Hi Everyone,
I know alot of us posted something in the post Donnas Rotation.I was just wondering, who out there besides for me is doing it? I just sat down and wrote the full rotation in my daily planner and I also stuck pitcures of buff females before each week to help keep me motivated.Can me crazy but I nedd has much help as I can get to try and stick to something.
So, I was wondering if anyone would like to check in each week to let each other know how it is going and at the end of the 6 weeks share how much further we have come.Weather it be weight loss,weight gain,increase in endurance,muscle mass....etc.
Sunday would probably be a good week to check in b/c it is a light day.And it doesn't neccesarily have to be Donnas rotation either.It could be for anyone out there who is doing a rotation.
Just a thought.Let me know if anyone is interested.I don't want to check in all by myself:-(.
Chat to ya soon,
I know alot of us posted something in the post Donnas Rotation.I was just wondering, who out there besides for me is doing it? I just sat down and wrote the full rotation in my daily planner and I also stuck pitcures of buff females before each week to help keep me motivated.Can me crazy but I nedd has much help as I can get to try and stick to something.
So, I was wondering if anyone would like to check in each week to let each other know how it is going and at the end of the 6 weeks share how much further we have come.Weather it be weight loss,weight gain,increase in endurance,muscle mass....etc.
Sunday would probably be a good week to check in b/c it is a light day.And it doesn't neccesarily have to be Donnas rotation either.It could be for anyone out there who is doing a rotation.
Just a thought.Let me know if anyone is interested.I don't want to check in all by myself:-(.
Chat to ya soon,