an antibioitic to clear up the secondary bacterial infection.

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