Who else is doing Donnas Rotation?


Hi Everyone,
I know alot of us posted something in the post Donnas Rotation.I was just wondering, who out there besides for me is doing it? I just sat down and wrote the full rotation in my daily planner and I also stuck pitcures of buff females before each week to help keep me motivated.Can me crazy but I nedd has much help as I can get to try and stick to something.
So, I was wondering if anyone would like to check in each week to let each other know how it is going and at the end of the 6 weeks share how much further we have come.Weather it be weight loss,weight gain,increase in endurance,muscle mass....etc.
Sunday would probably be a good week to check in b/c it is a light day.And it doesn't neccesarily have to be Donnas rotation either.It could be for anyone out there who is doing a rotation.
Just a thought.Let me know if anyone is interested.I don't want to check in all by myself:-(.
Chat to ya soon,
I'm going to start Donna's rotation next week and see what kind of results I get out of it. I'd be happy to check-in and whatnot with you. I usually don't participate in the weekly check-in because I haven't been sticking to my diet and rotations. I've just been working out kind of sporadically. Of course I was just going to check-in the regular Monday check-in that Donna or one of the other gals usually starts. Let me know what you think.


P.S. Kittycat here's the link to thread with Donna's rotation that she did to drop almost 40lbs in 6 weeks.
Looks like a nice rotation but I am suppose to get the Intensity series today (hopefully it will be waiting for me when I get home) and would like to do that series. Wonder how you can fit that into Donna's rotation???
Thanks for the link! That looks tough!I just finished a PS rotation so maybe I'll try it after my intensity rotation!

Now remember what my starting weight was because if I did that same rotation today the results would clearly not be the same, so remember there is a HUGE difference between doing that rotation at 180, 190, 200lbs and doing it at 264lbs. I don't want anyone to be too disappointed. :(


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
I weigh in at 245lbs (actually managed to drop 5lbs even with my sporadic exercising but keeping my eating fairly clean most of the time) plus, I'm going to use your rotation for 12 weeks instead of 6 weeks. But I'm definitely not expectig to achieve the exact same results, but should I achieve them I won't complain that's for sure. ;-)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-03 AT 07:31PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Lori,

I'm doing the rotation too! I started at 267 in Aug. and am now at 249 (due to a recent 4lb gain). I've almost made it through the first week...I am behind on doing PS CST so will double up tomorrow!

I'm not used to doing a full cardio/weights in one day so luckily I started this while on vacation so I could take naps. Should be interesting next week when back on a full work schedule.

I'll let you know Sunday how its going and how my weight is looking.... I find that the first week or two of doing something new my body goes into hibernation or something.. I won't expect significant results until week 2 or 3.

~~ Sharon ~~
HI Sharon,
I am behind to.I think we are on the same path...I am on my first week.I didn't work out on New Years Day so I did PSL&Abs yesterday and now today I am going to do Chest.HOpefully, I won't be to sore tomorrow or I may not be able to do Power HOur.
I thought it would be nice to check in to keep us motivated.And besides we are here all the time anyway, so its not llike we have to make time to come here and post.:7
Donna, I know not to expect to much.I think you are feeling as if we think we are going to lose major numbers and then if we don't it will be all your fault.But don't feel this way.I don't have much to lose,I am just happy to have something to follow.I have done whatever I feel like when I get up and start my day with little or no reason.I just want to get more visual muscles and I know my diet is going to play a large part in this.And I am happy to have something to keep me occupied while I am waiting for the new DVD's.
Thats about it for now.I need to get energized for Kick Boxing now.Chat to everyone soon.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-03-03 AT 10:48AM (Est)[/font][p]I'm not doing Donna's rotation, but instead I'm going to do a strength rotation for a month and check my progress. Then I hope to move to endurance for a month. Would you mind if I checked in with you all even though I am not doing her rotation?

I figure I have about 10-15 pounds to lose, depending on how much muscle I can tone and strenghten. On Sunday I took all of my measurements, arms, chest, waist, hips, thighs, and calves. I figure that even if the scale does not move then maybe I will gain muscle and lose maybe an inch or so somewhere.

I thought I should add that I am also keeping an exercise/food journal to log my progress. With my strength workouts I am logging exactly how much weight I am lifting so maybe I will see some increases.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-03-03 AT 11:25AM (Est)[/font][p]I started Donna's rotation Monday also. I got a terrible cold, and have missed 2 days worth of workouts. I am going to work out today, but I will probably only manage to get in the PS Series this week. I TRIED, BUT MAN, THIS COLD KICKED MY BUTT. I finally went to the dr. yesterday and got some good medicine. Lori, I would love a check in. I am like you, I don't stick well to rotations and maybe that will keep me going on this one until the DVD's arrive. I am going to do PSlegs today.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-03-03 AT 12:13PM (Est)[/font][p]Well, you *know* I'm doing Donna's "Kick My Arse Into Next Week PS Rotation".;-) So far, I'm right on track.

Jilliana, a 12 week rotation of this sounds very good. If I wasn't waiting on the Intensity DVD's, I'd probably *try* that, depending on the first 6 weeks results.

Waterbabie!!!!! You're wt loss is impressive. Go Girl!

LoriSax, hope you kick that cold to the curb. Feel better soon!

I'd love to check in on Sundays. This is gonna be a tough rotation and I can always use the motivation. Sometimes it's just hard to find time for the 2nd workout. Accountability is what I need.

My eating stinks tho. :'(

Robin http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/flower.gif
You fitness freaks! I can't believe you guys are going to do 100 minutes a day of exercising!

I was getting all of these guilt pangs because I don't think I can fit Donna's rotation in, between work and school. Then I realized - I work out an hour a day! Nothing to feel guilty about.

I admire your dedication for even attempting this rotation!

I was of course just kidding about the "fitness freaks" remark. :) Sorta.
I decided to give this rotation a 12 week run because I had to change it around a little bit to fit everything into only 5 days a week. I work the graveyard shift on weekends and so I spend Sat & Sun mornings sleeping; and by the time I get up in the late afternoon my son wants me to play with him and then I start dinner and before I know it, its time to leave for work again.
My VHS tapes of the Instensity series will arrive today I'm sooo excited to at least preview them. However, since I hadn't been consistent in my exercising I felt that Donna's rotation would be a little bit easier for me to follow. The reviews of the new tapes intimidated me a little to put them on the back burner until I'm a little stronger. Of course, I may work a tape or two into the rotation.

Well I finally caught the yucky cold thats going around. :-tired
I'm officially behind on the rotation. Instead of trying to catch up I think I'll tweak the rotation a bit for me as well. Despite my good intentions.. it will be a struggle for me to put in more than an 1hr per day except on the weekend and I'm skeered to cut back cardio on at this point.

Kay, I had to laugh! *Fitness Freak* Ha!! This is a person who didn't believe in sweating 3 years ago. I think this is an obssessive/compulsive phase that I'm going though. I figure I'll ride it as long as as I can.

JillianaI'd be interested in seeing your 12 week version?
It should give me some ideas for my own tweak.
~~ Sharon ~~
Here it is


Here is my version of Donna's rotation I didn't change too much of it around I just kind of compacted it. However the last leg of her rotation I did change by substituting two tapes from the Intensity Series (I got my tapes today and decided to throw them in last minute) and plus I figured if anybody decided to give my rotation a try after 8 weeks the DVD's should have been released and shipped by then. I'll be starting this rotation on Monday so I won't be checking in until the following Sunday with everyone but I will weighing and taking my body measurements on Sunday in preparation for Monday. Here it is, hope you like it.

Weeks 1- 4
Monday: Pure Strength Strong Legs & Abs
Tuesday: PS Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps + 60 min Cardio
Wednesday: PS Back, Biceps, & Abs + 60 min Cardio
Thursday: Cardio Kicks
Friday: Power Hour + 30 min Cardio

Weeks 5 - 8
Monday: Maximum Intensity Strength + 30 min Cardio
Tuesday: Cardio Kicks
Wednesday: Pure Strength Strong Legs & Abs
Thursday: PS Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps + 60 min Cardio
Friday: PS Back, Biceps, & Abs + 60 min Cardio

Weeks 9 - 12
Monday: PS Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps + 60 min Cardio
Tuesday: Pure Strength Strong Legs & Abs
Wednesday: PS Back, Biceps, & Abs + 60 min Cardio
Thursday: Cardio & Weights
Friday: Muscle Endurance + 60 min Cardio

Hi Lori,

I am going to do Donna's rotation in February, when I order the PS Series. At the moment, I still currently only own PH, and MIS, so I shall have to wait until then.

Please keep us informed on your results, Lori, as I am really interested.

Anna :)
Thanks Jilliana

This looks like a good one too. I did some planning last night and think I'm going to try and stick with Donna's original. It won't kill to have two days a week with 2 sessions.

~~ Sharon ~~
RE: Thanks Jilliana

Well,when should we start checking in? Is tomorrow to early? Nah,we can start a check-in tomorrow just leting each other know how we did all week.It doesn't have to be about our fitness gains b/c at this point it is probaby very few.
Alright,I am looking forward to this.Atleast I know that there are people out there who are doing the samething that I am doing.Probably wouldn't hurt if we wrote down what about of weight we are using so that if we want to increase it we can.
Anyway,have a good day.Oh, I feel like I have been hit by a truck! i don't feel well rested at all.I think my work out is going to have to wait until after work.
Your Welcome

I'm going to sign in and post my weight and starting measurements and hopefully in 12 weeks I'll have some kind of strength gains and weight loss to report. This will be good, I so have a habit of just blowing off my workout so I'll definitely need guidance and words of wisdom to keep me on track.
Now if only I could talk my b/f into working out with me. I'd do soooo much better with a buddy. *sigh* C'est la Vie.


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