Hi fit babes! I meant to get here much sooner than now but my time isn't always my own! I'll do personals first, then tell you what's up on this end.

I'm going back a ways so I hope I'm not too stale on the discussions!
Lisa--we have cheap movie nights here on Tuesday evenings, does that entice you and DH to go? I'm sorry that your neck hurts with any weight you lift, but remember your neck has to support that big brain of yours! I so wish I could quilt, I've dabbled in it and I'm a terrible amateur. I'm glad you've got the creative bug! I love it when I'm inspired to be creative. There must have been something in the air about getting mad at DHs. Mine got grumpy when I asked him about something for the grocery list and I said, "You know, I don't have to buy anything for you!" I have a DH who keeps everything inside. Drives me nuts but I let it go. I have motion sickness issues and there's an OTC med that works really well for that--Bonine. Have you tried it? I didn't know you were a FL girl! How long did you live there? I grew up in the San Francisco area but I've adapted to the NW completely. In fact, I've always been a sock girl but I now have to wear shoes all the time because my feet hurt too much!
Hi Mary! Like Ronne said, that is really a sweet thing to do for your niece! That's never been done with my family. I'm glad your dad is home and doing well! My dad moved from CA to southern WA in July 2016 and I am SO happy he's closer to me, I don't worry so much. He will be 86 next month. I don't think I've forgotten to pay bills, but that could be because I'm blocking that kind of trauma! I don't want to pay late fees and interest on anything! I'm sorry you got sick but glad you are better now! I get crabby when I'm sick too, it's such a waste of time.
Ronne, that is awesome you lost your Christmas weight! I avoid the scale most of the time and only get on it when I feel thin. That's not very often! I'm jealous that DH cooks, how lovely! I laughed at your encounter with the scammer, good for you! Years ago, I had a scammer call me and I asked at one point, "where are you calling from?" "Oosa," he replied. I hung up because he didn't say USA. Hmm, I can't imagine not paying for health care, or Rx after 60! I am like Jody, pedis here but only in the summer, and I ignore the hands. I used to give myself manis but it got to be too much work and I needed the time back! I like Cathe's Feb. rotation and plan to do it someday! I'm still on the Beachbody program I started Jan. 15.
Jody, I hope you got a lot of travel money for the overtime you've done! No fun to spend it on homeowner stuff. I have to brag here that although DH doesn't cook or express his feelings, he can fix or build anything. I would loan him to you if I could! I really like your bill paying system when you have those pesky mini tramps! I may do that too. I don't have any hiking suggestions in March where it will be warm enough other than Sedona, AZ but that is a tourist trap, especially that time of year. Other than that, Palm Springs, CA but I've never been there! However, if you head out west, I wanna know! And...speaking of neighbors, the youngin's next door who have 2 kids on a 2 bedroom septic, have rented their cabin out on Airbnb! Did they tell us? No. We're still researching who we should turn them in to. I'm so sorry about your mom's anger, but I really admire how you find the humor in it all. I completely understand why you do not want to take care of a puppy! I saw the headlines this evening about the shooting. Prayers to all affected.
Hi Murphy! I'm sorry you got the crud! Glad you are better.
Roxie, I hope you get diagnosed correctly with what's going on with you soon!
Thank you all for your support and hope about the dream job I want! To answer your questions regarding any news about it---no, no news whatsoever! Last week, I snooped a bit and determined that I did not even make it to the top 2 candidates. An offer was extended to someone and apparently, negotiations are taking place. That's all I know. None of my references have been called and I am so disappointed. I could go on and on about speculation and stuff but it doesn't matter. I am happy where I work now, and hope to be promoted someday.
And, I have good news too! The puppy we wanted to get is OK after all! The second vet did not hear a murmur and he was taken to a doggie cardiologist this past Sunday to be sure. I know that clinics can be scheduled for breeders to check for certain things and we went too, with BB. I thought the clinic would be for all different types of dogs but the waiting room was full of cavaliers! Our little guy was the only puppy. The cardiologist has 2 cavaliers himself so I was thrilled when he said our little guy Riley had no murmur! BB and I are picking him up this Friday. I imagine that chaos will likely ensue at our household over the weekend!
I hope to come back soon, but I may need to establish a routine with the doggie kids before then. Love to you all!