Who else is doing Donnas Rotation?

RE: Your Welcome

I tip my hat to ANYONE who does PowerHour AND cardio back to back the same workout! PowerHour zaps my strength like none other! :)

Please let me know your final results, even your "along the way" results, I really am interested in hearing them. And most of you probably eat better than I did then so your results might be fantastic! :)


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
RE: Your Welcome

Donna, I hope it don't zap to much energy cause that is what I am going to do now.I don't know if I am just going to do 30 min of cardio or 1 hour and then I am going to do PowerHour.But I have done it like that before.i just may fall asleep earlier then usual tonight.But I like sleep to, so I am winning all the way around.:7
Anyway,when we check in I guess we will call it......PS check in? O.k be talking with you ladies tomorrow.
Oh, I also substitued 30 min strecth day for pilates.Which I am sure is alot alike.
RE: Your Welcome

Well, I finished week 1 this a.m. with PH!!!! Then I ate a Reese's peanut butter cup, just to sabatoge any wt loss I may have had this week. x( But, DH did tell me last night that he could see a little, teeny, tiny bit of definition in my arms. :D Feeling all buff over here!!!

I guess I should post that tomorrow. Oh, well.

Donna, tell me about your stretch day. Did you use a tape? I've had a couple of stretch tapes and yoga tapes...they HAD to go. Recommendations?

Robin http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/flower.gif
RE: Your Welcome

At that time I had only 1 stretch tape so I did the Denise Austin "Flex & Stretch" video. It's a 30min stretching tape.

But if you feel like you get adequate stretch from your workout all week, you should just take a rest day. Or if you're one of those lucky ducks with a DVD player, I guess you could string together a couple of Cathe's cooldowns from some of your favorite workouts and make your own mini stretch workout. :)


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!

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